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Showing posts with label Ouwendyk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ouwendyk. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Examination of Marc Lemire: Part XIII

Between 2008 and 2013, ARC published a series of articles detailing Mar Lemire's racist past and his involvement with the Heritage Front. I compiled all of the links on this single page:

It has been more than six years since I've added to this series of article that highlighted the history of Marc Lemire's involvement with and eventual leadership of the Heritage Front. When I posted the last few articles I sort of felt like I was beating a dead horse so whenever I had heard of Lemire's name come up in my investigations, such as his participation in the memorials of lawyers Doug Christie and more recently Barbara Kulaszka I either briefly discussed his involvement or ignored it all together.

Chris Edmunds, Malcolm Ross, Michele Erstikaitis, Marc Lemire

I had assumed there was no further use in covering Lemire since I believed he was of no particular significance any longer.

That turned out to have been a mistake on my part, but it is a mistake that journalists such as Mack Lamoureux has rectified:

Those articles on Lemire that I thought of as overkill I'm happy to say helped Mr. Lamouroeux in his research so I sort of feel a bit vindicated in having written them, but full credit to Mack for his dogged work.

I know there was another journalist who had been working on this story as well but she appears to have been stymied by the City of Hamilton for some reason which no doubt will result in a great deal of interesting speculation:

However, Ms. Craggs was able to get Lemire to speak about his involvement with the Heritage Front after the publication of the "Vice" article.
In news that will surprise no one who follow this blog, Lemire lied:
"The Heritage Front stuff dates back to when I was a teenager," Lemire said, linking to an article where he said he's not a Nazi or white supremacist. 
"I reject the Heritage Front for what it was, as I have stated consistently for over 11 years." 
But, as Vice reported, an archived web page from the Heritage Front's website from 2001 shows Lemire distributing flyers saying "immigration can kill" in Hamilton. A post on Lemire's own webpage from that same year also describes him as the "head honcho" of the organization.
ARC first published this a number of years ago:

Hmmmm, 152 Carlton Street....

When this was published on Lemire's website, he would have been 26 years old.

In fact Lemire hosted the Heritage Front on Freedom-Site from 1998 (age of 23) to roughly 2001 when he appears to have moved it to a separate server. Here is an example of one of those early Heritage Front websites (December 2000, I believe):

And here is the HF merchandise page where the hate group sold their magazine featuring former KKK leader David Duke and videos by the leader of White Aryan Resistance Tom Metzger:

Gee, 152 Carlton Street again?

Surely a coincidence.

And here is a request for donations to keep Freedom-Site alive:

There's that 152 Carlton Street again!

Curious isn't it? I mean, it would be amazing if one could link that address directly to Lemire, wouldn't it?

Oh! You mean he had a personal webpage?


And by the way, here is one of the images of the Canadian Patriot Network Lemire designed:

Subtle Marc. Real subtle.

And what did his other website look like when Marc would have been 23?

Tsk, tsk....

The reality is that Marc already tried to snow people regarding his past with the Heritage Front. In that case, he had a willing stooge in Ezra Levant who refused to challenge Lemire's claims because Levant also had an agenda:
Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.
Well, Lemire is right that he was involved with the Heritage Front as a teenager:

CANADA - FEBRUARY 23 Hearing Adjourned Heritage Front leader Wolfgang Droege and his white supremacist supporters leave University Ave. courthouse yesterday. (Toronto Star)

But he was also involved in his early 20s as he continued to count Wolfgang Droege as a friend:

Saturday, January 12, 2019

For Someone Who Claims He Doesn't Support Nazis, Travis Patron Sure Does Associate With A Lot Of Nazis

In the follow-up article to an earlier article posted to ARC regarding a planned event by Travis Patron and the Canadian Nationalist "Party", it was noted that the event had been cancelled and Patron made a not-so-subtle threat directed at myself and other anti-racist activists. Now for someone who claims to be a supporter of free speech and bristles at "being silenced" it might seem a bit hypocritical that he would look forward to "permanently silencing" me and other like me. That however presumes that Patron (and other like him) actually care about freedom expression other than as a means for his own ends.

