Tweet Activity Dashboard

The Tweet Activity Dashboard displays Tweet data to help you optimize your performance on Twitter. You can leverage these insights to inform ongoing strategy for both paid and organic Tweets and content.

  1. Organic and Promoted Tweet impressions and engagements. Tweet level metrics organized by all Tweets, Tweets and replies, and Promoted Tweets
  2. Charts to quickly gauge month to month performance.
  3. Tweet previews and detailed engagement metrics. Click on any Tweet in the Dashboard to bring up the Tweet Detail view, which includes metrics such as Retweets, likes, replies, and more
  4. Export .CSV file. Includes all Tweet-level data and permalinks, broken down by organic vs. promoted metrics




For each Tweet you send, you’ll be able to track the number of impressions, engagements, and engagement rate it's earned. 

When you learn what resonates with your audience, you can start Tweeting similar content. This dashboard is a helpful place to visit when you’re thinking about planning a content calendar for your Twitter account. 

Visit your Tweet activity dashboard today.

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  • Accessing TAD
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    Twitter Activity Dashboard is a free feature, you may access it in one of two ways: 

    To locate TAD on Select the "Tweets" tab:

    On Click on the Analytics dropdown and select "Tweet activity".

    Tweets on TAD not appearing

  • How to use TAD for metrics
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    The dashboard is separated into four parts, each showcasing a different set of metrics:

    1. Organic and Promoted tweet impressions and engagements

    Here you'll see tweet-level metrics organized by Tweets, Tweets and replies, and Promoted tweets. You can click between the tabs for easy viewing. 

    Only tweets that were originally sent during the date range that you have selected will appear in this view. However, the tweets shown will display all metrics that they've accumulated since creation. 

    For example, if you have 'Last 7 Days' selected as your date range, only tweets that have been tweeted within the last 7 days will be displayed here. The metrics they show will be the total number of impressions/engagements/etc they've gathered over the course of their life.

    2. Charts to gauge performance over time

    Along the top and right side of TAD, you'll find helpful Charts that display a number of metrics over time. You can change the date range for which they display by toggling the dates in the top right corner.

    Charts include: 

    • Impressions
    • Engagement Rate
    • Link clicks
    • Retweets
    • Likes
    • Replies

    These will include data from both promoted and organic tweets. The charts display metrics across all your tweets during the date range you've selected, regardless of whether they were created during that date range.

    3. Tweet previews and detailed engagement metrics

    Click on any Tweet in the dashboard to bring up the Tweet detail page. This will lead you to the following view, where you can see the total metrics a tweet has gained over its lifetime. Hover over any metric in the Tweet Detail page with your cursor to see its definition. 

    4. Export File

    In the top right corner of TAD, you'll see an option to export your tweet activity data. To do this, first select the date range you wish to download. Next, you can select the Export button to receive a .CSV file of your data. The .CSV file breaks out organic and promoted metrics separately, and the timezone of the export is set to UTC/GMT.

    Please note: You can export up to 30 days of data at a time and there is a is a 3,000 tweet cap per .CSV export, so if you're trying to export a large date range with thousands of @replies, you might have to limit the date range into smaller increments to successfully download your data.

  • Common definitions
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    To find a definition of a metric in TAD, hover over the word with your mouse. You can also find definitions below: 
    • App install attempts: Clicks to install an app via the Tweet’s Card
    • App opens: Clicks to open an app via the Tweet’s Card
    • Detail expands: Clicks on the Tweet to view more details
    • Embedded media clicks: Clicks to view a photo or video in the Tweet
    • Engagements: Total number of times someone interacted with a Tweet. Clicks anywhere on the Tweet, including Retweets, replies, follows, likes, links, cards, hashtags, embedded media, username, profile photo, or Tweet expansion
    • Engagement rate: The number of engagements divided by the number of impressions
    • Likes: The amount of people who "liked" the Tweet
    • Follows: Times someone began following you directly from the Tweet
    • Hashtag clicks: Clicks on hashtag(s) in the Tweet
    • Impressions: Times people were served a Tweet in timeline or search results
    • Link clicks: Clicks on a URL or card in the Tweet
    • Permalink clicks: Clicks on the Tweet's permalink (desktop only)
    • Replies: Times someone replied to the Tweet
    • Retweets: Times someone Retweeted the Tweet
    • Shared via email: Times someone emailed the Tweet to others
    • User profile clicks: Clicks on the name, @handle, or profile photo of the Tweet's author

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Tweet data is not appearing
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    Twitter Analytics, including the Tweet Activity dashboard, is a free service available to all Twitter users who (a) have an ads account and/or (b) register at 

    To maintain access to Tweet Activity dashboard please ensure the following: 

    Should you be unable to see data in your Tweet Activity Dashboard, it is likely that your account has been found in violation in one of the above policies. You can find more information on how we enforce our policies here

    If you still have questions, our support teams would love to assist you. If you are an advertiser on, please file a support ticket via If you are a user of, please file a support ticket here

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  • Are Tweet metrics updated in real time?
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    Yes, Tweets along with their impression and engagement metrics, are usually updated within a few seconds. Please note that our systems take up to 36 hours to stabilize, so you may see a slight fluctuation in data during that time.

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  • Do the "Tweets" and "Tweets and replies" tabs include organic and promoted data?
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    The data in the "Tweets" and "Tweets and replies" tab includes both organic and promoted Tweets, and the Promoted tab only lists Tweets that have been promoted. When a Tweet in any tab has been promoted, it will include a row for organic data, and a row for promoted data. The first row contains organic-only metrics, and the second row labeled “Promoted in X campaign(s)” contains promoted-only metrics, summed up across all campaigns.

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  • How can I find the campaigns in which my Tweets were promoted?
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    The Tweet detail page/overlay includes a list of campaigns that the Tweet was promoted in. You can access this page by clicking on an individual Promoted Tweet. Clicking on the campaign will take you to the campaign in Twitter Ads.

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