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Showing posts with label Generation Identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Generation Identity. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2019

So What Are Canadian Identitarians Up To Lately?

Back on March 10 I wrote an article in response to messages ARC received such as these concerning Students For Western Civilization:

My response included screenshots from the Unicorn Riot Discord chat leaks which indicated that Students For Western Civilization was very much a part of a movement that included such groups as Identity Evropa (now rebranded as the American Identity Movement), Generation Identity (which in Canada rebranded as ID Canada), and other hate groups. The leader of SFWC, George Hutcheson, was once of the speakers at the Leading Our People Forward conference as an example:

Patrick Casey, posting in Discord as "Reindhard Wolff" is the leader of the American Identity Movement (again, formerly Identity Evropa) who posts comments such as these which really allow readers to get a strong sense of the man's.... er.... character? I guess?

And of course SFWC was also a group that was discussed on the Montreal Storm server featuring "Date" and "Zeiger" among others.

Well after an extended silence SFWC decided to pop their heads out to see if there's a shadow several months too late:


Is there a more clear example of a first world problem or white privilege than the current trend of racists being banned from social media for violating the terms of service (for which they had been treated with kid gloves for years, mind you) now threatening to sue because said private business gave them the boot?

Yeah, and WE'RE the snowflakes.

By the way, YVCE also noted the following:

I don't suspect they will get very far with this proposed lawsuit which seems more like a desperate publicity stunt than an actual thing, though I'm sure they could find a lawyer willing to take their money knowing it is a lost cause. George's friend, who knows full well the consequences of filing baseless lawsuits, should probably talk some sense into hims:


That's likely not going to happen.

As long as I'm here, I thought that it might also be fun to post the more recent Discord chat logs concerning Goldy and the attitude toward her mayoral campaign. Much of the discussion involves her association with ID Canada which has been discussed on this blog.

Offered with no commentary:

With friends like these, eh?

Thursday, June 06, 2019

In The PPC, QAnon Conspiracy Theories and Bigotry Appear To Be A Feature, Not A Bug

A few days ago I read an article written by the amazing Caroline Orr concerning the "weaponization" hate propaganda targeting especially Muslims under the guise of a "conservative news" source:

While none of this is a surprise to readers of ARC, it does highlight the concern of the growing polarization that exists in Canada and elsewhere as well as the tribalism that is resulting in the impossibility of finding common ground.

There is a temptation to cry out, "a pox on both their houses" however if one is to be honest one would have to recognize that this is a growing tendency on the right. In the past mainstream conservatives might have called out the conspiracy nutbars as William F. Buckley did the Birchers more than 50 years ago. Now it seems that too many are seeing the mob as a means to win political power.

Take for example the People's Party of Canada:

It seems that the founder and leader of the PPC has decided that promoting a QAnon conspiracy proponent is good politics:

Here are a few of the more.... shall we say interesting Tweets made by Ms. Polly during the past 24 hours:

She also seems to think that this is perfectly okay and that the arrest of the ass clown proves Canada is a totalitarian state:

Not surprisingly, her support for free speech only goes as far as the speech she personally finds acceptable:

Yep, this is the person whom Max Bernier thinks is a "must watch."

And of course there's more.

Recently, this story about a PPC regional coordinator in BC has been making the rounds:

When the story from Ricochet came out concerning an email accidentally sent to a former member, now critic, that the executive was attempting to bar people of colour, it was hard not to believe it for reasons that I will explain soon. For a lot of people it didn't quite pass the smell test. Sure enough, evidence came out indicating that the message was fraudulent:

On person suggested to me that the email may have been a plant by the PPC who immediately attacked Ricochet for their report to prove the "fake news" narrative when negative stories have been published about them, however there isn't any evidence for this speculation.

Still, one doesn't need emails to see how the PPC is copying up to the far-right:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

More Links To Goldy's Support For (and From) White Supremacists

Sometimes when researching other topics one comes across interesting information. For example ARC has often wondered if there was some sort of rift between white supremacist Faith Goldy and white supremacist Lauren Southern. Both worked for Ezra Levant's "Rebel Media" and seemed close at the time:

However whenever she is asked about Southern these days, Goldy demurs.

Then I came across this when looking up information regarding the previous article about Goldy:

Well that's certainly some shade right there.

Since these two occupy the same small ecosystem -- the pond that is the Canadian far-right isn't as big as the American sea for example -- and both fill a similar niche in it I wonder if there isn't some sort of professional animosity taking place.

As Connor MacLeod, ‎Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez‎, and the Kurgan all said, there can only be one.

But really, this isn't the glass house that Goldy should be tossing stones about.

While she has done a very good job of exposing herself by her own words as a racist, ARC has done a pretty good job already of connecting Goldy to a number of hate groups including Students For Western Civilization and ID Canada (formerly Generation Identity Canada) we've come across more information, some of which was published by Canadaland and some which has yet to be published.

Readers will know that the Canadian Anti-Hate Network managed to force Goldy to submit to a compliance audit of her finances related to her mayoral run:

At the same time information regarding her donors was released. Goldy made a big deal about this "doxxing" which would put her supporters in danger (it won't) despite the information already being public and Goldy not seeming to care all that much before she decided to engage in histrionics:

All of these were and are of interest, however it was another part of the disclosure that caught my interest.

