workplace activity

Human Shields and Supermarket Managers

Max O’Donnell Savage reflects on the way ‘responsive’ human resource management uses internal labour markets and individualised welfare schemes to break up the embryonic solidarity between supermarket workers. This article was first published by Notes from Below.

Camaraderie, Affective Labour and the Union: A Hospitality Workers' Inquiry

A workers’ inquiry into hospitality and the TGI Fridays strike, examining the labour process of hospitality work, how it creates sociality among workers and how this affinity lays the groundwork for resistance. This article was first published by Notes from Below.

How to socialize the workplace

Roger Williams, an education worker, talks about building social relationships with coworkers, to lay the foundation for organizing. This article was first published by the Organizing Work blog.

Workers' Conditions in UK Warehouses

It is hard to describe how awful the job is. Almost anyone could do it for a few minutes, even find it stimulating, nice bit of exercise, find a location, a bit of mental stimulation, almost a game. But give it an hour, the feet hurt, the knees hurt, the lower back hurts, the brain hurts… give it a few days and there is no learning curve anymore. Give it a few weeks and you are no longer the same person. You are the walking dead between seven and three.

Bakkavor Factory Newsletter no.5

Looking forward in anger - AngryWorkers’ review of 2018 and plans for the new year


2019 will be a good one! The political honchos from left to right are in chaos, the crisis is sharpening. What we need are independent working class initiatives that combine self-defense against bosses and their lackeys with a vision of social emancipation. There ain't no shortcuts!

Workers' power at Heathrow airport - a Report

A friend works as a maintenance engineer at Heathrow airport. You can read about working conditions and organising efforts below - a shorter version will be distributed to Heathrow workers in WorkersWildWest no.9. If you want to get involved in our modest organising efforts in and around Heathrow, drop us a line:

WorkersWildWest no.8 - A local working class newspaper from west-London

A local working class newspaper: spreading work-place and struggle reports and propagating revolution. Get involved in local distribution or set up your own papers. Comments welcome - stick it to the man!

Women and the union - A factory in west-London

We wrote this report about experiences of women inside trade unions for our fellow workers of the IWW New Syndicalist:

Not Tesco Finest - Warehouse workers' report

An article for the upcoming issue of WorkersWildWest, a free working class paper from west London