
Sudan: The Dictator Goes but the Regime Lives On

Since December last year Sudan has been seething but it now looks like the Army have reasserted control. What started as bread riots last December, in the historic working class city of Atbara, transformed itself into a campaign of mass civil disobedience.

An Open Letter to my Compatriots in Algeria

Seeking to erode Algerian-Moroccan enmities stoked by nationalism and to share perspectives on his own experiences in the February 20th Movement in Morocco, a Moroccan filmmaker addresses Algerians who have taken to the streets starting on February 22, 2019 in a plea against authoritarianism.

The Crisis of the Sudanese Regime

It was the tripling of bread prices which sparked off the current revolt in Sudan. People first took to the streets in the town of Atbara in north eastern Sudan on 19 December 2018, but they did not restrict their demands to bread even though some had not managed to find any in four days. They had had enough of the brutal military dictatorship of Omar Hassan al-Bashir which has ruled the country since 1989. The protestors not only demanded “freedom, peace, and justice” but also echoed the slogan of the 2011 Arab Spring that “the people want the fall of the regime.” As a symbol of their wider political demands, the ruling party headquarters in Atbara was burned to the ground.

Against Pension “Reform" in Russia

Statement about recent pension reform in Russia written by the Krasnoyarsk Marxist Workers’ Group.

In Defence of Smashing Cameras - Audiobook

An audiobook created by Audible Anarchist on the dangers presented by photographers at protests, and the need to combat the most dangerous behaviours.

In Defence of Smashing Cameras - Anonymous

A response from journalist critics of protestors taking action to defend themselves from identification and repression. Written in 2016 by an unknown author, recent events have shown it to remain very relevant.

Up Against the Wall - Anonymous

A short communique from 2003 about the construction of a wall to expand Israeli occupation and how anarchists can respond to this and other attempts to erect borders between peoples.

Disillusioned with mass marches through London? Organise your own TUC demo at home!

A guide to organising a TUC march in your house, by DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts).

Ethiopia: Massive protests in Oromia region suspend gold mining operations

Massive protests in the Oromia region of Ethiopia have forced the government to revoke a gold mining license for MIDROC Gold.

Protests across Sudan against austerity measures and price rises

Qassim Badri attacks a student

Protests have erupted across Sudan in response to a doubling of bread prices. At least one high school student has been killed, and the Dean of a womens' university was filmed beating protesting students in Khartoum.