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© 1997-May 2010 Ernest Lilley
© Jun - Dec 2010, 2011-2019 Gayle Surrette

  Jun 2019 
SFRevu Home

Senior Editor: Gayle Surrette
Editor Emeritus: Ernest Lilley
Associate Editor, US: Paul Haggerty
Columnists: Drew Bittner / Sam Tomaino
SFRevu Archives

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Editorial License:
  • Editorial Matters - June 2019 by Gayle Surrette

    US Books
    Graphic Novels/Manga
    Media Watch
    Zines & Short Fiction - Sam Tomaino
    Convention Calendar

  • US Book Reviews:
  • Children of Ruin (Children of Time) by Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • The Deepest Blue (Tales of Renthia) by Sarah Beth Durst
  • FKA USA by Reed King
  • The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t with Her Mind by Jackson Ford
  • The Hive (The Second Formic War) by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston
  • Luna: Moon Rising by Ian McDonald
  • Man-Kzin Wars XV
  • Oblivion (Starfire) by Steve White and Charles E. Gannon
  • Pass of Fire: Destroyermen by Taylor Anderson
  • That Ain't Witchcraft (InCryptid) by Seanan McGuire
  • Time Storm by Gordon R. Dickson
  • Today I Am Carey by Martin L. Shoemaker
  • Velocity Weapon (The Protectorate) by Megan E. O'Keefe
  • Waste Tide by Chen Qiufan
  • Winds of Marque (Blackwood & Virtue) by Bennett R. Coles