We've seen this song and dance before:

When posting the screen shot of the threat though, I initially failed to notice one of the individuals who had commented:

Tyler Chilcott is this fella:

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Far Right Continues to Embrace Anti-Democratic Ethnic Nationalism and Authoritarianism (With Northern Alliance Cameo)

It has been an interesting week in the news. Donald Trump attacks traditional allies including Canada (specifically the Canadian prime minister) and his supporters in this country eat it up. Some of them have openly advocated for the invasion of the country to remove the Liberal government by force. Others "merely" want him to impose punitive tariffs on the country so that Canadians are made to suffer for the folly of electing the Liberals. Most of those self-described "patriots" ARC keeps an eye on unironically continue to refer to Justin Trudeau as a traitor. In the meantime these same "patriots" celebrate when Trump refers to a man who inherited his dictatorship from his father and grandfather and who's government is responsible mass execution of dissidents and the imprisonment of anyone who is believed to oppose the regime as being "tough" but who still "loves his people."

Really though, none of this is at all surprising as these elements of the far right in Canada, the United States, and many other countries have openly embraced ethnic nationalism and authoritarianism despite still claiming to favor democratic freedoms.... so long as those democratic freedoms are only afforded to people who look and think like they do.

I recently read a very interesting article that discussed the phenomenon in the United States. Research indicates that intolerance of minorities cause much of the majority population (white) to reject the principles of democracy when it is seen as benefiting otherwise marginalized peoples and results in a willingness to embrace authoritarian forms of control that will maintain their dominance even in the face of demographic changes:
A new study, however, suggests that the main threat to our democracy may not be the hardening of political ideology, but rather the hardening of one particular political ideology. Political scientists Steven V. Miller of Clemson and Nicholas T. Davis of Texas A&M have released a working paper titled "White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy." Their study finds a correlation between white American's intolerance, and support for authoritarian rule. In other words, when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy. 
Miller and Davis used information from the World Values Survey, a research project organized by a worldwide network of social scientists which polls individuals in numerous countries on a wide range of beliefs and values. Based on surveys from the United States, the authors found that white people who did not want to have immigrants or people of different races living next door to them were more likely to be supportive of authoritarianism. For instance, people who said they did not want to live next door to immigrants or to people of another race were more supportive of the idea of military rule, or of a strongman-type leader who could ignore legislatures and election results. 
The World Values Survey data used is from the period 1995 to 2011 — well before Donald Trump's 2016 run for president. It suggests, though, that Trump's bigotry and his authoritarianism are not separate problems, but are intertwined. When Trump calls Mexicans "rapists," and when he praises authoritarian leaders, he is appealing to the same voters.
Given demographic changes, the far right find themselves in a bit of a bottle-neck so they have had to be much more creative in maintaining control, and this often means subverting the most basic of democratic practices, the vote:
White people continue to decrease as a percentage of the U.S. population; at some point, it's going to be impossible to win a national, democratic American election with a platform that alienates people of color. The GOP, seeing their coming demographic apocalypse, has pushed voter ID laws and other barriers to voting to try to prevent black and other minority voters from getting to the polls. In Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker even attempted to delay elections for state seats that he believed Democrats would win.
There are, of course, even more extreme positions:
Miller and Davis' paper quotes alt right, neo-fascist leader Richard Spencer, who in a 2013 speech declared: "We need an ethno-state so that our people can ‘come home again’… We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy." Ethnic cleansing is impossible as long as marginalized people have enough votes to stop it. But this roadblock disappears if you get rid of democracy. Spencer understands that white rule in the current era essentially requires totalitarianism. That's the logic of fascism.
We've been hearing more and more about the desire to create an "ethno-state" here in Canada from a number of groups and individuals including Faith Goldy and Ronny Cameron. The patently undemocratic attitudes that would deny certain Canadians their democratic rights and create a tiered system of citizenship was also proposed by Steven Myatt recently:

Yeah, I know the last few articles have been a bit Myatt-centric. Just hear me out on this one. 

We can laugh (and I did) about the clumsiness of Myatt talking about running "in politics" as well as the fact that this is a position that is so patently unconstitutional the courts would strike such a law down immediately (this assuming that Myatt would ever find himself in a position to enact such a law which seems less likely than me beating Justify in a footrace). It would also ironically disallow the first two prime ministers of the country from being involved in politics as well as numerous other Canadians who have emigrated from somewhere else.

