
Revolutionary Bureaucracy – Solidarity

Revolutionary Bureaucracy – Solidarity

An article from Solidarity for Workers’ Power vol. 7, no. 11 on the nature of the bureaucratisation seen in the Russian Revolution.

Connollism – Solidarity

Connollism – Solidarity

A review in Solidarity for Workers' Power vol. 7, no. 11 of James Connolly: Selected Writings edited by P. Berresford Ellis and published by Pelican Books in 1973.

Solidarity 1913

Solidarity 1913

A reprint – within Solidarity for Workers’ Power, vol. 2, no. 1 (1962) – of a passage from the first issue of Solidarity: A Monthly Journal of Militant Trade Unionism produced by the Industrial Democracy League in September, 1913.

Against the grain: the British far left from 1956

A general history of the post-1956 British far-left. Its contents cover a range of organisations beyond the Labour Party, bringing together leading experts to examine issues of class, race and gender from 1956 to the present day. The essays collected here are designed to highlight the impact made by the far left on British politics and society.

A world to win

A leaflet distributed by Solidarity at a May Day demonstration in London, probably in the early 1960s (perhaps 1961) advertising one of their meetings and promoting socialism from below as opposed to the statist socialism of the Labour Party or the USSR.

Socialism reaffirmed

A leaflet from October 1960 published by Solidarity outlining ideas upon which to base a new recruitment of revolutionary socialists in the UK.

A way ahead for a new peace movement

The first pamphlet published by the Scottish Solidarity group in June 1966 about the anti-war and antinuclear weapons movements.

Solidarity (Swansea)

Cover of Solidarity Swansea

Partial archive of the journal of the Swansea section of libertarian socialist group Solidarity. Published from around 1970.

Solidarity for workers' power: Detailed Bibliography

Detailed bibliography of the Solidarity (London) publication.

Solidarity (Clydeside) #03

Solidarity Clydeside pamphlets - Number 3 – February 1970