Martin Glaberman

Slaves and Proletarians: The Debate Continues

Martin Glaberman responds to Noel Ignatiev on the question of whether slaves are proletarians.

6 underrated Marxists who don't get enough love

It's a sad fact that many of the most radical Marxists, whose participation in working class struggle and ideas challenged not only capitalist society but also the social democratic and Leninist tendencies in the workers' movement tend to get ignored by anarchists and Marxists alike.

Does Freedom of Speech Include Fascists?

Protest against Gerald K Smith in Minneapolis, 1946

Martin Glaberman's 1945 response to Judah Drob of the Socialist Party, who had been arguing against anti-fascist pickets.

The American Working Class in Historical Perspective

A critical review of Jeremy Brecher's "Strike!"

Punching out and other writings - Martin Glaberman, edited by Staughton Lynd

A great collection of the writings of former-auto worker Martin Glaberman, edited and introduced by Staughton Lynd, published in 2002. Covering topics such as life on the production line, the unions and methods of struggle.

Letter from Marty Glaberman to Zerowork

A critical letter from Martin Glaberman in 1977 to one of the Zerowork collective about the journal and its politics.

Punching out - Martin Glaberman

Seminal text by Marty Glaberman detailing his experiences of wildcat strikes and union policing of the workforce during the heyday of the UAW in Detroit's auto factories.