Climate grief, climate anger

Climate strike, Nottingham, Market Square, 2019.

Climate grief can turn to climate anger, which can be a powerful force for change

Human Shields and Supermarket Managers

Max O’Donnell Savage reflects on the way ‘responsive’ human resource management uses internal labour markets and individualised welfare schemes to break up the embryonic solidarity between supermarket workers. This article was first published by Notes from Below.

Camaraderie, Affective Labour and the Union: A Hospitality Workers' Inquiry

A workers’ inquiry into hospitality and the TGI Fridays strike, examining the labour process of hospitality work, how it creates sociality among workers and how this affinity lays the groundwork for resistance. This article was first published by Notes from Below.

Anarcho Agony Aunts

Anarcho Agony Aunts

Anarcho Agony Aunts is a sex and dating advice show, covered from a feminist, antifascist, anarchist perspective.

The war that never ended: public history for the present

A critical look at New Zealand's official First World War centennial programme and its lack of engagement with the war's root causes, namely capitalism and white supremacy.

George Barrett, anarchists and the Great Unrest

Freedom Press published a selection of essays by 1910s anarchist activist George Barrett, Our Masters Are Helpless, at the start of this month. Below is an edited and slightly expanded text of the launch event talk.

Strikes and victories for outsourced workers across London

UVW members in the foyer of the Hilton.

Workers organised with the United Voices of the World union have been busy in London recently, fighting back against outsourcing and poverty pay everywhere from Chanel and the Hilton to the Trocadero and University of Greenwich.

Teesside Construction Workers Challenge the State

On Thursday 30 May construction workers at the Tees Renewable Energy Plant, owned by MGT Power, walked out in a wildcat action over safety conditions at the site. When workers act on their own class terrain they begin to challenge the capitalist structure as a whole.

Wildcat strike at Teesside power plant continues despite police repression

Workers go on strike due to unsafe working conditions. The State responds with a heavy police presence finally sending in the riot cops. This article is compiled from reports first published by the Anarchist Communist Group and Freedom News.