Anarchist Federation

Two new anarchist feminist projects in Scotland

Two white and purple unicorns locking horns on a black background

A quick blog in which I’m very optimistic about the Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair, and a new class struggle self-education project in Edinburgh

What's wrong with angry? LGBTQ bulletin of the Anarchist Federation

Anarcho-queer flag

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) group of the Anarchist Federation published WHAT’S WRONG WITH ANGRY? in 2008, then a second issue in 2011.

Battle for the Soul of Pride

Anarchist Stickerism

In the decades since the first pride marches took place in 1970 there have undoubtedly been massive gains made in the fight against persecution. Pride is, and should always be a celebration. A celebration of diversity, of power and of the gains we have made. It seems however that many of those in positions of power would rather we forgot HOW we’ve made it this far – and how far we have left to go.

Resistance No. 162 ( Anarchist Federation)

Resistance is the Anarchist Federations publication on social struggles and analysis of them. This issue covers Grenfell, Fascism, Trump, the Racist vans, Deliveroo, the struggle to reclaim Pride, Edinburgh Mothers against the benefit cap, Rent Strike, No to Prisons and Anti-Fracking.


Organise banner header

An incomplete archive of back issues of Organise! - the theoretical and historical publication of the Anarchist Federation of the UK.

Georges Navel- proletarian writer

Georges Navel

Article on the proletarian writer Georges Navel, which appeared in the Anarchist Federation's magazine Organise!

A box of ashes, the state and the next Cuban revolution

Anarchist flag in Cuba

Article by Cuban anarchist, Marcelo Salinas, in the wake of Fidel Castro's demise, translated by the Anarchist Federation.

Aspects Of Anarchism

Thoughts and commentary on some of the most important issues that anarchists must confront, from an anarchist communist perspective.

Previously published in Organise! The Magazine of Revolutionary Anarchism, sometime circa 1990-1995

Resistance to Nazism: Shattered Armies-How the Working Class fought Nazism and Fascism 1933-1945

Telling the stories of libertarian groups that were opposing Fascism in Europe before, and into, the rise of the Nazis including Edelweiss Pirates, FAUD underground, Zazous, 43 group, Arditi del Popolo and dozens of other Italian groups