But let's be honest here. Myatt is NOT talking about someone who looks like this:

Conservative MP Tom Kmiec, July 31, 1981 in GdaÅ„sk, Poland
Myatt IS talking about someone who looks like this:

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, born January 2, 1979 in Scarborough, ON
The truth of this can be seen in one of Myatt's responses:

Well, when it comes to the House of Commons and the Senate federally, there were a total of 56 who are citizens of Canada through naturalization. However it is more clear that Myatt thinks that some people "look" Canadian and others don't. Considering he had 46 people seemingly agreeing with him, it seems that there are others who feel the same way.

One of those people is someone we haven't seen in a long, long, time:

That would be Tyler Chilcott, formerly of the now defunct neo-Nazi Northern Alliance based out of London, ON:

Tomas SZYMANSKI at Zundel demo in front of Metro West
On the archived website, Chitcott had published articles with titles such as "Wholistic Racialism", "Please Rise and Sing", and "The Native Conflict" as well as some really horrible poetry.

Congratulations Steven. Tyler Chilcott likes the cut of your jib.

The first person who posted "Blood and Earth" hearkens to the "Blood and Soil" ethnic nationalism heard at the Charlottesville rally last summer and, even more prescient,  was a slogan used by the Nazis (Blut und Boden).

Monday, June 11, 2012

Response to the Demise of Sec. 13 in "Maclean's"

Earlier today, we were contacted by "Maclean's" and asked about our take on the demise of Sec. 13. We responded as follows:
We think that the government was incredibly short sighted in their decision to eliminate Sec. 13. It was a useful and cost-effective tool in the effort to eliminate some very vile, hateful, and potentially dangerous rhetoric online and in the public sphere. Now we have only the criminal code which, in a few cases, is like using a machete when a scalpel would have been more prudently utilized. 

Those individuals and groups who were called before the Human Rights Tribunal and who were found to have violated Sec. 13 were not innocent lambs who were victimized by Big Brother. They were people and groups who were causing real harm in their communities. Their words did result in harm, and I don't mean hurt feelings. People's homes were vandalized. People have been assaulted. And these criminal acts had, in many cases, began with the dehumanization of fellow Canadians for no other reason than their ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual orientation. 
The people who are celebrating this are the extremists on Stormfront and VNN and a host of other racist webforums, but as we wrote on our blog they should consider that now there is only the criminal code and the penalties are more severe than anything Sec. 13 dished out. It should also be noted that racists aren't content with only Sec. 13. Paul Fromm, for instance, has said he and his group will next focus their attention on the criminal code sections regarding hate crimes.
We get the impression that the "Maclean's" in which Sec. 13 will be discussed is coming out this week. We don't expect that our entire response will be published, or if any of it will be for that matter, but if it is we thought we'd include the entirely of our response here.

And as for the responses from the boneheads, we present a small selection:

Saturday, January 07, 2012

An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part VII

This extension of the Lemire articles is in direct response to the statement made by Lemire in August (repeated in December) when asked by Ezra Levant about his involvement in the Heritage Front:
Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.
Now, for someone who claims to have only been peripherally involved with the Heritage Front in his teenage years, it is interesting that he has surrounded himself with people who were members of the Heritage Front.

In the last post on the subject, we included a newpaper article from July 21, 1998 which provides information concerning Heritage Front activities in Kingston, ON.  At this point the Heritage Front was still active, but it is pretty clear that the Bristow affair had resulted in a precipitous decline in the fortunes of hate group (there would be a brief resurgence in 2001, though this too would be short lived), but it is clear that Droege and the remaining chapters across Canada were still trying to make conversions.

When we looked at the article again, one name (other than Droege) jumped out at us:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupy Movement: Free Speech For Me, But Not For Thee

Oh, how we loves us our Free Dominion!

The folks at Free Dominion present themselves as principled defenders of speech. This is, on the surface, a noble sentiment. Principled men and women from Voltaire to Gerry Spence have defended speech that they personally found abhorrent, but that they still believed was necessary to defend for the sake of everyone's freedoms.

