
What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? My Time as a Death In June Fan

This article by John Eden of Uncarved, originally posted on the Who Makes The Nazis? blog, examines the industrial/neofolk music scenes and the effects of their extended flirtation with fascist imagery and ideas over a period of time.

Anarcho Agony Aunts

Anarcho Agony Aunts

Anarcho Agony Aunts is a sex and dating advice show, covered from a feminist, antifascist, anarchist perspective.

Panov, Dimitar (1906-1948) aka Aristarchus

Dimitar Panov

A short biography of Dimitar Panov, anarchist and literary critic

Balev, Ivan Tsvetkov (1900-1981)

Ivan Balev

A short biography of Bulgarian anarchist doctor Ivan Balev

E10: Strategic Antifascism with Mark Bray

12 Rules for What is joined by historian and activist Mark Bray to discuss his book, Antifa: the antifascist handbook.

E09: The National Front in the 1970s

12 Rules for What is joined by historian Dave Renton to discuss the National Front in the 1970s (UK).

E08: Generation Identity

The 12 Rules for What podcast discusses the white supremacist identitarian group Generation Identity.

E07: National Action

12 Rules for What are joined by journalist James Poulter to discuss the neo-nazi extremist group National Action

E06: Fascism and the Occult

!2 Rules for What discusses the historical and contemporary interactions of fascist movements and occult thinking.

E05: On the Christchurch Attack

Alex from 12 Rules For What makes an appearance on Dissident Island to discuss the Christchurch shooting