Create an app installs or re-engagements campaign

App install or App re-engagement campaigns target a mobile audience likely to install or engage with your app. With Tweets optimized for the mobile marketplace, people will be able to install or open your app directly from their timelines.

Setting up your App installs or re-engagements campaign

To begin, create and login to your Twitter Ads account. 

  1. Click "Create campaign" in the top right corner of your Ads manager
  2. Choose "App installs" or "App re-engagements" from the list of campaign objectives
  3. You'll be brought to the "Details" tab the campaign setup form. Here you will name your campaignchoose your funding source, choose your app to promote, and set campaign dates and budget
  4. Next, you'll setup your first ad group. You can set ad group start and end times if you wish
  5. Select the bid type you'd like to use in your campaign: 
    • Automatic bid: here your bid will auto-optimize to get the best results at the lowest price (within your budget). Automatic bid is the easiest way to quickly get your campaigns live and serving impressions on the platform
    • Target cost: here you can name the bid you’d like to pay per app click or app install. Your campaign will then auto-optimize your bids to achieve a daily average cost per click or cost per install that meets or beats your target. You will pay the actual average cost for all clicks or installs during the day. If you change your bid over the course of a day, it will average to the highest target cost you set
    • Maximum bid: this type allows greater control over how much you pay per app click or install. In this bid type you can choose exactly how much you are willing to pay for either an app click or an install (your maximum bid), and your results will not be charged over this price. This bid type is helpful for experienced advertisers who know exactly how much they’re looking to pay per click or install at scale.
  6. You can also choose your optimization preference, and what you're charged by:
    • App installs: here your ads will serve to users likely to install your app (within your targeting). If you choose this to charge by, you'll only be charged when a user installs your app
    • App clicks: here your ads will serve to users likely to click on your app (within your targeting). If you choose this to charge by, you'll only be charged when a user clicks into the app store or directly into the app
  7. Select the audience you'd like your ads to serve to in the "Targeting" tab of campaign setup. Learn more about our targeting options
  8. Choose the Tweets you'd like in your campaign. You can also customize the Twitter and TAP locations you'd like your Tweets to serve on this step
  9. Review your final campaign setup on the "Review & Complete" tab. If you'd like to add additional ad groups to your campaign, you can do so on this screen
  10. Launch your App installs or app re-engagements campaign!

Your bidding options

We offer different types of bidding for Mobile app promotion campaigns to help you achieve the highest possible ROI. Please note, you cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.

Cost per app click bidding (CPAC)

  • Bid on app clicks, pay for app clicks.
  • Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is not required to enable this bidding option.

App clicks are clicks that lead to the app store or directly into the app and you are only charged when a user takes that action. With this bidding option, our platform will optimize to drive as many app clicks as possible (and as many high-value app clicks as possible). The daily average CPC will be at or below your stated target. We guarantee we won't ever charge you more than 20% of your target bid over the course of the campaign.

Optimized action bidding (OAB)

  • Bid on installs, pay for app clicks. 
  • Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is required to enable this bidding option. Learn more on MACT.

OAB is similar to CPAC, but enables you to bid on the install rather than the app click. While you’re only charged on an app click, your Max Bid value represents approximately what you are willing to pay for an install. With this option, you should not pay significantly more than your bid, but may be charged less or slightly more. Since OAB campaigns rely on predicted installs, Max Bid is never exact.

Cost per install bidding (CPI)

  • Bid on installs, pay for installs.
  • Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is required to enable this bidding option.  Learn more on MACT.

CPI takes the idea of OAB one step further, and allows you to bid and pay for the app install, ensuring that you only pay when Twitter drives an install. With this option, you will never be charged more than your bid and advertisers are often charged less.

The bid type you choose is up to you and your app promotion goals.

For new advertisers we recommend testing all three bid types in different campaigns.

Use our flowchart to help decide which one to get started with.  

Note: if you choose to launch CPI (bid on installs, pay for installs) bidding campaigns, please be sure of the following:

  1. You cannot reduce the budget once a CPI bidding campaign has been created. However, you can increase the budget.
  2. You cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.
  3. You will be billed based on Twitter’s default attribution window of 30 day click / 1 day view with CPI bidding.
  4. Since Twitter charges on time of install (not time of impression), spend could potentially increase after pausing campaigns.

Serving your App installs or re-engagements campaign

Tweets in App install or app re-engagement campaigns are served in a number of locations:

  • Users' timelines (optional). Tweets in your campaigns may be visible within a user’s timeline if an advertiser has promoted a Tweet that is relevant to that user.
  • Profiles and Tweet detail pages (optional)When a user you've targeted visits a Twitter profile or tweet detail pages, they may be eligible to be served your impression.
  • At the top of relevant search results pages on (optional). App campaigns from our advertising partners are called out at the top of some search results pages on and through select ecosystem partners, like Hootsuite.
  • Partner applications on our Twitter Audience Platform (optional). The Twitter Audience Platform is a way to drive greater scale for your campaigns by extending your campaign to reach your audience in the thousands of apps and websites they use everyday. Note: if you wish to extend your campaign to the Twitter Audience Platform, you'll be asked to select a category that best describes your ad. We recommend you choose only one category. You'll also have the option to choose what custom creative formats you'd like your ads to be syndicated to. Learn more about custom creatives.

