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There’s still time to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. Can we pull it off? Hazel Healy makes the case for conditional optimism.

Can we move away from fossil fuels without destroying the communities that rely on them? Sam Adler Bell looks to the devastated US coalfields of Appalachia.

A Dutch company turning food in to intellectual property reveals a failed economic order, Edna Mohamed writes.

Indigenous feminists in Guatemala encourage women to speak out against male violence, and to heal and defend themselves as they defend their ancestral territory. Frauke Decoodt listens to their stories of resistance.

Barney Cullum speaks to a Sudanese victim of Italy’s recently passed law that abolishes ‘humanitarian protection’ for those who have been refused asylum.

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May-June 2019, Issue 519

Big story

  • Twelve years left
  • How do we get to zero carbon emissions?
  • ‘Real education happens outside the classroom’
  • First-class lifeboats
  • Life after coal

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