Otto Rühle

No verses for Trotsky: a diary in Mexico - Alice Rühle-Gerstel (1937)

Alice Rühle-Gerstel’s (1894-1943, wife of Otto Rühle (1874-1943)) memories of Trotsky in Mexico. As far as we are aware, her writings are untranslated into English and this memoir is an exception. If you read German try to obtain a copy of her brilliant novel "Der Umbruch oder Hanna und die Freiheit".

Karl Marx's Capital

Capital commemorated stamp

Otto Rühle's 1939 abridgement of the first volume of Marx's Capital.

Karl Marx: His Life and Work (1928) Otto Rühle

Karl Marx: His Life and Work (1928) Otto Rühle

Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx.
Reproduced here for reference

The revolution is not a party affair - Otto Rühle

Otto Rühle

This article was written in May 1920 and was first published in the German paper Die Aktion. This translation first appeared in the London Workers' Group bulletin (no. 14, October 1983). A different english translation was published in the American journal Revolutionary Struggle, No. 2, Spring 1979.

A revolução não é tarefa de partido - Otto Ruhle

Texto histórico publicado em 1920 que apresenta as posições antiparlamentaristas e anti-sindicais dos comunistas de esquerda da Alemanha (comunistas de conselhos), assim como a crítica do bolchevismo e da socialdemocracia e a perspectiva de auto-organização dos trabalhadores a partir das empresas de onde eles transformam a sociedade de baixo para cima.

International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 8

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 8, September 1939

KAPD Report from Moscow

Report from the Congress of the Third International in Moscow by Otto Rühle of the Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD).

Moscow And Us - Otto Rühle

Brief notes on the Russian revolution, the third International and their relationship with the German proletariat by council communist Otto Ruhle.

Which Side To Take? Otto Rühle

Otto Ruhle on which side socialists should support during World War II.