
A Response to Police Repression Following Hamilton, ON, Pride

The following statement from the anarchist community center The Tower responds to the recent repression against those targeted by police after clashes erupted between those defending Hamilton Pride and the far-Right.

Socialist Fulcrum - Socialist Party of Canada


Socialist Fulcrum, published quarterly 1968-1984 was an official publication of the Socialist Party of Canada, originally of Victoria branch. Full archive from official two bound volumes.

Amazon: A new business model better able to manage the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production

Amazon cardboard robot

An attempt to understand the functioning of one the world's most powerful companies using marxist categories - explaining how Amazon manages to combine the functions of productive, comercial and finance capital. The intention is, of course, to try to work out the implications for class strugle...

GM's plant closures stink of corruption on so many levels

GM's Detroit-Hamtramck plant. Credit:

Investors and top executives have used profits at GM to enrich themselves for years, while insisting mass layoffs are an unavoidable fact of economics.

A Tempest in Three Teapots: Yom Kippur Balls in London, New York, and Montreal

Undated advertisement in Yiddish for a Yom Kippur ball in New York City

At the end of the 19th century a nascent tradition emerged in London, England among recent Jewish immigrants as an anti-religious celebration of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. The event quickly spread to North America where it was taken up by other Yiddish speaking anarchists and socialists as a way of expressing their collective power in a celebratory environment and encouraging others to turn against superstition and religion.

Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism

Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism

A Lecture delivered in Paris, November 27 1893 by Gabriel Deville.
This pamphlet is undated, circa 1900-10. Translated by Robert Rives la Monte. Number 1 in the Red Flag Series of the Socialist Party of Canada.

Socialist Party of Canada Western Clarion Literature for sale

Socialist Party of Canada Western Clarion Literature for sale

Socialist Party of Canada Western Clarion Literature for sale by the Dominion Executive Committee