
A Response to Police Repression Following Hamilton, ON, Pride

The following statement from the anarchist community center The Tower responds to the recent repression against those targeted by police after clashes erupted between those defending Hamilton Pride and the far-Right.

Still Not Sorry: On the Plea Deal in the Locke St. Case in Hamilton

Originally posted to North Shore Counter Info, the following text looks at the recent sentencing of several comrades in the aftermath of an anti-gentrification riot in Hamilton, Ontario.

Hamilton, Ontario: Big Landlord Issues Mass Eviction Notices to Threaten Organized Tenants

As the Stoney Creek Towers rent strike enters its sixth month, corporate landlord CLV is starting to lose it. This story previously appeared on It's Going Down and North Shore Counter-Info.

Hamilton Tenant

A newsletter by and for tenants in Hamilton. The goal of this newsletter is to share the stories of working-class tenants in Hamilton and inspire each other in our collective struggle for better conditions in our homes and our lives.

Hamilton Rent Strikers Bring Demands to Landlord’s Doorstep in Ottawa

Last weekend, striking tenants from the Stoney Creek Towers in Hamilton trekked to Ottawa with their supporters to confront the executives from InterRent, a Real Estate Investment Trust with an investment strategy based around displacing working-class tenants from their neighbourhoods.

East Hamilton Rent Strike Enters Second Month with Twice as Many Tenants Withholding Rent

On May 1st, the East Hamilton rent strike began with tenants from more than 70 units withholding rent. On June 1st, that number doubled!

Hamilton: Corporate Suits Fail to Intimidate Rent Strikers

Rent strikers in Hamilton, Ontario were not intimidated when corporate suits showed up at their door demanding rent.

Defending Hamilton: Reflections on the East Hamilton Rent Strike

An organiser reflects on the conditions that led to tenants in East Hamilton declaring a rent strike. This post previously appeared on North Shore Counter Info and It's Going Down.