​​Hands off Venezuela

​No Coup, No War, No Sanctions

President Nicolás Maduro’s message to the People of the U.S.

Actions took place in more than 150 cities across the world.  For more information on the actions including many pictures go here: https://www.nowaronvenezuela.org/.  Also at this web site you can read an open letter to the people of the U.S.” from Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela and you can add your name or the name of your organization to the letter. 
What next?  Next we must mobilize for March 30 when NATO comes to DC to “celebrate” their 70th anniversary (see the above article).  The country of Colombia has become the first NATO partner in Latin America.  Colombia is being used as a proxy for US intervention into Venezuela and if conflict breaks out between Colombia and Venezuela other NATO countries will then be required to intervene on Colombia’s behalf.  This is a very dangerous situation that can bring war to then entire region. 
Join us on March 30 in DC and in Oakland, CA.http://no2nato2019.org.

Please Donate to UNAC

UNAC Launches Odessa Solidarity Web site.

​As the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate economically and politically, Progressive and anti-fascist forces are coming under increasing attack.  This is the case for the Odessa Council of Mothers of May 2, which was formed by relatives of these killed and wounded by the fascist attack on protesters at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014.  In response, UNAC has initiated the Odessa solidarity campaign.  The web site is here: www.odessasolidaritycampaign.org. Please go to the web site and support the campaign.

​Video, fascism in Ukraine:


Read documentation of the growth of fascism in Ukraine: 

http://nepajac.org/ukraine%20evidence.pdf  (please wait a few seconds for documentation to load)

UNAC members and friends have launced a new web site called "Ukraine After Maidan."  This web site will focus on the ever increasing repression from the US supported right-wing governement of Kiev.  To access the web site, please go here: https://ukraineaftermaidan.wordpress.com/

US Peace and Solidarity Delegation goes to Venezuela

A 13-member peace and solidarity delegation from the United States landed in Caracas, Venezuela on the weekend of March 9 and 10 despite American Airlines, the main US airline that flies to Venezuela, cancelling some flights.  The delegation including leaders of antiwar groups from the US and Canada including: Bahman Azad the organizational secretary of the US Peace Council, who was the sponsoring organization for the trip, Gerry Condon, pres. of Veterans for Peace, Sara Flanders, co-coordinator of the International Action Center, Ajamu Baraka, national coordinator of the Black Alliance for Peace, progressive journalist, Eva Bartlett, Joe Lombardo, co-coordinator of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), Sarah Martin from Women Against Military Madness, Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance, Darien De Lu, President of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom - US, Miguel Figueroa, president of the Canadian Peace Congress and Daniel Shea, board of directors, Veterans for peace. [read more]

U.S. Hands off Syria

(statement of the Hands off Syria Coalition of which UNAC is a founding member)

No to NATO, War and Racism!
Hands off Venezuela!
Hundreds march in Washington, DC and Oakland, CA


​​​​A broad coalition representing some 150 organizations mobilized on the weekend of March 30 to demand U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! No to NATO, War and Racism! Initiated by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), the main demonstration took place in Washington, DC on March 30th, the Saturday before leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) were to meet to “celebrate” their 70th anniversary.  Other actions and anti-NATO meetings are scheduled to take place leading up to the NATO meeting on Thursday, April 4.  April 4th is also the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the anniversary of his famous speech against the Vietnam War that took place at Riverside Church in New York City, exactly 1 year before his assassination.  The meeting of the NATO war-makers on this date is an afront to the memory of Dr. King. [read more]



Type your paragraph here.

​​​UNAC in Odessa to Support Memorial of those killed by Right-wing on May 2, 2014

                                                                         Gathering for memorial of those massacred       Fascist try to disrupt

UNAC members and friends traveled to Odessa to support the memorial of those killed by fascist forces on May 2, 2014 while they were protesting the US supported coup at Maidan Square.  Once again the fascist forces tried to disrupt and held their own rally to "celebrate" what they consider a victor.