In your mobile app promotion campaigns you can fully customize the locations on Twitter and TAP you want your ads to appear. You can make this customization on the "Creatives" tab of your campaign setup form.

Viewing your results

In your Ads Manager you'll be able to see the results of your app install and app re-engagement campaigns. Filter the date range in the top right corner to see key metrics such as total spendresults cost per result, and result rate. Your "result" will be either app clicks or installs, depending on what you chose during campaign setup.

An app click is total number of clicks to install or open your app. An install is when someone installs your app from the app store.

Learn more about how to use Ads manager to view and download metrics. 

App installs or re-engagements FAQs

  • Why and when should I use an app install or re-engagements campaign?
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    App install campaign


    Most Twitter users view Twitter on mobile. Running App install campaigns is the perfect way to connect with mobile users who are likely to convert seamlessly from app to app store. 


    If you have a new app to promote, or are looking to reach new users for your app, this is the campaign objective to run. 


    App re-engagements campaign


    Users come to Twitter with a discovery mindset. Promoting your app in a re-engagement campaign keeps your app top of mind, driving brand loyalty and in app actions.


    App re-engagements campaigns are perfect for retaining your existing app users. If you're looking to drive existing users to make an in app action, re-engagmenet campaigns are perfect for you. 

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  • How much does an app install or re-engagements campaign cost?
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    Twitter’s cost-per-action pricing ensures you only pay for the specific actions you are looking to drive. 

    When you run an App install or app re-engagements campaign, you will only be charged for either app clicks or app installs, depending on which you choose during your cmapiagn setup. Impressions that don't result in this action are free.

    The cost you pay per app click or app install in your App campaign will depend on the budget and bid you set for your campaign, as well as the targeting you select. You'll receive real time bid guiddance based on your targeting in your campaign setup. More on Twitter Ads pricing.


    When setting up your App installs or app re-engagements campaign you can select between automatic, maxmium, or target cost as your bid type. We suggest selecting the target bid option since this will give you the flexibility to successfully bid on app clicks or app installs from users who are especially likely to engage with apps, while staying near or below your target costs. When you setup your campaign and input your bid, think of your target bid as how much you're willing to pay per app click or app install.

    It's important to think carefully about the value each app click or app installs brings to your business. The recommended bid is a good indicator of the amount you will need to bid for your campaign to reach its goal. You will never be charged more than your bid and advertisers are often charged less.  However, if your bid is not competitive relative to other advertisers, your campaign may not serve.

    In addition to controlling the amount you pay per action, you also have complete control over the amount you spend overall. After setting your bid, you are prompted to enter a total budget for the campaign and, optionally, a daily budget as well. When your overall budget is reached, you campaign will stop serving until you increase the budget. When your daily budget is reached, your campaign will stop serving until the next day. 

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  • What type of tweets can I use in my app install or re-engagements campaign?
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    In App install and app re-engagments campaigns, you must use one of our app promotion cards. Currently we have four options, all of which can be created in your Creatives < Cards tab:

    • 1:1 Image app card
    • 1.91:1 Image app card
    • 16:9 Video app card
    • 1:1 Video app card

    For detailed information on how to setup app cards click here


    Check out our Advertiser card specifications page to see specfications for all the cards shown above. 

    Remember, no matter what type of Tweet you use, you'll always be billed on either app clicks or app installs depending on which you choose in campaign setup.

    All advertisers and their promoted tweet content must comply with our Twitter Ads policies

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  • How do I set up third party mobile app conversion tracking?
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    MACT stands for mobile app conversion tracking. For detailed instructions on what MACT is, who you can partner with, and how to setup your MACT partner in your Twitter Ads account click here.

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  • I'm not sure what bid type to use in my mobile app promotion campaigns
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    Our three different bidding options for App install campaigns help you achieve the highest possible ROI, and which one you choose will depend on your specific goals. You cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.

    Here are some #ProTips to help you choose which bidding option is right for your campaigns:

    Cost per app click bidding (CPAC)

    – Bid on app clicks, pay for app clicks.
    – Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is not required to enable this bidding option.

    This option is ideal for advertisers seeking to achieve scale quickly.  Use with campaigns that are narrowly targeted, such as your core audience targeted with very specific @usernames or keywords. If performance starts to decline, you may want expand to the other bid types.

    Optimized action bidding (OAB)

    – Bid on installs, pay for app clicks. 
    – Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is required to enable this bidding option. 

    This option is ideal for refining campaign performance, as you experiment with what creative formats and targeting options drive the highest ROI. Use with campaigns that are broadly targeted, like those that are only relying on geo-targeting or a broad array of interest categories.

    Cost per install bidding (CPI)

    – Bid on installs, pay for installs.
    – Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is required to enable this bidding option. 

    This option is ideal for those who are most concerned with cost-efficiency. You only pay when Twitter drives an install. This bidding type lends itself well to experimentation, as there are few cost trade-offs for trying a new audiences egment or targeting strategy.

    Note: when launching CPI bidding campaigns, please be of the following:

    1. You cannot reduce the budget once a CPI bidding campaign has been created. However, you can increase the budget.
    2. You cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.
    3. You will be billed based on Twitter’s default attribution window of 30 day click / 1 day view with CPI bidding.
    4. Since Twitter charges on time of install (not time of impression), spend could potentially increase after pausing campaigns.

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  • How do I add my app to my ads account?
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    For detailed instructions on how to add, group, and edit apps in your ads account visit our App manager page

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