car industry

Honda, General Motors: Global Crisis and the Car Industry

Two articles on the recent developments in the US and UK automotive industry.

Mexican workers take matters into their own hands

Workers walk out of a plant in Matamoros. Source:

Largest North American strike wave in decades grows. Rebellion exposes union betrayal, is met with repression from “left-wing” government and a near total media blackout.

Mexico's Turmoil Continues: The Maquiladora Strikes

The article below has been provided by a CWO sympathiser. It gives a brief sketch of a continuing struggle where we again see workers organising themselves against their bosses and against the bosses' props, the Labor Unions. At this point the outcome of the struggle is not yet determined but even now it is clear that the struggle is part of our class's resistance against the capitalists' crisis-driven onslaught.