Please read the report by UNAC co-coordinator Joe Lombardo here

A second report of Maidan Square in Kiev can be seenhere

In Ukraine pro-fascist organizations have been supported by the police and the government.  Many from ultra-rightest organizations are in the government.  The anti-Maidan organizations also functions but face arrest and assassination and are driven underground.  This is the government that the US supports.


                                                                       Rally in Yemen against US/Saudi War

​Even before the war began, this impoverished country imported 90% of its food.  The port of Hodeidah has been the primary entry point for food and other aid and is now the target of a new offensive by the US/Saudi/UAE coalition threatening mass starvation to get the Yemeni people to submit to their will.   The recent attack on Hodeidah has included massive Saudi bombing of the port and a ground force that includes officers from the UAE leading anti-Ansar Allah Yemenis along with mercenaries, many from Sudan.  This attempt to close the port of Hodeidah should be seen as a war crime. [read more]

Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning

(Update: Julian Assange has now been charged with espionage and faces life in prison.  This is for telling the truth about U.S. war crimes.  He is not a U.S. citizen.  If this holds, any journalists, anywhere in the world who tells the truth about the U.S., and the U.S. government determines the story is against their interest can be subject to prosecution.  This is the must severe violation of freedom of speech we have seen in decades. We must fight this with everything we can)

Julian Assange has been arrested and will be deported to the US to face criminal charges. Apparently, they want him for telling the truth about the war crimes the US committed in Iraq, which was revealed by Chelsea Manning. Part of what was revealed was the “Collateral Murder” video that was played at the first UNAC conference and introduced by Ethan McCord who was a soldier on the ground as the US military shot and killed Iraqi civilians from a helicopter and then killed the first responders as they came to help. As they were shooting, you can hear the US soldiers laughing as the people on the ground tried to scatter and many fell to their death. The video of Ethan McCord at the first UNAC conference can be seen here
This “Collateral Murder” video was released by Chelsea Manning to WikiLeaks. Today Manning sits in jail, unwilling to be questioned by a grand jury trying to get evidence to prosecute Julian Assange. Manning and Assange are heroes of the movement.
It was nice to see that Julian Assange would not willingly surrender to the UK police thugs and they required 7 thugs to carry him out.
What right does the US have to charge someone who is not a citizen of the US for revealing war crimes? Why is the media not standing behind him? This is an attack on the first amendment rights of all of us. The movement for peace and justice must come together and support Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning.

UNAC statement from August, 2018 in support of Julian Assange.

UNAC Statement on the U.S.-North Korea Summit

After months of harsh talk towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), during which he threatened to destroy the country in “fire and fury,” Donald Trump will meet with Kim Jong Un in Singapore.  The world is hoping that the meeting will pull us away from the brink of nuclear war.  This hope is understandably strong among Koreans, as reflected in a recent statement initiated by a host of Korean American organizations and signed by many other supporters.  The statement calls for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula (read the statement here).

Join UNAC at the Left Forum

UNAC will be holding 2 panels at this years Left Forum to be held in Brooklyn, NY on June 28 - 30.  For more information on the Left Forum, please go to http://leftforum.org.

The UNAC panels are:

The Situation in Venezuela and the Fight Against U.S. Intervention
The panel will be made up of members of the peace and solidarity delegation sponsored by the US Peace Council that recently returned from Venezuela.  They will speak on the Bolivarian Revolution, the US attempts to overturn it and the mobilization of the population to defend their process. Saturday, June 29, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

The Situation in Ukraine
This panel will include 3 people who recently visited Odessa to support the families memorializing those killed in a right-wing massacre in 2014. It will also include a Ukrainian national. It will discuss the situation with the war in Donbass, the recent elections, the growth of Fascism and more. - Sunday, June 30, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Many UNAC leaders and groups will speak on other panels throughout the weekend including:

