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Showing posts with label Besler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Besler. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

WCAI Anti-Muslim Hate Group June 25 Pretty Much Quelled

So it has been a few hours since the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam (WCAI) which is primarily (though not necessarily exclusively) an anti-Muslim hate group held their MEGA Rally at Calgary City Hall. The media did cover the event, something that DeLuca had hoped would happen because then they, "couldn't be ignored":
But as all these stories, including the following from CTV News Calgary, show, it is how insignificant the WCAI really is:
A Sunday afternoon gathering of roughly 30 members and supporters of a group with an anti-Muslim stance was met by more than 100 vocal opponents during the event in the plaza outside the Calgary municipal building.
To put this into further perspective, there were as many police officers separating the WCAI members and their supporters from the anti-fascist and other counter-protesters.

That, ladies and gentlemen, has to be considered a failure considering Joey DeLuca promised an event that would change the way Canada sees anti-Muslim protests. He promised live bands, international guest speakers, food, children's entertainment, a dancing pig mascot, and most importantly hundreds, if not thousands, of supporters many of whom were to have traveled to Canada from the United States.

Aside from Bill Finlay who was arrested upon landing and sent back to Florida within hours, it doesn't look like many (if any) Americans traveled north of the border to support the WCAI protest.

That's got to sting,

At this point the main organizers and spokespeople -- Joe DeLuca, Jesse Wielenga, and Ryan Dean -- have been silent. However our friends from the Cultural Action Party have commented on how wildly successful the protest was:

Yes, the Cultural Action Party did indeed come in full force.... all two of them.

Dude, I know that you're trying to polish a turd, but this really isn't helping.

Even an old Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour supporter who attended pretty much all of the "White Pride" marches organized by Kyle McKee and co. wasn't at all impressed:

"Alleged event."


Considering DeLuca has spent much of the last three months hyping June 24 25 by making fun of the efforts of other groups who could only manage 20 to 30 people, this has to sting:

Yeah, we're all laughing at you Joey.

I'll leave you with Tom of Community TV (check out his YouTube channel) who gave ARC permission to post his take on the event:


Tom has uploaded a full length video detailing the events of the day:

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean Photographed with Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour Associate

Okay, the title of this article could rightfully be accused of being click bait and of being  unfair to Brian Jean, but it is also an accurate title.

Much like the late Rob Ford was photographed a an event with an individual well known to those familiar with the racist movement in Canada, so too was Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party of Alberta who posed for this photo with Jonathan Besler we presume at the Calgary Stampede:

Given Besler's attitude toward the current NDP government in Alberta, perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised that he would gravitate towards the Wildrose Part as an alternative....

Monday, October 07, 2013

Jonathan Besler Makes Vigilante Border Patrol Crackpot Look Reasonable By Comparison

For a change of pace we decided to see what would be polygamist Jon Besler was up to lately. So far his activity seems to mainly consist of commenting on mainstream media news articles (as well as our articles, which we guess makes him Alberta's version of Tomasz Winnicki) which seems to keeps him out of any real trouble. However it was his recent comments on an article published by the fringe right Free Republic that caught our attention:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Secret Facebook Posts: A Disturbing Glimpse into the Thoughts of Kyle McKee

Although we are troubled (an understatement) that Kyle McKee's actions harmed more people, we are cautiously optimistic that these same actions, as well as the weapons charges, will result in a lengthy prison sentence this time.

Over the course of the past year and a half, we have been privy to McKee's activities on Facebook. And while we've always known that McKee was a dangerous individual, his posts on his own Facebook profile have resulted in some significant actions on our part which we will not discuss at this point in time.

However, as he is now in remand and likely to remain there and, if found guilty of the most recent charges levelled against him, will remain in custody for a significant amount of time, we have decided to share some of the screen shots that we were able to grab.

We first start, as we often do, with McKee's relationship with Paul Fromm:

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Their Tails Between Their Leg. McKee Bails on Calgary; Plans Now Focus on Edmonton

Since the announcement that there would be yet another march by the Aryan Guard successor, Blood & Honour, there have been a lot of people keeping tabs on organizational process. The last two years the march occurred did not go well at all due to Kyle McKee being in jail on both occasions, significant infighting between racist gangs as well as internal conflicts, a general falling off of interest due to very bad press, and of course significant push-back from anti-racist groups and individuals in the city (when you are outnumbered by a minimum of 7 to 1, that's going to be demoralizing no matter how you try to spin it). We suspected that they were going to try something different, for example holding their event in an isolated park on the outskirts of Calgary, releasing photos, and proclaiming their event a success.

In fact, they are actually leaving the city entirely:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Out of Context

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." -- Margaret Sanger
The quote above has been used by anti-choice proponents in an effort paint Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, as a racist bent on eliminating African-Americans. This is echoed by the current campaign to portray reproductive rights as an attack on the African-American community.

