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Optimize your app installs or re-engagements campaign.

Optimization: App installs or re-engagements campaigns

Optimizing your App installs or re-engagements campaign will help you effectively target a mobile audience likely to install or engage with your app. With Tweets optimized for the mobile marketplace, people will be able to install or open your app directly from their timelines.

Top Tips:

  • Get more attention with images and video
  • Utilize our real-time intent data and powerful targeting signals
  • Set up conversion tracking for mobile apps (MACT)

Get the #details

  • Elevate your app promotion Tweets using video
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    Tweet using App Cards — a powerful ad format that allows mobile users to preview an image, view app ratings, and install or open an app directly from their timelines.

    • Introduce images and video into the mix
      The Video App Card can show people a preview of your app, resulting in a more educated — and more qualified — user. #ProTip: Remember that video app campaigns will likely require higher bids, somake sure to adjust your bidding strategy.
    • Test and Iterate
      Start with at least 3 to 5 creatives per campaign, crafting compelling copy and designing attractive images tailored to your target audience to drive taps, installs and opens from interested users. Then hone in on the ones that perform, focusing budget on the best of the set.
    • Refresh your creative
      Twitter is all about live, relevant content - and your ad creative should reflect that. Fight ad fatigue among your core audiences by refreshing your creative frequently. We recommend at least every two weeks.
    • Enable custom creatives
      You can also opt to run your own creative on the Twitter Audience Platform across seven additional ad sizes, including GIF formats. If you’re looking to maximize scale, we recommend running across all ad sizes.


  • Target with purpose
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    Setting up your targeting for App install and re-engagement campaigns can be more nuanced than other campaign objectives. 

    • Test. Design your initial campiagn flight with an understanding that your main goal is to first test several targeting-creative-bid combinations to see what works. Then, you'll focus on scaling.
    • Plan. Build out a campaign plan using different targeting segments and creatives and bidding combos. Aim for multiple campaigns per device - iOS or Android - per country across Twitter and the Twitter Audience Platform. 
    • #ProTip: Minimize audience overlap to prevent campaigns from cannibalizing each other. 
    • Efficiency. Drive maximum efficiency on your user acquisition campaigns by excluding Tailored Audiences of users who already have your app installed. 


  • Track your conversions to the App store
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    Our conversion tracking partners enable real-time conversion and attribution for all of your campaigns. When a user engages with a Twitter ad and/or installs your app, the tracking partner and Twitter communicate in real time to attribute installs and downstream user activity to the original ad source, so you’ll know exactly where your most valuable users come from. Setting up Mobile Conversion Tracking for Apps with one our partners allows you to:

    • Focus on ROI
      See deeper insights and trends around lifetime value and performance metrics.
    • Go beyond acquisition
      Identify each step of your funneland drive re-engagement through targeted re-marketing campaigns.
    • Gain a holistic view
      Measure and compare the impact of your spend across all of your marketing channels.

    For information on our tracking partners and how to set up MACT for your app, click here and scroll to the 'Measurement' section. 

App install optimization FAQs

  • How do I set up my app install or re-engagment campaigns?
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    You can find a detailed set up guide for App install or re-engagement campaigns here

    Find information on how to set up a mobile tracking partner under the "Measurement and Optimization" section of that page. 

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  • What are my bidding options?
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    We offer different types of bidding for Mobile App Promotion Campaigns to help you achieve the highest possible ROI. Please note, you cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.

    • Cost per app click bidding (CPAC)

    – Bid on app clicks, pay for app clicks.
    – Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is not required to enable this bidding option.

    App clicks are clicks that lead to the app store or directly into the app and you are only charged when a user takes that action. With this bidding option, our platform will optimize to drive as many app clicks as possible (and as many high-value app clicks as possible). The daily average CPC will be at or below your stated target. We guarantee we won't ever charge you more than 20% of your target bid over the course of the campaign.

    • Optimized action bidding (OAB)

    – Bid on installs, pay for app clicks. 
    – Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is required to enable this bidding option. For more information about MACT, please see the "Measurement & Optimization" section here.

    OAB is similar to CPAC, but enables you to bid on the install rather than the app click. While you’re only charged on an app click, your Max Bid value represents the absolute max amount you would pay for an install. With this option, you will never be charged more than your bid and advertisers are often charged less.

    • Cost per install bidding (CPI)

    – Bid on installs, pay for installs.
    – Mobile App Conversion Tracking (MACT) is required to enable this bidding option. For more information about MACT, please see the "Measurement & Optimization" section here.

    CPI takes the idea of OAB one step further, and allows you to bid and pay for the app install, ensuring that you only pay when Twitter drives an install. With this option, you will never be charged more than your bid and advertisers are often charged less.

    When launching CPI bidding campaigns, please be sure to note the following:

    1. You cannot reduce the budget once a CPI bidding campaign has been created. However, you can increase the budget.
    2. You cannot switch the bidding type (CPAC, OAB, CPI) after the campaign is created or saved as draft.
    3. You will be billed based on Twitter’s default attribution window of 30 day click / 1 day view with CPI bidding.
    4. Since Twitter charges on time of install (not time of impression), spend could potentially increase after pausing campaigns.

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  • My app campaigns are not spending through their entire budget, what should I do?
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  • My app campaigns are not hitting their goals, what should I do?
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  • What are custom creatives for App install or re-engagements campaigns?
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    Custom creatives are specific advertising creatives that run only on the Twitter Audience Platform (TAP). You can create and upload your own custom creatives, or choose "Native" in the campaign creation form, and your promoted impressions served on TAP will show as if they were Tweets.

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