left communism

Brexit or Remain: A Choice of Tripe at the End of May

The crisis in the capitalist party political system has become even more acute during May. Two sets of election results have shown that the Labour v Conservative Punch and Judy show has, at least for the time being, lost its ability to call all the shots.

1980-1: Class Struggle in Poland

As a follow up to our recent article about Solidarność (see: leftcom.org) we are republishing three of the leaflets that the CWO and Battaglia Comunista distributed in 1980-1 among workers in Britain, Italy, France, and the USA on the events unfolding in Poland.

Solidarność: Trade Unionism or Self-Organisation?

Political and economic crises led to the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc. The downturn in the post-war accumulation cycle, the Cold War, the USSR’s disastrous intervention in Afghanistan, as well as the popular revolts in Central and Eastern Europe all played a role. But it is the class struggles of 1980s Poland to which we turn our eye here.

Crisis, War and Environmental Catastrophe: There is No Alternative to the Social Revolution!

2019 finds humanity in an increasingly dangerous place. The consequences of global economic stagnation, itself the product of a much deeper crisis of profitability, can be seen in the rise of nationalism, racism and xenophobia. These in turn threaten not only to add to the increasing proliferation of unending wars around the world but to the possibility of more general conflict further down the line. Not unconnected to the current wars are the environmental disasters which the pursuit of profit has already inflicted on millions across the globe. If allowed to proceed unchecked capitalism threatens, in one way or another, the very existence of the only home humanity has.

Investigación sobre el capitalismo llamado triunfante

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Spanish edition, by Ediciones Espartaco Internacional, of Claude Bitot's book Enquête sur le capitalisme dit triomphant. There's a english version here.

Declive y Resurgimiento de la Perspectiva Comunista - Gilles Dauvé

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Spanish edition of Eclipse and re-emergence of the communist movement by Gilles Dauvé and François Martin.

Informe de la delegación siberiana - Leon Trotsky

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Spanish edition of a report from the siberian section of the Russian Social-democrat party, relevant because it's Tortsky's most critical stance thowards Lenin. The book also includes writings by Pierre Guillaume and Jean Barrot (Gilles Dauve)

El Materialismo Histórico Explicado a los Obreros

Book in Spanish, by Ediciones Espartaco Internacional. It includes two texts, one by Herman Gorter, Historical Materialism Explained to the workers, and Marxist Theory and Revolutionary Tactics by Pannekoek.

Contra el Nacionalismo, el Imperialismo y la Guerra.

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Spanish edition by Ediciones Espartaco Internacional, of writings by Herman Görter and Anton Pannekoek, on war, nationalism and revolution.

Founding of the Comintern - Then and Now

A century ago, from 2nd — 6th March 1919, 52 delegates, more than 40 from various political organisations outside Russia, met in Moscow.