The folks at Free Dominion are not Voltaire or Gerry Spence. They aren't even a poor man's Lenny Bruce or George Carlin (NSFW, FYI), though the members are often inadvertently funny.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Ruud Plans On Protesting Gay Pride Parade In London

The folks in London, Ontario celebrates their Pride Week a little later than most cities, but by all accounts it's a rocking affair. Of course it does attract it's fair share of protesters, but they've sort of become part of the show as they stand along the side of the street with their homemade signs that contain some well used rhetoric (i.e. wages sin yadda yadda yadda) calling on the parade participants to repent of their wicked ways.

In our experience, the parade participants are usually either quite pleasant to the protesters or mercilessly mock them because, well, they are sort of funny in their impotence.

One of the groups that has protested the parade in the past have been our good friends in the Northern Alliance and the Canadian Heritage Alliance, as well as some of their hanger-ons. Last year, they didn't show up. Couldn't get the numbers they wanted we guess, though they really have never been a large group at these events.

This year however, Stormfront user and Northern Alliance member, "For Honor" promises a return performance in the protester sideshow event:

Perhaps it would be useful to remind our readers who, "For Honor" is:

Yep, it's Dave Ruud. This picture was from a few years ago during another Pride Parade protest. He's also the go to guy in the Northern Alliance now that Jason Ouwendyk has dropped out of public.

Some of Ruud's fellow travelers aren't comfortable with his public announcement on Stormfront however:

Yep, Tom Winnicki, pictured at yet another Pride Protest in London, feels that Ruud has said too much:

But that hasn't stopped Ruud from providing other useful information:

The people involved in organizing the protest (i.e. getting people to show up and hold a sign while helplessly being the subject of pity and ridicule) are at great pains to stress that those who do participate are to leave their Nazi flags and symbols at home:

But we thought you were PROUD to be white? And by saying that this is a, "clean protest" is that a tacit admission that there is nothing, "clean" or particularly honest about, "White Nationalism."

Well we are shocked! Shocked we say!

But then considering the affinity of the Northern Alliance to Nazism, that might be more a self-reminder than anything:

That last picture includes Canadian Heritage Alliance leader Melissa Guille who has also attended the London protests in the past.

In fact, Ruud has a rather odd obsession with the London Pride week parade. We could post dozens of screen shots, but we'll limit it to a couple:

The protests also have attracted an odd group of people. Sort of like this guy:

So, who is Wayne Kellestine? We'll let Ruud explain:

Wow. Talk about the company you keep.

So who's going to be coming out? We think that we could start with those who attended the last protest in 2008. Ruud will be there of course and maybe Winnicki. We think that Guille might make an appearance as well:

Perhaps Randall Linton will show up:

It wouldn't be a protest without Tyler Chilcott:

And finally, this Northern Alliance member who's name we still aren't sure of (but would love to know):

As for this year's events, if you bring a camera, be sure to keep this humble blog in mind when you consider sharing.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Paul Fromm Might Be An Idiot..... Again

A few days ago during the scheduling of Terry Tremaine preliminary hearing, Paulie was roasted for breaching conditions of the publication ban. The judge suggested that Paulie could face prosecution for his violation, leaving that decision up to the crown prosecuter.

A normal, reasonable person would then decide it might be better to abide by the court's decision and to keep quite about in in public. Not Paulie though. In a display worthy of any playground temper tantrum, Paulie posts a message on Stormfront, refers to Richard Warman (who Fromm seems to believe had supplied the prosecutor with the Stormfront postings) as a, "tattle tale" and then goes on to write about more in-court discussions:

REGINA. November 28, 2009. "Teacher, teacher, Joey, is chewing gum." We all remember the prissy grade school tattle tale squealing on another child to get him into trouble. No one, not even most authority figures, like the tattle tale. People tattle usually, not out of some sense of justice or concern about important laws being violated, but out of some form of vindictiveness, an effort to hurt someone, or, in those long past school days, get some other kid into trouble.

The Regina Leader-Post (November 27, 2009) reported: "On Thursday, far-right activist, Paul Fromm with the Canadian Association for Free Expression, drew criticism from Crown prosecutor John Stoesser for allegedly breaching conditions of that ban through an Internet posting. Fromm has been present in the courtroom gallery throughout much of the hearing.

