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Showing posts with label Gaio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaio. Show all posts

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Andrew Benson Reappears With Interesting Friends

It seems that in addition to the Goudreau, who recently came to our attention after a lengthy absence, another character whom we had once been keeping close tabs on but whom we lost track of has reappeared on our radar:

Andrew Benson has been somewhat of a political chameleon over the years. He started out as a self-proclaimed Trotskyist....

.... followed by a lengthy stint as a bonehead:

The last time we heard from Benson, he had begun to style himself as a free market libertarian acolyte of Ayn Rand and Ron Paul, though his association with Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute certainly strongly suggested he retained his antisemitic and racist views:
“I am not a fan of political correctness,” said Andrew Benson, 28, who had traveled from Canada to attend. Wearing a black suit vest, red collared shirt and black cargo pants, he looked more like he’d come to his conclusions as part of a teenage rebellion. “I have always had an odd attraction to things that are taboo.”
No kidding?

It seems that Benson is still enamored with this particular brand of nationalism and like other members of the so-called "alt-right" (who are, at the core, neo-Nazis) is a supporter of Donald Trump:

Benson with Milo Yiannopoulos. Photo first posted on Benson's page July 2016.

We found Benson again quite by accident, but we immediately recognized him despite his Russified name as it now appears on Facebook:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Another Bonehead Protest Goes Bust

Ever hear of the Renaissance Party of North America? No? Not a surprise. It's yet another fringe white supremacist group with intellectual pretensions. The following are excerpts from their mission statement:

We do not call for the overthrow of the American and Canadian governments. We do call for the perception and recognition of the innate and entropic collapse of these states. We encounter an inverted and fractured Manifest Destiny. Globalization is dead; it has encountered the maximum perimeter of energy utilization. The collateral of cheap and abundant energy resources to kick-start the Globalist economy is no longer. We enter an historical era of socio-economic collapse, implosion, fragmentation and devolution. Ethno-racial demographics will be called upon to identify, carve out and, preferably to negotiate, new homelands and polities. If one drop of blood can be spared, the effort at negotiated geographical re-inventions is justified.
We call for an abrupt end to Globalist-endorsed mass immigration from non-Occidental countries to North America with the quest for cheap labour, the offsetting of the White European birth rate, and the political displacement of the White European demographic. We are in full and unconditional solidarity with our White European brothers and sisters to halt and reverse the Islamization of the European Continent and Great Britain. We endorse unconditionally on our shores the elimination of the anti-Occidental, state-sanctioned and traitorous ideologies of institutionalized, legally enshrined and enforced Political Correctness, Multiculturalism and Feminism.
We acknowledge as true that history is not linear, that it is cyclical.

We own unconditionally the spiritual and moral responsibilities that are bestowed upon a Warrior-Amazon political elite to assertively, yet humbly, agitate and educate with clarity, integrity and common sense. We offer a new perception of social, cultural and economic phenomena. This is a great challenge and an even greater calling. At all times, each RV member should take into consideration: I am responsible.

Yeah. They sound like they would be fun guests at a party.

In any case, the leadership of the Renaissance Party of North America decided yesterday they would make themselves known as a force in Canadian politics by staging a massive protest outside the South African consulate in Toronto while referring to their event as "Occupy South African Embassies." One might wonder why then they did not protest at the actual embassy in Ottawa given the name they chose for it, but who are we to judge? They created a Facebook group to promote the event and invited hundreds of people:

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Eric Sheridan: ARC Sometimes Grants Requests

Meet Eric Sheridan. He and his Mini Me are members of Max Hynes' Southern Ontario Skinheads, a group Max has claimed isn't violent.

Wait. No, this isn't a really good photo. Let's try this one.

Better, but one really can't see his sloping brow ridge and the permanent expression of befuddlement all that well.

Well, we suppose this will have to do.

Anyways, as Eric is a regular reader of our blog, we figure we would grant him a request. It seems he did something recently for which he is quite proud:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Southern Ontario "Skinheads": Who's Who?

It isn't a surprise that the boneheads read this blog. In fact, since we were the only media that even wrote anything about their little march in London last weekend, some have been paying close attention:

But then again they might not always be pleased with the coverage we provide:

While we didn't see any evidence that Winnicki attended the march, we thought that it was time to take a look at those individuals who are known to have attended (both SOS members and their supporters) as well as some of support that didn't make it to this event.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Six Degrees of Patrick Swayze: Bonehead Niece Marries Violent Bonehead

We were wondering why a single post of ours concerning the online squabble between Mike Gaio and the "president" of the Aryan Terror Brigade's Josh "Hatchet" Steever managed to amass close to 450 hits in a single day. The mystery (such as it was) was solved when we figured out that people were coming to our page based on their searching of images such as this.

Why were people looking up pictures of Josh Steever? Might have something to do with this:

Thursday, October 06, 2011

October Bits and Bites: Goudreau, Ontario Election, Ed Kennedy and Blood & Honour

We received a bit of fan mail regarding one of our recent article that dealt with the sentencing of two men involved in a mini hate crime spree in Edmonton earlier this year:

Great intel guys. Kyle wasn't even there that night. You think you're so fucking smart because you pulled the picture off of Kyle's facebook photos. Nice try, who's the bonehead now? 

Oh you! Of course you're right. At the time these boneheads were engaging in behavior that would end getting them sentenced to a lengthy stay in jail, McKee was (for not even the first time) a guest of the Canadian judicial system, at taxpayer's expense. The reason why the photo was used in the article is twofold:

Monday, July 04, 2011

Puddles and Hatchet Pissing Contest

So, what happens when Mike "Puddles" Gaio (left) posts a message on Josh "Can-Only-Get-Work-as-a-Carnival-Freak" Steever's  Facebook profile?

Further proof that boneheads hate each other perhaps even more than the groups they say that they hate:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kitchener News Article on Kyle McKee Published Today

Ex-Kitchener resident at forefront of white nationalist movement  

By Josh Brown, Record staff
Fri May 20 2011 

Kyle McKee caused an uproar in Kitchener when he hung a Nazi flag outside his rented Kitchener home.

Six years later, and now based in Calgary, the 25-year-old skinhead has become one of Canada’s most active white supremacists, leading a group dubbed Blood and Honour.

“Kyle has become quite successful for becoming the main spokesperson, the leading light and the one leader,” said Jason Devine, a spokesperson for Anti-Racist Action Calgary.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Racist Movement in Calgary Put in Perspective

We've been covering the growth of organized racism in Canada, with special attention being paid to Calgary, since November 2007. Actually, we've been following the movement in Canada for years, but we were prompted to start our public work not long after the Aryan Guard entered upon the scene. So we thought we would briefly discuss the state of organized racism in Calgary today.

If you are an anti-racist, there is reason for optimism, though we have to be careful not to become complacent.

If you're a member of organized racism, the outlook is looking pretty bleak.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Are We Childish? Yes. And Your Point?

Since it's been almost a week since the, "big" event, we thought we would have a little fun with the help of a dear reader/contributor who loves playing with Photoshop.

In a post in which we see the Blood & Honour crowd crying that they aren't able to go to city hall, one can't help but notice Mike Gaio's efforts to rally the troops. One of our readers made the following observation:

I can't stop laughing at puddles in this video!!!! He [Gaio] seriously has some little man syndrome going on... hahahaha "OK guys lets go! I'm the head honcho here now, all you big guys follow under my tiny command." I'd like to rename him Napoleon. 

Well don't we have a treat for you! Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce you to Michael "Napoleon Puddles" Gaio:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey Natalie. You Claimed There Were 30 of You.....

Well, if that's the case, where are the other 14?

"But we want to to city haalllll...... and those big meanies won't let us!"

UPDATE: Despite the whining that they were prevented from reaching their destination, Bill Noble says that the march was a success.

Countdown to delusional rambling in 10....


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aftermath: Identifying Boneheads

So we've been looking at the photos that have been sent to us and that have been published by the media. So far we have been able to identify a few of the 16 (not 30m Natalie) boneheads who were present. They are, in no particular order:
  • Natalie S.
  • Michael "Puddles" Gaio
  • Curtis Erickson
  • Jonathan Besler

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Black Book? Who the Hell Are the Black Book?

First, we've been made aware that someone with the initials "K.S." is interested in contacting us. We are open to a discussion so we ask that you leave your email in the comments and we will be in touch with you (we prefer not to talk by phone).

That said, we were mildly amused when we read one of the latest articles, albeit a brief one, concerning the events planned for this Saturday:

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Split in Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) Faction

We've been pretty quiet about Blood & Honour (Aryan Guard) for the last several weeks. They still seem to be planning a public march on March 19 of this year and are bragging about the possibility of a number of boneheads from Ontario and Quebec making the journey to attend. However, the public posturing might be masking a deep divide within the group that has resulted in yet another split.

Things appear to have reached a breaking point over the issues of drugs and a past relationship with a First Nations woman (and a child that resulted from the relationship), resulting in a final blow-up between Lee Ebel and Jessie Lajoie. The other members of the racist gang split in their support of the two men. On those who sided with Lee were Kyle McKee, Natalie S., Shannon Butt, Jordan Dowe, Mike Gaio, and Karine Raymond. On Jessie's side are John Marleau, Brent Goldring, and Courtney B.

There hasn't been any online chatter to confirm whether this all is true, however circumstantial evidence points to the strong possibility that the information we received could be factual. Our readers may remember us making fun of the B&H (AG) crew for their ill advised poster advertising a New Years eve party. Those who attended the party all belonged to the faction rumored to have sided with Lee Ebel:

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

How Well DO Boneheads Keep Their Secrets?

We in the Collective are constantly gathering information. Most of what we collect is never published, but is used to further our understanding of the Movement and the direction it is taking. Other times the information really defies categorization and we struggle with the best way to present that information.

This is one of those times.

What we're posting is the rest of the exchange on the Blood & Honour (C18) forum's Canadian section. It is a continuation of the pissing contest between Volksfront and the Hammerskin aligned Blood & Honour faction, and the faction aligned with Combat 18. The crux of the issue at hand here is how does so much information reach us here at ARC. Is it carelessness? Do boneheads themselves, willingly or not, supply us with information? In reality, it is sort of all of the above. But we'll let the discussion progress with very little commentary from us, at least less than we usually provide. We begin with the part where OdinPatrick takes sides in the Blood & Honour factionalism:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Richard Martin: Aryan Warrior /sarcasm

On September 16, Richard Martin and Shane Gill were sentenced to 9 and 6 months in jail respectively. Here's a reminder why they were sentenced to lengthy terms behind bars:

Earlier that month, on July 3, the woman had been sitting in her living room when she heard a man outside making gunshot noises. She looked out her front window and saw her neighbour, Martin, on the sidewalk making gestures with his hand as if he were shooting a gun at her house. 
Nine days later, the woman heard Martin and another man in the parking lot outside her bedroom window. They were loudly singing songs with racially offensive lyrics and yelling, "Go back to Africa."
The woman filed her first police report the next day. Two days later, as she and the 11-year-old girl were walking to the local variety store, they were confronted by Martin and Gill. Martin again made the gunshot noises and the sign of a gun in her direction. 
When the men began to spew their racial slurs, the woman and child turned and headed for home. The woman told police Gill was close behind them as they ran inside the house and locked the door. Gill then began to pound on her door. 
Once inside, the woman, the young girl and the child's mother moved to the middle of the home for fear that the men would break windows. After police arrived and took a second report, the two women took turns sitting guard on the porch through the night in case of further trouble.
And as a result of his profound bravery in intimidating two women and an 11 year old child, Martin's friends consider him to be a prisoner of war:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh, Richard Martin, You Are A Special Kind of Stupid: Part II

Remember the story about Richard Martin and another schmuk being arrested for ethnic intimidation?

