Maurice Brinton

For Workers' Power- Maurice Brinton

Maurice Brinton was one of the most influential member of the British Solidarity Group (1961–1992), which sought to inspire a mass movement infused with libertarian socialist politics. Tactfully edited by David Goodway, For Workers’ Power includes articles, essays and pamphlets as well as Brinton’s classic works The Bolsheviks and Workers’ Control, Paris: May ’68 and The Irrational in Politics.

A revolução russa - Maurice Brinton

Texto extraído da introdução do livro Os Bolcheviques e o Controle Operário, de Maurice Brinton.

Belgium: the general strike - Solidarity

Pamphlet from January 1961 with first-hand news and accounts of the huge general strike in Belgium which was ongoing against the introduction of the "Loi Unique" which would reduce workers' purchasing power. Produced by Agitator (later renamed Solidarity) and New Generation, paper of the Young Socialist League, youth wing of the Independent Labour Party, much of it was written by Maurice Brinton under the pseudonym Martin Grainger.

Solidarity forever? - John Sullivan and Tom Hillier, and Maurice Brinton's reply

Solidarity Forever?

At the end of 1968 John Sullivan and Tom Hillier left Solidarity to join International Socialism (I.S.) the trotskyist group around Tony Cliff, and produced a pamphlet criticizing Solidarity. It's reproduced here together with Solidarity's reply by Maurice Brinton.

Socialism reaffirmed - Maurice Brinton

Some basic principles put together by Maurice Brinton in 1960 aimed at being ones around which revolutionary socialists - as distinct from bureaucratic state socialists - could regroup.

Maurice Brinton interview (1990)

Interview with Chris Pallis (aka Maurice Brinton) produced by Agora International during the Cerisy Colloquium. He talks about the importance of Cornelius Castoriadis’ (aka Paul Cardan)’s ideas in his break from Trotskyism, and the ‘Solidarity’ group, of which he was the most prominent member.

From bolshevism to the bureaucracy - Paul Cardan

From Bolshevism to the Bureaucracy

Essay written by Cornelius Castoriadis in 1963 as an introduction to the French translation of Kollontai's 'The Workers' Opposition'. Translated and published by Solidarity (London) in March 1967 (Solidarity pamphlet No. 24).

History & revolution: Solidarity Discussion Bulletin 1 - Bob Potter and Maurice Brinton

History & revolution - Solidarity Discussion Bulletin 1

Bob Potter, a former member of Solidarity criticizes the Solidarity pamphlet 'History and Revolution' by 'Paul Cardan', and Cardan's treatment of Marx. Maurice Brinton responds.

Revolutionary organisation - Maurice Brinton

Revolutionary Organisation

'Revolutionary Organisation' was published by Solidarity (Clydeside) in July 1969. (Clydeside pamphlet No. 2). It reprinted three articles published in early issues of the London Solidarity group journal. Although unsigned the articles were by Maurice Brinton.

Workers power and the Russian Revolution: a review of Maurice Brinton's For Workers Power

Tom Wetzel reviews the sections concentrating on the Russian Revolution in For Worker's Power, a collection of Maurice Brinton's writings.