

Watchdogging and fact-checking the crappy journalism of the right-wing news media.

Beigetreten November 2009


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  1. vor 4 Stunden

    . deletes a post mocking Caitlyn Jenner without explanation — strange, since it’s no more transphobic than its usual work and hating is totally on brand for the MRC. Perhaps or can explain.

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  2. vor 9 Stunden

    . repeats a bogus attack by on a school textbook purportedly critical of Trump, ignoring that the book was critical of Hillary as well.

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  3. vor 21 Stunden

    One the same day that Jared Kushner downplayed Russian election interference that was designed to help get Trump elected, did the same thing.

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  4. vor 22 Stunden

    . just loves it when right-wing lawyer Joe DiGenova goes into his insult-comic routine, ranting about how bad liberals are and encouraging people to obstruct congressional investigations into Trump.

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  5. vor 23 Stunden

    . of repeats ’s lament that CNN gave more airtime to "sleazy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti,” but he forgets that Dershowitz is a sleazy porn lawyer as well, with his entanglement in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

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  6. vor 24 Stunden

    Will tell its readers why this post was mysteriously deleted? (Weirdly, the tweets promoting it were not.)

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  7. 12. Mai

    . complains about Democrats’ purported “naked refusal” to accept that Trump is president, forgets that WND editor Joseph Farah nakedly refused to accept that Obama was elected president:

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  8. 10. Mai

    . cheers 's bashing of for being , but oddly never notes Graham’s sycophantic support of a thrice-married adulterer who pays hush money to porn stars.

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  9. 10. Mai

    A prime example of how has supplanted “media research” with personal insults.

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  10. 10. Mai

    . of has a massive meltdown over the dinner, raging at journalists and even historian Ron Chernow for failing to be Trump sycophants.

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  11. 10. Mai

    . was, as usual, in full gush mode for the April unemployment numbers, though it did eventually concede that the low labor force participation rate is a concern — something that would’ve led the story if Obama was still president.

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  12. 9. Mai

    Dubious doc of the fringe-right is at it again — using her perch to fear monger about and mock the proven idea of herd immunity.

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  13. 9. Mai

    . is very angry that every single news report on Joe Biden isn’t solely about his “grabby hands” — to the point it actually did a time count of coverage that didn’t report on that already-reported story.

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  14. 9. Mai

    . tries to brand the shooter — who went to a conservative Presbyterian church founded in response to mainline liberalism and who showed a solid grasp of Christian theology in his manifesto — as a “left-winger.”

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  15. 8. Mai

    NEW ARTICLE: Meet Aryeh Spero , the loopy columnist whose mendacious hatred of President Obama is surpassed only by his slobbering love for President Trump.

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  16. 8. Mai

    . does a WND thing, continues to push the conspiracy theory at the may have been intentionally set, probably by Muslims:

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  17. 8. Mai

    . of and his “news” division made a half-hearted, last-ditch effort to save Stephen Moore’s Fed nomination after his retrograde attitude toward women and maltreatment of his ex-wife was exposed:

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  18. 7. Mai

    How is CNS managing editor hating gays today? By ranting that Anheuser-Busch is “celebrating the agenda” of by having a rainbow-colored bottle.

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  19. 7. Mai

    Oh, look, that piece on ex-white nationalist Katie McHugh turned up another ConWeb link: hired her for a few months in 2017 after she was fired from Breitbart for a virulently anti-Muslim tweet.

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  20. 7. Mai

    So is givng free publicity to the stunts of Laura Loomer, who’s motivated by extreme hatred of Muslims more than anything else and is making a new career out of complaining that her Islamophobia got her deplatformed.

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