
Episode 55 — Liberals tokenize to make SNC affair go away

Despite their best efforts, the Liberals are still stuck in the SNC-Lavalin scandal. And they’ve trotted out some old timers to help push their narrative into the mainstream press. Sandy and Nora talk about the strategy of hiding behind women to burn other women, hiding behind racialized women to burn other racialized women, and why...

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Episode 54 – global terrorism’s white face

This has been a difficult week, especially if you have been watching the rise of organized white supremacists for years. In this episode, Sandy and Nora dissect how the media and politicians have failed so badly at grasping this threat, and conclude with things that are giving them hope.

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Episode 53 – fReE sPeEcH

Attacks on free speech abound! But where are the Free Speech CrusadersTM? Sandy and Nora talk about the ways in which speech is limited, and how the left needs to build support around individuals who have their free speech attacked. Here is the GoFundMe that we reference in the episode: https://www.gofundme.com/legal-fees-for-free-speech

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Episode 52 – the NDP at a crossroads

With the Liberals melting down and the Conservatives more brazen in their support for racist organizing, the NDP is at a critical juncture. There is a path toward victory — will the NDP take it?

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Episode 51 – Corruption and racism, as Canadian as Maple Pie

From SNC-Lavalin to the Yellow Vest Movement, Canada’s Two Natural Governing Parties (TM) are in a deep dive into those things that are more Canadian than Tim’s and hockey: racism and corruption. Sandy and Nora walk you through it all.

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Episode 50 – free the news

In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk paywalls. On their always-free, listener-funded platform, they talk about what’s wrong with a society that makes access to news based on ability to pay, and why we need free news now more than ever. Nora’s note — at one point, Nora says IP and not ISP. She knows.

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Episode 49 – the political party of white male rage

This episode covers white male rage, from the unspeakable horror inflicted by killers like Bruce MacArthur and Alexandre Bissonnette, to the structural violence inflicted by mainstream politicians — and how Maxime Bernier sits in the middle of this continuum. Bernier’s political success hinges on his ability to capture the far right — Sandy and Nora...

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Episode 48 – Let’s Talk Bell Let’s Talk

Bell Let’s Talk happened again this year. Sandy and Nora deconstruct the campaign and examine how it gives cover for Bell, for politicians and for police to say they support mental health service while actively maintaining the system that makes life harder for so many. The trial for the murder of Abdirahman Abdi is underway...

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Episode 47 – Covington MAGA teens buy their redemption

Last week, journalists were played by an invented viral controversy. In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about the racist and women-hating Covington Catholic School teensand why we need journalists to be better at understanding what goes viral, and why. Here is the link that Sandy references in the episode: https://sandyandnora.com/episode-47-covington-maga-teens-buy-their-redemption/ DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT

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Episode 46 – Doug vs. student democracy

In part 2 of 2 episodes on the Ford government’s higher education announcement, Nora and Sandy break down “voluntary student unionism” and how making democratically-decided mandatory student fees optional will send a decisive blow to everything from your campus press to the services of the student union. Check out part 1 here: https://sandyandnora.com/episode-45-doug-ford-reduces-tuition-fees-smashes-osap-screws-student/ DOWNLOAD EPISODE...

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Episode 45 – Doug Ford reduces tuition fees, smashes OSAP, screws student

Just in time for Sandy and Nora’s first show of 2019, Doug Ford wages war on higher education. Sandy and Nora break down this announcement and offer arguments for how to push back against a Liberal frame that is just as much to blame. This is part one of two — tuition fees and grants....

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Episode 44 – we get angry

2018 was the kind of year that you can only salute by paying homage to anger. In this episode, Sandy and Nora talk about anger and how it can be used to ignite and inspire social change. DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT

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