    Black Liberation Strategies in the Empire of Exceptionalism
    Towards Building a Poor People's Army: Organizing and Fighting for Our                Lives!
    Dismantling the U.S. Empire’s Fake News: Lessons from the Book “American         Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake                   News--From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror.”
    Budget for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal
    The New York Left: What Happened the Last Year and What’s Next?
    How Will the Left Vote in the Presidential Election?
    Continuous Cold War: U.S. vs USSR / U.S. vs Russian Federation
    Driving Divestment: Strategies, Challenges, and Successes
    Decline and Fall of the U.S. Empire
    Reparations to African People: A Socialist Demand

   Combating US War & Regime Change Threats against Iran, Cuba & Venezuela

    Muslim Political Prisoners & EGO Relief Act

Seoul, South Korea, as a joint team from the North and the South marched into the stadium carrying a flag representing a unified Korea.  The entire stadium of thousands, including dignitaries from the various countries represented, took to their feet in prolonged celebration, demonstrating the desire of the entire world for peace.  The only people who remained seated were Vice President Pence and the right-wing president of Japan, Shinzo Abe. [read more]

United National Antiwar Coalition

Many UNAC leaders and members participated in the First International Conference against US/NATO Military Bases, which was held on November 16-18 at Liberty Hall in Dublin, Ireland and attended by more than 300 activists from 35 countries.  Around 60 people registered from the US.

The conference was organized by the Global Campaign Against US/NATO Military Bases of which UNAC is a founding member.  The campaign has been endorsed by over 700 organization internationally. [read more]

Sign the Petition to support Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning here

The US always needs a major enemy (or many) to demonize in order to focus attention away from its real motives and crimes against humanity.  Whether it’s foremost economic rivals like Russia and China or other countries not under its control like North Korea, Syria, and Iran, or whether it uses Islamophobia, racism and anti-immigrant attacks at home, its hatemongering and demonization policies serve to cover what is the real target of US imperialism: domination of world markets and exploitation of the world’s resources and people to the advantage of the super-rich in the US. [read more]

Report on the UNAC 2017 Conference

​​     As activists met in Richmond, VA for the UNAC conference entitled “Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad: Building a Movement Against War, Injustice & Repression,” the US military was shooting down another Syrian plane from the skies over Syria, and the cop who murdered Philando Castile was being acquitted.  Despite these realities, the conference and the movement took a huge step forward, as over 300 people registered for the conference, bringing together people from 31 states as well as nine foreign countries: Canada, Columbia, Hungary, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine and Venezuela.  The conference was the most diverse byage, race and geography of any antiwar conference or meeting in recent history. [read more]    


Visit the UNAC Blog for articles on important issues written by UNAC members and friends

UNAC calls for local protests on or around the weekend of July 13 - 14 calling for Nor War on Iran, No U.S. Coup in Venezuela, End Sanctions Now, Bring all the Troops Home Now.

                          US/Saudi Arabia, Stop Your War on Yemen

In recent weeks we have seen a huge escalation of the war against Yemen being waged by a coalition of forces that includes the United States, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, the UK and France.  These forces have waged a relentless war against Yemen, the poorest Arab country.  There has been continuous bombing of the country by Saudi Arabia, including hospitals, schools, food supplies, neighborhoods, infrastructure and other civilian targets.  More than 14,600 civilians have been killed and injured and over three million people have been internally displaced.  The devastation has been so bad that the country is now entirely dependent on outside aid as eight million Yemenis face famine.  The worst cholera epidemic ever has caused over 1 million cases and resulted in more than 2,200 deaths.

Twenty Years of Genocide in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

For the past 20 years, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has experience genocide that has claimed the lives of 6 million people.  The genocide has been enabled through US financing and arms.  Please view the videos below for the explanation that you will never hear on the U.S. corporate media and go to the web site of Friends of the Congo for further information.

Friends of the Congo can be found here: http://congojustice.org

Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DAvD3DY_ME&t=3s


     Add Your name to UNAC's email list

The strong-armed tactics and bluster from the Trump administration was deflated due to the diplomacy between North and South Korea initiated by South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who was elected partly on the promise to cool down the tension between North and South Korea.  Today, polls show that Moon enjoys a popularity rating of 85% in South Korea.  The results of the diplomacy became visible to the entire world at the recent Winter Olympics in



U.S. Bases around Iran

After withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the so-called Iran Nuclear deal, and the imposition of harsh sanctions, the Trump administration now threatens a new war in the Persian Gulf.  A U.S. Naval aircraft carrier battle group has been sent to the region along with B-52 bombers and plans to increase the already heavy U.S. military presence in the region by 10,000 troops.  For years, the U.S. has had Iran militarily surrounded as it has tried to isolate them politically and economically. [read more]

Peace and solidarity activists occupied the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC to keep it from the hands of forces related to the fake, US appointed and self-declared "president," Juan Guaido.  In violation of international law, secret service broke into the embassy and arrested the Occupiers known as the Embassy Protection Collective

Demonstrations have taken place in Washington, DC to protest this move on the part of the U.S. government and more actions are planned. This move flies in the face of international law and threatens all countries.

On September 21, a demonstration has been called as the United Nations General Assembly meets and head of governments from many countries will be in New York.  More information on this action will follow soon.

Report on the First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases​

​Dublin, Ireland, November 16 - 18, 2018

                      War Propaganda and the Trump/Putin Summit

The relentless hue and cry denouncing the recent Trump/Putin summit meeting largely emanates from the so-called liberal establishment, the Democratic Party, and their partners in the corporate media.  The Democrats hope to reverse electoral losses by vilifying Trump while simultaneously, once again, proving to be incapable of advancing critical policies that the people need and want.  Many progressive people who claim to oppose Trump and his policies, are themselves shamefully supporting NATO and more aggressive policies and sanctions against North Korea and Russia. They express support for the “professional” FBI that has been responsible for COINTELPRO attacks on the Black movement and the left and the intelligence agencies that spy on everyone and engage in assassinations, war, and regime change.  Robert Mueller, the Director of the FBI for 12 years, is falsely promoted as a hero and a possible savior of a non-existent democracy.

Hands Off Syria Coalition

The Hands off Syrian Coalition, of which UNAC is a founding member, sponsored a series of speaking events on Syria throughout USA during the month of December, 2016. Our keynote speaker for these events was Eva Bartlett, independent Canadian journalist who has done a significant amount of reporting from Syria and came directly from Aleppo to the U.S. to participate in our speaking tour. 
To see the videos of most of the events and press conference and to get involved with the coalition, please go to the Coalition's web site at:


Support the Black Alliance for Peace

UNAC Supports the work of the Black Alliance for Peace.  Click here to read their statements:  https://blackallianceforpeace.com/bapstatements/

BAP web site is here: https://blackallianceforpeace.com/

The U.S. now spends almost 64% for every discretionary tax dollar on the military.  It has about 20 times the number of foreign military bases as all other countries combined.  Both major parties support ever increasing military spending and war, so it is up to the people to build a strong, independent movement to stop U.S. military aggression around the world.  Join us!

With the recent drone attack and false flag incidences with attacks on oil tankers off the coat of Iran, the prospects of another regime change war seem ever more probable. Let July 13 - 14 action be an answer from the antiwar movement. Join us!

If your organization would like to endorse the call, you can do so here

If you would like to post your event, please do so here

More than a year ago organizations around the world came together in a collective statement to demand U.S. Hands off Syria. U.S. Hands Off Syria signers included more than 265 organizations and over 1,500 individuals. They agreed with the Hands Off Syria Coalition’s focus on opposing the criminal and illegal U.S. role in the 7 years of war and supported the demands and points of unity.

We must urgently raise our voices again.

The U.S. government has announced its continued determination to maintain a long-term military occupation of Syria and to create a border force of 30,000 on the Turkish and Iraqi border and the Euphrates Valley effectively partitioning Syria. This latest U.S. plan would separate the oil rich northern region from the rest of Syria and create a militarized mini-state, under U.S. contro [read more]