Karl Marx


Looking at one of the less orthodox ways of marking the 200th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx.

Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx - Karl Kautsky

Kautsky's book-length introduction to concepts in Marx's first volume of Capital.

Marx's Critique of Utopian Socialists

New Harmony by F. Bate 1838 Robert Owen's utopian community

Marx's Critique of Utopian Socialists
Roger Paden
Journal of Utopian Studies

The Civil War in the United States

Marx writing in Die Presse No. 306, November 7, 1861. Marx makes explicit his concern that the Confederacy might win the US civil war, and that this would result in the system of slavery being expanded to the North.

Neue Rheinische Zeitung

A short history of the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung edited by Karl Marx in the 1840s and the role it played in the events of the day.

Is an over-supply of labour depressing wages?

Are trade union bureaucrats correct in saying Marx believed an over-supply of labour depresses wages? We take a look at what Marx called "the absolute general law of capitalist accumulation" to discover if this is true.

Marx on the Russian Mir, and misconceptions by Marxists

Marx's 1877 letter to the editor of Otecestvenniye Zapisky refuting the idea that all societies would transition from feudalism to capitalism before communism.

Bordiga and the passion for communism – Jacques Camatte

Jacques Camatte’s 1972 essay on Amadeo Bordiga, discussing the Italian Marxist’s notorious “invariance”, his “hermeneutics” of “the precise connection between the proletariat and theory”, his “prophetic vision” of the communist future, his identification of the party with the class, his disdain for the cult of personality, his “anti-gradualism”, the impact of the publication of the Grundrisse and the Economic Manuscripts of 1844 on his thought, his precocious environmentalism, his anti-individualism, and his failure to recognize the significance of May ’68, pointing out that despite all his contradictions and limitations “his works are full of starting points for new research”.

Skint 1.5 Smashed Avo

The smashed avo has become symbolic of a standard of living: the bundle of commodities that form the historically necessary level for the reproduction of a large swathe of the working class in the last 10 or 20 years, and which increasingly seems untenable in the future. Moralising about the spending choices of the young is thus part of a disciplinary manoeuvre aimed at increasing the acceptance for a lower standard of living: whether that lowering of standards of living happens through the apparently neutral processes of the capitalist mode of production, or from direct attacks from capitalists.