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Education Workers

The Education Workers Network (EWN) is made up of Solidarity Federation members who work in the education sector, whether that's schools, FE or HE.

“Zero hours” contracts in Higher Education: the zero option…?

Five years ago, “zero hours” contracts came to the attention of the national media. While there is no one type of “zero hours” contract,  in all cases workers receive no guaranteed weekly hours or income. Workers are paid only for the actual hours worked, and the employer is under no obligation to provide any work. Their use by employers in very many sectors of the British economy has mushroomed in recent years. In 2006, possibly 0.5% of the workforce had “zero hours” contracts (130,000). According to the Labour Force Survey, 901,000 people (representing 2.8% of all workers) were on contracts that do not guarantee work in December 2017.

How students can support striking higher education staff.

University workers in UNISON, UCU, Unite and EIS are on strike on Thursday, February 6th.

Workers in higher education are lucky to have students who are willing to support us when we’re on strike, and it would be pretty foolish not to welcome them on our picket lines.

Conference: Resisting restructuring in education (23. Nov)

Education is in turmoil. How can we build effective alliances between education workers and students, and solidarity between education establishments? Conference with talks and workshops,  organised by students and workers at Sussex university for the Education Workers Network and @occupy_sussex. Open to education workers and students.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 11:00am until 6:00pm, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, BN1 3XG Brighton

Teaching strikes Tues 1st Oct

The NUT and NASUWT unions in the East Midlands, West Midlands, Yorkshire and Humberside and the Eastern regions are on strike on Tuesday October 1.

The strikes are over pay, pensions, workload and conditions. If you live or work near a primary or secondary school do your best to show your solidarity.


Education Worker #10 - Victimisation

The tenth issue of Education Worker, the bulletin of the Education Workers Network of SolFed focuses on victimisation in education, including articles on victimisation of NUT reps, the Halesowen Four and London Met.

Classroom assistants on strike in Hackney

Classroom assistants were out on strike on Tuesday 26th at Horizon and Downsview special schools in Hackney, over a regrading issue which would see low paid staff lose out by around £200 a month.
All the permanent classroom assistants were out on strike. Classroom assistants on probation and agency staff went in but held up messages of support at the windows.
The classroom assistants, who do a lot of the frontline work with special needs children, told us how they felt the management didn’t value their work or care about their wellbeing at all, even when they get hurt at work. They said they stayed in the job due to love of working with children, but they felt totally undervalued.

National demo against privatisation | University of Sussex | Monday 25 March 2013

COME down for 1pm and join in the LARGEST demonstration (so far) against privatisation at Sussex University, and to show that universities nationwide are NOT FOR SALE!

Facebook event

IF coming from outside of Brighton, please organise a coach to come down from your local area. Stay in the occupation the night before and if you please, stay for a celebration afterwards...

Free coach from London.

With encroaching privatisation across campuses, we need to stand up and make it heard: OUR UNIVERSITY IS NOT FOR SALE!

more details to follow, including speakers, but get planning!

The University is a Factory - SHUT IT DOWN!

Suspensions at London Metropolitan University

London Metropolitan University made the news worldwide last year when, due partly to their connections to the London School of Business and Finance, they were investigated by the UKBA and were prevented from recruiting international students.  (for details see Education Worker 9, London Met UNISON’s website or Andrew McGettigan) Now that the dust has settled from this scandal, London Met is again in the news, this time because it has suspended three of its workers, in very suspicious circumstances.

grassroots mobilisation across Spain against attacks on public education

An EWN member participated in a school sit in in Almensilla, southern Spain organised by Marea Verde, a grassroots movement to defend public education.

Statement from the Sussex flash occupations

Following the largest demonstration yet on Thursday 28th Feb, exactly three weeks from the start of the ongoing Bramber House occupation, a second, temporary, occupation was made at the University of Sussex. This statement was read from the steps of the occupied BSMS building.

We, 200 students and staff of this university, have occupied the Michael Chowen lecture theatre.

This action is a response to a lack of alternatives within the current situation. Management still refuse to engage with our demands even as they attempt to placate us by feigning negotiation. So we reiterate that we will not compromise, and state them again:

Anti-privatisation struggle gathers momentum at Sussex Uni

Demo today (Thurs 28th Feb): 'the big one' | 1pm Library Square | Bring workmates, friends, and yellow squares!

The long-running struggle against the outsourcing of 235 jobs at the University of Sussex has been gathering momentum. The plans were first announced in May 2012, prompting demonstrations and mass meetings by staff and student supporters.

Demo - our campus is not for sale - University of Sussex

TODAY - 1pm - Library Square

Over 90% of all facilities and services at Sussex University are being sold off to private companies; Management have for months ignored petitions, meetings and demonstrations of thousands of students, staff and lecturers opposing the plans.

Student at Sussex have occupied Bramber House Conference centre to force Management to listen to students and workers on campus, and take their opinions on this seriously. Stand up to management, stand up for Sussex!

Justice for the Halesowen Four

Discontent has been brewing at Halesowen College, Birmingham, following the summary dismissal of no fewer than four Maths teachers in the last month, including Dave Muritu, the College’s UCU Branch Secretary. The College has seen pickets, lobbies and widespread condemnation for its persecution of teachers, seemingly solely for raising issues of genuine concern to do with their students’ educations.

Education Worker No. 9

Our latest bulletin, covering London Met, SAUL pensions and UCU work to rule.


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contact info

If you are an education worker in London, please contact the LEWN from the contact form.

You can get in touch with us via the contact form on this site.


EW Issue 8: Academy Special The latest issue of Education Worker, the EWN's bulletin is out, with an Academies Special! We lift the lid on what's happening in schools and academies in particular: what they are, what they do, why they are a problem and what should be done about it. EW#8 can be downloaded from the site, or ask your nearest SolFed local.   (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #7 is out! (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #6 out now! (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #5 (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #4 In this issue: The University Funding Freeze ; Alternative G20 at University of East London ; Roundup ... University and Colleges Roundup ; H.E. Pay: Don't be Fooled ; Break with Partnership (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #3 In this issue: Migrant Cleaners ; Confronting Inequality ; Double Whammy for the Low Paid ; Unions Derecognised at Nottingham Trent ; Hera to Zero ; What we Mean by Direct Democracy (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #2 In this issue: Bullying ; HERA Lessons ; What we think of... ; Pensions ; Work Councils ; Academy Schools (post) (pdf)
Education Worker #1 In this issue: HERA ; What we think of... ; Crichton Campus ; Union Partnership ; Health & Safety  (post) (pdf)

Our leaflets

EWN constitution
All Out For Pensions
An unbranded poster designed to promote the upcoming pension strikes. (pdf)
Education struggle are our struggles (EWN)
Generic leaflet that can be given out to education workers, students, parents, or members of the public.
EWN Leaflet for J30
An EWN leaflet designed to be given out in the run-up to J30 or on picket lines on the day. (pdf)
ALL OUT FOR JUNE 30th! - leaflet for edu workers, parents, and students
A leaflet designed to begin a conversation with education workers, but also students and parents, about the June 30th pension strikes. (pdf)

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Solidarity Federation