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Convenient, portable and a highly visible education tool, article reprints (professionally produced copies of journal articles) are a very effective way to educate and disseminate research to your target audiences.


Article reprints from SAGE’s portfolio of respected peer-reviewed journals discussing products, therapies or topics related to your company can be provided online, in print, and translated into a local language for a key market.

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Numerous options for the customisation of print reprints are available, including:

  • Colour covers and printing,
  • Shrink-wrapping,
  • Addition of product codes or disclaimers,
  • Collated articles reprint (a selection of relevant articles reprinted together).

With a number of printers and distributors at our disposal we are able to offer a timely and cost-effective delivery service to ensure reprints are delivered according to your requirements.

Pocket Articles

Add customer value with a Pocket Article Card at your next conference or customer event. This handy business card is a convenient way to brand your company and website whilst also providing industry knowledge to your customers with access to a free article on a specific topic pertinent to your business and product line.
Information included on the Pocket Article Card:

  • Sponsor Advert,
  • Journal name,
  • Featured Article,
  • QR Code and URL linking to the sponsored article.

OTO Pocket Article

Translated Article Reprints

Partner with us to produce local language reprints of selected journal articles in the geographic region of your choice.


In keeping with the rapidly evolving world of reprint usage and dissemination, we offer a number of electronic reprint (or e-print) options to suit your needs. Benefitting from faster delivery and the ability to monitor usage, e-prints are quickly becoming an invaluable tool in marketing key products.

E-Print options and formats

  • Original e-prints: for desktop and laptop use, not macs

    • Need to download .exe file for first use only
    • Looks like the article PDF
  • Flash print: for desktop, laptop, MAC use. Can also be used on mobile devices
    • Internet access always required
    • Looks like the article PDF
  • M3 mobile: for use on desktop, laptop, MAC and mobile devices
    • Optimized for mobile devices, single column

Further information on e-prints

E-Access Links

Give your customers immediate access to articles online through e-access links posted on your website.

  1. Links to the article on the journal’s website,
  2. Include the e-access link in individual emails or in an email blast,
  3. Choose from 6 months to one year of unlimited access.