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Leave a gift in your will

    Let protecting human rights be your legacy to the world

    Your belief in human rights for all, forever, can live on. Join us as a Human Rights Guardian by leaving a gift in your Will to Amnesty International, and help build a world in which human rights are respected for generations to come. If you would like to speak to us about leaving a lasting legacy to human rights and justice through a gift in your will, please click on the link below. You can also find out more information by scrolling down.

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    The impact of your legacy gift Why we have left a gift in our will Legal information and sample wording
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    The Legacy Giving information on this website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice and assistance from your lawyer, financial advisor, or tax consultant. We recommend that you discuss your plans with your lawyer and/or financial advisor before proceeding with a legacy gift.

    Gifts of life insurance Only when the last prisoner of conscience has been freed… the last torture chamber has been closed… the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a reality for all the world’s people… will our work be done. - Peter Benenson, founder of Amnesty International

    Together, we can ensure Amnesty International has the resources it needs, not just to respond to human rights abuses, but also to prevent them. Thank you for your support!

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