[Judge Bruce] Henning reminded Fromm about the publication ban. The judge said he'd leave it up to the Crown to decide whether to pursue contempt charges, and advised Fromm to speak to a lawyer if he has any questions or concerns.

"A few more details should be added. On Thursday, just before former political prisoner Terry Tremaine's preliminary hearing into a charge of violating Sec. 319, Canada's notorious "hate law", adjourned until March, Crown Prosecutor Stroesser rose waving a two page download from Stormfront. He indicated that this posting had been brought to his attention (umm, by whom, one wonders?) and that it might constitute a breach of the court ordered ban on publication of the evidence before the preliminary hearing. Judge Henning took a quick glance at it and refused to act further, saying that, if the Crown had concerns, it was up to them to proceed.

Stroessser later said that he doubted that my report crossed the line, but, as a complaint had been made, he had brought it to the attention of the Court, and warned me to be careful.

My posting on Stormfront had carefully avoided revealing the evidence or even the identity of Crown witnesses heard in the first week of hearings in this matter in October. The printoff, lovingly highlighted in yellow bore a distinct resemblence to the style of a certain Ottawa lawyer known to be a chronic complainer. Can I prove who's behind this? No, I can't PROVE it.

I do see a pattern. Richard Warman, the Sec. 13 champion complainant, filed the initial Sec. 13 complaint against Terry Tremaine for his Internet postings back in 2005. He almost immediately, long before the matter was adjudicated, wrote to Mr. Tremaine's then employer the University of Saskatchewan, demanding that "appropriate" action be taken. Mr. Tremaine lost his job as a part time lecturer. Mr. Warman subsequently filed a Sec. 319 complaint against Mr. Tremaine, which led to the current charges. There has been an all-out effort to destroy Mr. Tremaine and those who support his right to free speech.

My earlier writings decrying Mr. Warman's war on Internet dissent or what he's called "neo-Nazis" led to a long a costly libel suit against me and CAFE.

In August, 2008, in Hamilton, Ontario, during the Warman v Jason Ouwendyk and the Northern Alliance Canadian Human Rights tribunal, Mr. Warman was lurking around the security men who were checking people entering the Court building. I wasn't sure what the security guard muttered and he assumed from my large lawyer's briefcase that I was a lawyer. He waved me through, without the usual wanding and search. I was Mr. Ouwendyk's "agent" but am not a lawyer. Warman hopped up early in the hearing: "Mr. Chair, Mr. Chair" (I wondered whether he'd be addressing the table next). He proceeded breathlessly to suggest that I'd lied and somehow evaded or avoided or subverted security. The tribunal chairman said, "Let's just move on."

However, you get the picture.

It is very dangerous in Canada to publicly dissent from political correctness, especially on the Internet. Warman had made the lives of dissenters hell, with a torrent of Sec. 13 complaints. Those who have protested these persecutions, like myself, have also come under attack. Lawyers like Douglas Christie and Ezra Levant who have stood up for victims of various human rights commissions have also been the objects of Law Society complaints by some in the "human rights" industry.

Paulie seems to be treating the judicial system, something he clearly has no understanding of based on this prissy fit or his "help" of various idiological allies. His failures however make it fun for us to ridicule him.

Paulie should be aware, however, that Mr. Warman isn't the only person watching who might slip information to the prosecution.

Chew on that a little bit.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Paulie Feeling a Little Stress

This hasn't been a great couple of days for Paul Fromm. On Thursday of this past week while attending and "helping" with Terry Tremaine's defense in his hate crimes trial, he was taken out and questioned by the police regarding Kyle McKee and if he had any knowledge of his whereabouts. We've reported on that. However, on returning to the courtroom, he got an earful from the judge:

Former university lecturer in court to schedule date for hearing on charge of promoting hatred

By Leader-Post staff

November 27, 2009

REGINA — Former university lecturer Terrence Cecil Tremaine made a brief Regina Provincial Court appearance on Thursday to schedule a date for the completion of his preliminary hearing on a charge of promoting hatred.

The 61-year-old also learned Victoria lawyer Doug Christie — who told the court he has, to date, been paying out of his own pocket — will receive funding from the province as court-appointed counsel.

