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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Violence After Pegida March: Northern Guard Attack Counter-Protester an Rick Boswick Admits to Assaulting People

Well, this didn't take long:

As counter-protesters were making sure the fascists left the Toronto downtown after the Pegida rally, this video shows two members of the Northern Guard assaulting one of them. ARC has heard of a number of instances of counter-protesters being isolated at attacked. One evidently ended up in the hospital.

UPDATE: Another incident which occurred on a downtown mall involved numerous fascists attacking a single counter-protester; Chris Vanderweide (the man who assaulted two individuals with a helmet at the Hamilton Pride event) was thick in the middle:

Rick Boswick and Derek Story posted the following video which, and I know they don't actually believe this, incriminates them as having engaged in assaults (at least Boswick) themselves:

Holding someone on the ground, tearing off an article they are wearing by force, and taking a picture or video of the encounter isn't a "citizen's arrest." It is assault, and I'm not sure that the judge in Boswick's court appearance will be especially impressed should Boswick actually publish the video he claims to have produced.

I'm still working on other videos from earlier in the day, however here are a few highlights from Wayne Peters' video and commentary:

I'll have more on this as well as the events that took place in Hamilton involving the Yellow Vesters led by antisemite and Paul Fromm associate Justin Long as well as Tim "Braying Jackass" Kelly's Proud Boys tomorrow.

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