
The Dead Don't Die: who makes the zombies?

Dead Don't Die Poster

A review of Jim Jarmusch's anti-zombie film. This review contains many spoilers so you may want to see the movie before reading this.


Looking at one of the less orthodox ways of marking the 200th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx.

Film Review: AFA on Romper Stomper

Anti-Fascist action review Romper Stomper and contrast their position with that of the Anti Nazi League. From Fighting Talk issue 6.

5 big problems with Kill All Normies

‘Kill All Normies’ (KAN) is a bestselling book, recently translated into Spanish, and is having a continuing influence on public discussion of topics from the alt-right to ‘incel’ misogynists to the purported failings of the left.

Angela Nagle's Plagiarise Any Nonsense

Nagle's poorly sourced book on the online culture wars includes a copy and pasted definition of a fascist ideology and misrepresents non-binary genders.

Black Flag 237 (2015)

The last of the titles from the 2007-15 Black Flag collective looked at a brief wave of squatting in the capital and took an in-depth look at the then-somnolent Parliamentary scene before the rise of Corbynism. A direct action bent saw it pick over the rise and fall of the animal rights movement, and consider how the Trade Union Bill could potentially be resisted.

Review: Soldiers of the night: the story of the French resistance by David Schoenbrun

Simone Seguin, French resistance fighter, Paris

Stuart Christie's review of David Schoenbrun's book on the French resistance during World War II.

Catching up on the Discource

A brief bit on how I reclaim a portion of my labour time.