France 1968

Anarchy #089

Issue of Anarchy magazine from July 1968, this issue is focussed on the events of May 1968 in Paris.

Boredom Weeps: Graffiti, curses, inscriptions of May 1968

A book of graffiti and sloganeering from the events in France, May '68.

Monthly London Meetings: 'Social Histories of Revolution: the Long 1960s'

‘Social Histories of Revolution: the Long 1960s’ explores this period from the perspectives of those whose strikes, demonstrations and other forms of struggle shook the world.

Your Revolution Is Not My Revolution: Thirty Years After May ’68 – François Lonchampt and Alain Tizon

A complete English translation of a book first published in France in 1999, a post-mortem on May ’68, discussing the various ways that the most popular demands voiced in May were recuperated by capitalism in its post-1968 “revolution from the right” (Pasolini) and incorporated into a consumerist lifestyle of selfish hedonism, pseudo-individualism, phony libertarianism and permitted rebellion (the “triumph of situationism”) as part of the restructuring of the global workforce and the creation of a “new man”, concluding with a call for “a new civilizing phenomenon” and “a revolution of the spirit” similar to the movement led by Christianity during the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

The Situationists and May 1968 – Miguel Amorós

A brief review of the role played by the situationists, the enragés, and the Council for the Maintenance of the Occupations (CMDO—composed of “about forty people”) in the movement of May 1968 in France, which the situationists claimed was an aborted “revolution”, but whose “only major victory”, according to Amorós, was “its survival in memory” for, “contrary to the assertions of the SI, the modernization of capitalism and the general proletarianization of the population … did not produce new, broader, and more intransigent forces of denial”, as the spectacle “subjugated its antagonists by manipulating their desires and satisfying false needs”, and its “mercenary thinkers finished the job”.

Comitês de ação dos trabalhadores e estudantes. França, maio de 68 - Roger Gregoire & Fredy Perlman

Barricadas feitas ao redor da universidade ocupada no Maio de 68.

"Os revolucionários franceses romperam a psicologia da derrota, a perspectiva de perdedores, e começaram a lutar."

A few clarifications on anti-work - Bruno Astarian

A historical perspective by Bruno Astarian on anti-work and its current expression in proletarian struggles. Translated by 'Ediciones Inéditos'.

Impressions of May - Ngo Van

Ngo Van's account of his experiences of May 1968.

Sorbonne anarchist leaflet, 1968

The occupied Sorbonne, May 1968

Leaflet produced by anarchists at the Sorbonne University during the May 68 events.

A Internacional Situacionista - La Banquise

Capítulo de "le roman de nos origines" (La Banquise No. 2 1983) que examina as contribuições e limites da Internacional Situacionista. (Traduzido e publicado pelo Grupo Autonomia no website Biblioteca Virtual Revolucionária em março de 2006 a partir da versão original em francês - publicada no website John gray-For Communism).