Golden Rule and her crew returned to San Diego

Hawaii Voyage Rescheduled
Much to our disappointment, the Golden Rule’s early May voyage from California to Hawaii was cut short due to engine problems. The mechanic’s inspection revealed that we need a new engine.
We still hope to sail to Hawaii in July!

The new engine, exhaust system, repair dock fee and crane time (including labor) will cost $16,570 and work should be complete by June 7.

So, how can we finance a new engine? Seven people (so far) have pledged $1000 each, which is a good start. A few others have pledged lesser amounts.

We filed an insurance claim, which if approved could pay up to 60% of the cost of the new engine.

We need your help now!

Please click the donate button or send a check to:

VFP Golden Rule Project
PO Box 87
Samoa, CA 95564

Please give a generous donation as soon as possible.
Please see Golden Rule eNews May 2019 for information from the latest Golden Rule eNews.


To receive a daily email about the Golden Rule’s progress once Golden Rule is headed back out to sea, please go to -or- send an email to

Follow Golden Rule and her crew around the Pacific!

Follow the Golden Rule on Facebook!

If you’re interested in crewing in Hawaii or beyond, please fill out a crew application at


Screen the New Golden Rule Documentary!

Making Waves: The Rebirth of the Golden Rule A 25 minute documentary about the Golden Rule’s history and current mission is now available to view and download here!

A 10-minute version can be watched directly from here.


For post-screening discussions and actions you can take to end the possibility of nuclear war, download the Discussion Guide and Tips for a Successful Screening.


Help the original nuclear protest boat and support her mission to abolish war as an instrument of national policy. You can donate via PayPal by clicking the button below or donate by check to:
VFP Golden Rule Project
P.O. Box 87
Samoa, CA 95564

We are so thankful for our many supporters.
Humboldt Bay VFP Chapter 56 continues to donate to the Golden Rule. San Diego VFP Chapter 93 continues with its monthly sustained donations of $100 with a challenge to other chapters to do the same.
“There is lots of excitement and many people are stepping up to help make the Golden Rule voyages successful,” said Helen Jaccard, Golden Rule Project Manager.

Subscribe here to receive future Newsletters in your inbox!


Send us your favorite photos from our voyages to! We would love to post them on our website and Facebook page.


Speaking Engagements

Speakers are available to talk with your group or the media about the Golden Rule and nuclear issues.  Please call Helen Jaccard, 206-992-6364 to make arrangements.

Check out the great video from our departure from San Diego!



We aim to advance Veterans For Peace opposition to nuclear weapons and war, and to do so in a dramatic fashion.
We have recovered and restored the original peace ship, the Golden Rule, that set sail in 1958 to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and which inspired the many peace makers and peace ships that followed.
The reborn Golden Rule is sailing once more, to show that nuclear abolition is possible, and that bravery and tenacity can overcome militarism.
The Golden Rule crew spreads the word about the continuing dangers of nuclear power, and the poisoning of the air, water and soil from the entire nuclear cycle, from uranium mining to the disposal of nuclear waste.
Event Volunteers Needed

With many educational stops, we need a lot of help, all hands on deck and there are many roles to play!
Organizers, authors, public speakers, a web master, photographers, videographers will all be needed and appreciated.

If you live in Hawaii, we also need help to organize events and seed money for each stop.  To volunteer, please contact Helen Jaccard at 206-992-6364 or send an email to


Resolutions in support of Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Cities, counties and states are adopting resolutions to support the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. For example, the California Legislature approved this resolution: California TPNW Resolution Here’s the announcement. Los Angeles and Baltimore have passed similar resolutions. Please encourage your city, county and state to do the same!