The hearing, which began in October and was adjourned to this week, will now continue on March 8. Four days are set aside that week in the hopes that the hearing will wrap up at that time.

Judge Bruce Henning will then have to decide whether the Crown has sufficient evidence to proceed to trial at Court of Queen's Bench.

Details from the preliminary hearing can't be reported because of a court-imposed publication ban.

On Thursday, far-right activist, Paul Fromm with the Canadian Association for Free Expression, drew criticism from Crown prosecutor John Stoesser for allegedly breaching conditions of that ban through an Internet posting. Fromm has been present in the courtroom gallery throughout much of the hearing.

Henning reminded Fromm about the publication ban. The judge said he'd leave it up to the Crown to decide whether to pursue contempt charges, and advised Fromm to speak to a lawyer if he has any questions or concerns.

Two years ago, Fromm made the news himself when he was ordered to pay thousands of dollars in damages for defamatory Internet postings against an Ottawa anti-racism campaigner.

Helping Christie? You mean like when he helped Bahr, Ouwendyk, Tremaine, Beaumont during his CHRT hearings, and a host of others. Down. In. Flames.

Paulie is also lamenting the problems of his friend, Holocaust denying, "historian" David Irving:

Historian David Irving's Tour Dogged by Thugs, Harassment and Sabotage

On Monday, November 23, historian David Irving, completed a six-week, multi-city speaking and book tour which took him across the U.S. and covered more than 15,000. The Chicago meeting was a near riot, as free speech fanatics who had dogged him in many cities, hacked his website, stole the names of some of his supporters, tried to storm into a restaurant assaulting supporters and trying to hurl paint on his books.

In Chicago, the quick thinking of his assistant and organizer Jaenelle Antas [to whom Irving isn't always very nice and pictured with Fromm on the left], saved the day. She detected several unsavoury types lurking around the venue. She called the police. In the meantime, about a dozen goons with faces covered with bandanas, tried unsuccessfully to storm the restaurant meeting room. She slammed and locked the door. Frustrated goons slugged a few of David Irving's supporters and then a half dozen of the book banners were arrested. The meeting went on without hitch.

The week of November 16, cyberterrorists hacked David Irving's website, crashed it and learned the venue of meetings in New Jersey and New York City,. Needless to say, threatening phone calls soon persuaded the hotel or hall owners to abandon the traditions of a land that once prided itself on freedom of speech, and cancel the meetings. Other venues were found. In New York City, a last minute change of venue cost Mr. Irving a number of attendees. Still masked thugs, variously identified as JDO (Jewis Defence Organization), One People's Project and ARA (Anti-Racist Action) tried to enter the meeting room until expelled by hotel security. They pepper sprayed Miss Antas and maced a lawyer who was attending Mr. Irving's meeting.

David Irving is the author of several dozen best selling books on World War II and is widely hated by the Holocaust Lobby for his probing questions about some of the dogmas of this new state religion. Zionist lobby efforts have had him banned from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Along the way, mass complaints got Mr,. Irving's American Express and PayPal accounts cancelled. If the slimy cowards harassing him would ever show their faces out of the ooze that surrounds them, they could be subject to a major lawsuit for conspiracy to deny Mr. Irving hia civil rights.-- Paul Fromm

Wait. Mr. Free Speech said this? speech fanatics who had dogged him in many cities, hacked his website, stole the names of some of his supporters...

Oh, we see. They're free speech fanatics when they do something he doesn't like. We get it now.

Of course, the threat of sanctions for talking about the Tremaine trail isn't about to stop Paulie. We don't know if this is actionable, and we suspect it isn't, but the boy just can't keep his pie hole shut:

Hey, under the picture of Doud Christie, is that Billy Roper? As in the founder of yet another violent racist gang, White Revolution? Why yes, it is! And what does Billy ask?

Of course one would hope that "cultural homogeneity" is pc code for GENETIC homogeneity, since a nation of mulattos who can quote Shakespeare and play the classical violin are still, at base, just mullatos.

Well, perhaps Mr. Christie will have the answer to Billy's question written down:

Er, you misspelled, "Afghan" Dougie.