Book Review Jun 27
Margeaux Feldman | "Pleasure activism" encourages those working for social justice to embrace pleasure -- in all its forms -- as a revolutionary act.
Book Review Jun 13
Jenn Cole | The Ktunaxa poet's debut collection offers detailed impressions about what makes up a home, trans/2S sexuality and consent, and overcoming alcoholism.
Book Review Jun 6
Image: "Treaty Number Seven," painting by Bruce A. Stapleton. Chief Crowfoot addresses Commissioner David Laird seated at the centre and Commissioner James Macleod seated to his left. Jean L’Heureux stands beside Macleod. Source: Saskatoon Public Library Local History Room/Glenbow-Alberta Archives, NA-40-1
Sarah Boivin | Sheldon Krasowski's dense history uses primary documents and eyewitness accounts to further prove what First Nations have always insisted: their lands were never surrendered to the Crown.
Book Review May 30
David Gaertner | "river woman," Vermette's second poetry collection, will appeal to those who love nature poetry, aesthetic interventions into politics, or the storied river itself.
Book Review May 2
Bill Blaikie | This new graphic novel, by The Graphic History Collective and David Lester, is an educational addition to all the ways that the 100th Anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike is being marked.
Book Review Apr 25
Yutaka Dirks | Donald Gutstein's well-researched new book is a deep dive into the strategies that Canadian oil companies and their friends have implemented to prevent political action and reverse catastrophe.
Book Review Mar 28
Tania Ehret | Megan Gail Coles's debut novel tells a story of violence and hope set during an epic Newfoundland blizzard.
Book Review Mar 21
Sheila Giffen | Ian Williams' compelling intergenerational novel imagines the many ways -- both life-giving and destructive -- that we reproduce.
Book Review Mar 14
Dionne Brand at Calgary's Wordfest in 2018
Madeleine Reddon | "What the Poets Are Doing" is a delightful little collection of interviews between contemporary Canadian poets.
Book Review Mar 7
Jessica Rose | While it's a strong introduction to how desire and power work in heterosexual relationships, Lili Boisvert's new book is light on evidence.
Book Review Feb 7
Mary Rowles | In Sarah Churchwell's new book, the Trump presidency appears less an aberration than a waystation on the long American road to a shared national philosophy.
Book Review Feb 1
Tavleen Purewal | Brand's complex new novel explores how academic theory measures up to knowledge of the body and heart.
Book Review Jan 17
Phillip Dwight Morgan | David Austin's new book tells the story of the 1968 Congress of Black Writers in Montreal.
Book Review Jan 10
Marisa Grizenko | Miriam Toews's novel chronicles the agonizing decision faced by a group of Mennonite women following the revelation of sexual assaults in their community.
Book Review Nov 8
Jessica Rose | Louise Toupin's new book, "Wages for Housework," is a much-needed documentation of a an international feminist movement that is largely unknown.