Looks like Martin won't be moving to Calgary to join his friends Andrew Benson an Mike Gaio any time soon:
Racists going to jail for taunts
Barbara Brown, Wed Sep 15 2010 
A pair of hate-mongers will be sentenced Thursday for threatening behaviour and racially motivated harassment of a young black woman who lived on their street. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

This Is Why They`re Called Boneheads: To Paraphrase Kyle McKee, Marleau is Fat, Lazy and Stupid

During the period in which Kyle McKee was in the Calgary Remand Centre awaiting his trial for attempted murder and other charges (he plead guilty to possessing bomb making materials, while the more serious charges were dropped by the Crown citing insufficient evidence), there didn't seem to be any dissension between himself and John Marleau. Considering one could argue that Marleau was the reason why McKee found himself in detention - it was Marleau's ex whom he had been allegedly harassing who was one of the targets of the attack - it's surprising that McKee wasn't just a little unhappy with his porcine friend.

Perhaps there just might be a bit more tension between the two than previously stated publicly?

On Mike "Puddles" Gaio's Facebook profile as Marleau casually suggests assaulting two women, McKee responds:

How much of a loser do you have to be for Kyle McKee to call you out?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kevin Goudreau Is Delusional Part 102,091,199,347,162,831

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the ineptitude of boneheads.

This coming weekend there's going to be a conference in Toronto: Marxism 2010. Now, being that there are really no communist members of the Collective (the closest some of us come to that ideology would be champagne socialists). So considering we don't really have a dog in that hunt, we were inclined not to provide any commentary.

Except that boneheads really don't like communists, so we knew that if we waited long enough one of our subjects in Toronto would make the discovery that the "reds" were coming to town, and hilarity would then ensue.

Known arsonist and snazzy dresser Richard "Lurch" Martin did not let us down:

We note the following:

1. People who might try to follow the link might have difficulty reaching their destination, as this idiot savant (minus the savant part) didn't quite spell "conference" right. Also, it should be ".ca" not ".com" Hey, chin up sport! You tried your best, but for future reference, we would like to introduce you to the handy "cut n' past" feature on your computer. Might save some embarrassment in the long run.

2. When the people whom Martin associate with try to, "smash reds" it usually involves following from a distance and well out of sight (or so they believe), perhaps shouting a few Nazi slogans before fleeing with their tails between their legs, and then declaring victory. Oh yes, those reds sure were smashed! Alternatively, they sit in puddles and smack themselves.

3. While they might try to prey on individuals, we really don't think too many will view these folks as much of a threat, especially when you see who they're hanging out with now. Try to figure out who we're talking about:

Oh sweet Mary Lou! It's Kevin Goudreau. Just when you think that Benson, Gaio and Martin couldn't sink any lower, they literally scrape the bottom of the barrel. In another picture below, Goudreau is hidden behind Gaio. Consider that to be foreshadowing your future relationship boys.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Seems Like People Miss Us

Just letting our dear readers know that we're still around and not going anywhere. February has, historically, been a month that we take a bit of a break from the blog. However we are currently doing a little bit of research and digging up a little bit of information for future articles.

For example, right now we're trying to figure out why Dustyn Johnson and Robert Reitmeier (Vladimir Tepes) now appear to have some administrative control of the Aryan Guard forum. Very, very curious.

For now we will share a story with our dear readers who are not in the know. This story is how Puddles got his nickname.

As we spent time learning more about Mike Gaio, we noticed that there were a number of people who referred to him as Puddles. We also noticed that Gaio really hated that name and argued that the event it referred to never took place.

Our interest piqued, we contacted a friend who we believed could let us in on this apparent inside joke. This is the story that friend told us:

There were a group of S.H.A.R.P. skins and redskins having a drink together at a local pub. Gaio, apparently drunk, saw them and tried to cause trouble. The group confronted Gaio and gave him an option; fight like a man or he might as well sit in a nearby puddle and slap himself.

So he sat in the puddle and slapped himself.

The S.H.A.R.P. skins and redskin, who were both amused and disgusted at the same time, just walked away and left him.

We have no way to confirm whether this story is true, though we tend to believe our friend. Gaio himself actually denies that it happened, or at least happened as it was described to us. We don't know when the incident is alleged to have happened in the first place.

What we do know is that Gaio really, really hates being called Puddles.