The truth, however, is quite different. Here is the part of the quote that is not often included:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
So, in context, the quote might mean something very different:
According to New York University's Margaret Sanger Papers Project, Sanger, in writing that letter, "recognized that elements within the black community might mistakenly associate the Negro Project with racist sterilization campaigns in the Jim Crow South, unless clergy and other community leaders spread the word that the Project had a humanitarian aim."
This is not at all to say that Sanger's views on race were not problematic to say the least -- she was certainly a product of a time which viewed people of colour as lesser peoples -- but even here her views were not conventional:

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Shakeup in Blood & Honour Calgary

When we posted our Halloween video, we didn't anticipate the discussion that would result, but it ended up being very interesting:

Jonathan Besler said...

[Kyle’s girlfriend] has broken up with Kyle and is starting a new life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paul Fromm and the Fine Art of Turd Polishing

We may have engaged in a little bit of schadenfreude concerning Paulie's most recent electoral emasculation (okay, we were practically giddy). After all was said and done, a man who mocked Jason Devine for his vote tally in past elections wasn't able to win more votes than a member of the Communist Party in the most conservative province in a very conservative city.

We don't think even Paulie was so delusional as to believe he would win (though that didn't stop the self-delusion of some of his supporters) but we do think that he would be a little bit embarrassed by the outcome after all the bravado and the claims that he was going to, "stick it" to Conservative incumbent Jason Kenny. This would presume that Paulie actually possesses the dignity and self-respect that allow him to feel embarrassed. Such is not the case as he instead presents failure as success:

We think most of this is pretty self-explanatory -- Paulie is trying to trumpet the, "success" of his campaign while at the same time rationalizing why he failed -- but there are a few points that we enjoyed reading:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Racist Movement in Calgary Put in Perspective

We've been covering the growth of organized racism in Canada, with special attention being paid to Calgary, since November 2007. Actually, we've been following the movement in Canada for years, but we were prompted to start our public work not long after the Aryan Guard entered upon the scene. So we thought we would briefly discuss the state of organized racism in Calgary today.

If you are an anti-racist, there is reason for optimism, though we have to be careful not to become complacent.

If you're a member of organized racism, the outlook is looking pretty bleak.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey Natalie. You Claimed There Were 30 of You.....

Well, if that's the case, where are the other 14?

"But we want to to city haalllll...... and those big meanies won't let us!"

UPDATE: Despite the whining that they were prevented from reaching their destination, Bill Noble says that the march was a success.

Countdown to delusional rambling in 10....


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aftermath: Identifying Boneheads

So we've been looking at the photos that have been sent to us and that have been published by the media. So far we have been able to identify a few of the 16 (not 30m Natalie) boneheads who were present. They are, in no particular order:
  • Natalie S.
  • Michael "Puddles" Gaio
  • Curtis Erickson
  • Jonathan Besler

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Jonathan Besler’s Woman Woes

Jonathan Besler was one of the few Nazis who showed up at the anti-racism rally in Calgary on March 21. Besler, 32, is from Eatonia, Saskatchewan, where he ran for Mayor in the fall of 2009 on a “Libertarian” platform, an effort which garnered exactly 11 votes. To be fair, Eatonia has a population of only about 500, but it’s curious that someone with political ambitions, however small or improbable, would think it’s a good idea to attend protests with white supremacists.

That’s Besler on the right (with Nazi pal Layton Bertsch) in the above photo, attempting to convince the press that he is “proud to be white but accepting of others as well," a message which somewhat contradicts his stance at the 2009 Aryan Guard “White Pride Day” rally (for good measure, we've circled Besler in red and Bertsch in black):

Other sentiments similarly miscommunicate Besler’s message of non-racist acceptance:

“It’s not the number of immigrants, it’s the quality. With Canada subscribing to Marxist ideals, we attract and import leeches rather than productive individuals.” – Jonathan Besler, May 3, 2009


But if a white nationalist with failed political pretensions doesn’t surprise our readers, it will probably come as no shock that Besler also appears to be the resident “weird guy” with delusions of intellectualism that women uniformly avoid. And try as he might, it seems that Besler, who says his main goal in life is “to have a family and serve God” has been having a little trouble convincing white womanhood to give him the chance:

Besler will probably tell you he just has high standards. His ideal woman is white (because anything else would be genocide), “preferably younger than 25”, with “traditional family values.” She should be disinclined towards jealousy and possessiveness (his biggest turnoffs) and accepting of the fact that he quotes Judges 10:3-4 and 12:8-14 in reference to his ideal number of future children. This criteria is interesting in light of the fact that Besler also advocates polygamy, seeming to regard himself as a potential future adherent and nurturing a rather suspicious interest in the TV series “Big Love”:

And like all good Aryan Guard supporters and Warren Jeffs wannabes, Besler’s views on preteen motherhood are proudly regressive:

[Q] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it? [A] Naturally. Just because post-war western women are being nurtured to believe that 30 is the new 13, doesn’t mean I have to buy into that BS. – Jonathan Besler, May 3, 2009

Besler certainly has an “unusual” take on relationships. Aside from plural marriage (good) and race mixing (bad), we momentarily thought we heard banjos strumming in the background as we read his views on reproduction:

“A recent study shows that third cousin marriages result in higher numbers of both children and grandchildren compared to eighth cousin and greater pairings. We can hypothesize that this level of relatedness among humans is close to an ideal balance between inbreeding and outbreeding, though clearly there is a lot more research needed on the subject. Unfortunately, since this type of research is in opposition to the multiculturalists’ agenda, we may have to wait a while. “ – Jonathan Besler, Nov. 19, 2009

Polygamy, preteen motherhood and cousin marriage. Apparently a recipe for fumerase deficiency and generations of Hapsburg jaws also doubles as an Aryan Wet Dream. But for all his hoping, Besler seems to have some insight into the fact that he is destined to lose with women, stating “I love all women; unfortunately we tend to lack tolerance for each other beyond social pleasantries.” We’re sure this insight doesn’t extend to any recognition of his own deficiencies, but we female members of the ARC Collective do have a soft spot for the truly pathetic, so we’re going to try to help him out.

Jonathan, dear: some advice. Women generally don’t like racist, maladjusted weirdos who hang out at white power rallies. It makes us sort of uncomfortable. It makes us sort of think you are the type of person who would blow up a federal building or try to start your own cult. We also tend to be wary of men who view us as vehicles for racial and religious reproduction instead of human beings with individual agency and worth. Our dreams for the future generally don’t include moving to a segregationist compound in Utah with our sister-wives, and we certainly don’t want to stroke your manly ego (or anything else, for that matter) with any “light competition” over who gets to birth the most of your precious white babies.

Oh, and by the way: women usually do google searches on potential dates. We’re willing to bet that by this time next year, you’ll still be single.

: - )

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More Information on the W.E.B. No-show On March 21

For months, the members of W.E.B. had been trumpeting their efforts to organize they "White Pride" march and rally for March 21. They were ridiculed and mocked by erstwhile allies turned enemies (the Aryan Guard which had previously organized the event and who's membership's own legal problems have been well documented on these pages) and by anti-racists who all agreed the average W.E.B. member couldn't organize his own sock drawer, never mind an event such as which they proposed. But W.E.B. insisted, INSISTED, that there would be a march, and the continued insisting that there would be a march until 3 days before it was to have occurred.

And........... then they canceled it and said they wouldn't be able to organize it in time.

Shocked! Shocked we were!

At the time, we had speculated that it was their own legal problems that had resulted in their inability to get the ball rolling. And, as it turns out, we were correct.

On K.H.'s Facebook profile, as she brags about, "standing up for the White Race" and junk like that, others noted that the bing, strong, virile males of the movement couldn't be bothered to show up (Bertsch, Besler and "Willis" not withstanding). That's when Dustin Johnson provided a justification:

No contact orders, eh?

And the legal woes don't yet appear to be over. As far as we know, Tyler Sturrup is still in jail, and Robert Reitmeier had a court appearance today as well:

The master race. We think you need to work a little harder on that because frankly, we don't see it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Two Boneheads Identified

We received a message from the photographer who took the picture of the bonehead and who the media claim was struck in the head:

I had to give a police statement about Willis hitting my camera from my hand with his skateboard but the article says that he hit me in the head which is a complete lie. I wish I had a way to contact the author to get the article changed... Two nazis showed up near the beginning and were peaceful and did some interviews. A Nazi girl showed up later and got arrested and taken away and I have her photo as ARA surrounded her and then there are pictures of her in city hall getting frisked. Later, Willis showed up and that is where he hit my hand with his skateboard and got arrested.

We also received a number of pictures taken by the photographer. We won't post all of them now, but we will post a few of the photos relevant to the statement that was made to us:

The two men, far left (Jonathan Besler) and far right (Leyton Bertsch) on the photo, are the individuals whom the photographer wrote were the two Nazis who were peaceful and did some interviews.

This is a photograph of K.H., a bonehead originally from Ontario with whom we've had some contact with in the past. She was "dating" Robert Reitmeier for a brief period until he apparently, and unceremoniously, tossed her aside.

K.H. being frisked after being taken away by the police.

Jesus, does Willis own a shirt? Yep, Willis again. He was the one who, after this photograph was taken, took a swing at the photographer with a skateboard, knocking the camera from his hand. Willis was arrested soon after this photo was taken because of the incident.

If you have pictures for us, you can send us your email and we will get in contact with you. Just post your email as a comment. We will not allow your email to be posted and when we contact you, we'll provide you with our contact information.