ARC had already detailed Goldy's links to ID Canada who were basically helping to run her campaign:

It also appears, based on what Canadaland found, that she hired the suspected leader of ID Canada to provide content and website development:

Tyler Hover has been profiled on the blog here as the suspected leader of then Generation Identity Canada, now ID Canada.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Faith Goldy Defends ID Canada After Vice Article

In discussing the murder of 50 Muslim worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand once can't help but note that the title of the murderer's fevered ranting that he generously calls a "manifesto" that the title is one that anyone familiar with the identitarian movement would be familiar with:

In addition to the myth of "white genocide" throughout the document, the murder discusses what is referred to as the "great replacement":
The great replacement (French: le grand remplacement) is a right-wing conspiracy theory, which states that the white Catholic French population, and white Christian European population at large, is being systematically replaced with non-European people, specifically Arab/Berber Middle Eastern, North African and Sub-Saharan African populations, through mass migration and demographic growth. It associates the presence of Muslims in France with potential danger and destruction of French culture and civilization. 
The conspiracy theory commonly apportions blame to a global and liberal elite, such as Brussels and the European Union, which is portrayed as directing a planned and deliberate plot or scheme to carry out the replacement of European peoples.
While the idea appears to have originated with Renaud Camus it has been made more accessible by the hipster fascists Generation Identity and their Austrian leader Martin Sellner:

Sellner, a former overt neo-Nazi who appears to have tried to rebrand himself, and others like him have attempted to whitewash the history of white nationalism and presents Generation Identity as a non-violent civil rights group. The truth appears to be though that such claims are a rather cynical attempt to shield themselves from legal repercussions for the rhetoric that can and has resulted in real-world violence:

In short, I think they know exactly what the language they use will result in. As such it shouldn't be surprising to learn that the Christchurch murderer was also in correspondence with Sellner:

Not surprisingly, the identitarian movement is under a rather uncomfortable spotlight. Of interest to our readers, though admittedly a bit late to the game, is that there are Canadian connections to the story as two infamous white nationalists have strong connections to the identitarian ideology:

Both Lauren Southern and Faith Goldy are closely identified with identitarianism. Of the two, Southern is probably the most apparent connection in that she is a close friend of both Sellner and his fiancee Brittany Pettibone and has participated in a number of Generation Identity stunts:

It seems appropriate to put this here in response:

It is interesting though that Southern has remained rather silent on this since the raid of her friend Sellner's apartment; we might speculate as to the reasons for her current reticence to say or write anything of a public defence. For that we have to go to another the other Canadian alt-right personality:

Sunday, March 24, 2019

White Nationalist Faith Goldy Disrupts Anti-Racism Rally/Memorial for Christchurch Victims

UPDATE: My internal calendar is messed up. March 21 was Thursday, not Wednesday. Thank you to ARC's new writer for picking up on the error:
I’m so glad ARC, and many others, have called out Goldy and her supporters for their obnoxious disruption last week. Just a quick correction that the event occurred on Thursday March 21 as part of a cross-country series of events for IDERD (International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination). For those who want to know more about the organizations involved, who was scheduled to speak, and generally what was planned, here are two of the Facebook event pages:
This past Wednesday Thursday, a memorial was held for victims of the Christchurch mosque tragedy during an anti-racism rally that took place in Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto. Aside from hate groups like the Westboro Baptist Church, one would be hard pressed to find anyone crass and vulgar enough to disrupt such an event.

And if you believe this to be true, you don't know Faith Goldy very well:

Faith Goldy and a small group of supporters showed up to harass attendees of the event. Not surprisingly, it led to a confrontation which is what Goldy was aiming for. However it might not have ended quite the way she had hoped it would.

Ron Banerjee, who increasingly looks as if he is violating the agreement he made with Mohamed Fakih of Paramount Fine Foods to prevent his financial ruin for engaging in defamation, breathlessly reported the event:

Goldy posted a video of the event later. I've taken the liberty to edit it and add some commentary:

The "It's Okay to Be White" slogan isn't the innocuous and innocent statement that Goldy claims it to be. As ARC readers are aware, it is a long running campaign to make white nationalist socially acceptable:

Goldy knows this to be true. She also knows that her supporters clearly hear her dog whistles as evidenced by these comments left on the video she posted on YouTube:

More concerning are those who Goldy, through efforts such as these, helps to radicalize as evidenced by the other comments left by those who watched the video:

Despite claiming to be sympathetic to the victims of the Christchurch attacks, Goldy has contributed to further radicalizing her base of supporters. Those individuals include this fella:

Aside from his advanced age, Robert Jones of the Northern Guard (formerly of the Soldiers of Odin and then the Proudboys before being kicked out of both) is sort of a textbook example of an individual radicalized online, though I suspect he had prior far-right views. While he claimed to initially condemn the Christchurch killings, he very soon posted messages justifying the murders. This has not only continued but has escalated as Jones suggests the murderer may one day be regarded as a hero and advocates for similar terrorist attacks: