
The Attack on Two Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman

On the morning of June 13, two oil tankers were attacked in the Gulf of Oman. One was the Front Altair, owned by the Norwegian company Frontline, but flying the flag of the Marshall Islands. It was carrying a cargo of ethanol from Qatar to Taiwan. The second was the Kokuka Courageous of the Japanese company, Kokuka Sangyo, flying the Panamanian flag which was carrying methanol from Saudi Arabia to Singapore.

Iran and the USA on the Warpath?

Whether this situation of neither war nor negotiation, or ‘a bit of war, a bit of truce’ is going to last for a long time or will be temporary, one thing is certain. Neither Trump nor Khamenei, despite their desires and intentions, will ever be able to bypass the impasse that the present crisis is creating.

Workers' Strikes in Iran: This Time it is Different

To see the new phase of the crisis, which began with the bursting of the speculative bubble in 2008, as just a repeat of the same decades-long pattern of boom and bust, is a mistake. It is a gross misunderstanding of the impasse that capitalism has come to today.

The Class Party in the Light of the Struggles in Iran

The struggle can hardly prosper if it becomes isolated in Iran. The Iranian workers’ need for a useful political organization, to develop consciousness and guide struggles, is what we all need. Not in the future but now.

Iran: Workers' Strikes and Protests Continue

Today the slogan of Bread, Jobs, Freedom, Soviet Organisation is to everyone's surprise, if not disbelief, resonating everywhere. The support of other workers, teachers, office workers has ignited hope in the hearts of millions of workers and toilers. Against the regime’s drumbeat for imperialist war, our slogan is “no war but class war”. As the class struggle intensifies, the balance of power in Iran is being questioned for the first time since 1979.

The Crisis and the Rise of Workers’ Militancy in Iran

This time, it is the workers of the Haft Tapeh that after several years of strikes, struggle and enduring all the hardships, arrests and beatings of their representatives, have stepped up their struggle and reorganised themselves.

Iran: Class War against Imperialist Pretensions

Day and night, as the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran approaches, its leaders arrogantly harp on about their imperialist achievements and shout about the "Islamic-Iranian model of progress" and "Islamic Civilisation" ... At the same time, while the multi-coloured opposition to this regime pursues its reformist and nationalist goals, by bargaining and begging for their share, the working class is entering the scene.

Iranian Protests against Austerity


On Thursday, 28th December 2017, in Mashhad the second most populous city in Iran, thousands of protesters gathered outside the city hall and chanted “Death to Rouhani”, the country’s President. Some reports have suggested that it may have been initiated by the conservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi, Rouhani's defeated rival in the May 2017 Presidential election. Later on, some others, including the senior officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, implicitly accused ex-President Ahmadinejad's circle being behind the recent protests. However it may have started, it quickly broke out of its intended framework and control and, in less than a week, spread to over 40 cities.

A look at Lockerbie: Intiqam, the man who takes revenge

In my last blog post I took a look at the US downing of Iran Air 655. In this post I will show how the Iranians took an eye for an eye. Part 2 of 3.

Black Flag 236 (2014)

This issue of Black Flag, which came out after a hiatus in 2013 in which no magazine was produced at all, began a period of annual publishing. Among the key articles was a cover story reflecting on the sometimes difficult organising of that year's AFem 2014 conference, a prescient analysis of Osborne's failed austerity programme, and a still-relevant analysis of the ways in which protest policing have dovetailed with the slow course of justice to both deny campaigners their rights and leave people in legal limbo for years at a time.