
Strikes and victories for outsourced workers across London

UVW members in the foyer of the Hilton.

Workers organised with the United Voices of the World union have been busy in London recently, fighting back against outsourcing and poverty pay everywhere from Chanel and the Hilton to the Trocadero and University of Greenwich.

Bloody Capitalism: Mean Wages Constantly Cut in Iowa's Meatpacking Industry

Workers in the meatpacking industry have a long history of militancy. Many first generation US citizens shaped the famous battles of the Chicago stockyards. Today's precarious migrant workers, often with no legal status, face an even bigger challenge.

Sweden: Migrant factory workers win secure employment contracts after joining SAC

An organizing campaign that has been going for several months finally came to a head a few weeks ago, involving a sizeable number of migrant workers from primarily Hungary and Romania heavily exploited at several agricultural facilities in the southern county of Skåne.

1958 Notting Hill race riots

1958 Notting Hill race riots.

Ron Ramdin's history on the 1958 Notting Hill 'race riots', which saw mass racial violence last for several days over a wide area of West London as groups of white people, often Teddy Boys or individuals linked to far-right organisations, would attack black individuals as they walked through the streets or sometimes even at their homes.

1958 Nottingham race riots

Local newspaper covering the 1958 Nottingham race riots.

Ron Ramdin's short history on the 1958 Nottingham race riots, in which over a thousand white people took part in mass racist violence against local West Indians. The violence in Nottingham would act as a prelude for an even more serious and widespread outbreak of violence in Notting Hill, West London, less than a week later.

Emerging conflicts in the Asian Youth Movements

United Black Youth League, Bradford.

Anandi Ramamurthy analyses the emerging divisions within the Asian Youth Movements around the issue of state funding. One faction opted to accept and was slowly absorbed into the functioning of the local state apparatus as individuals made careers for themselves in the Labour Party. Meanwhile, the other faction split off to form the United Black Youth League, opting instead for a more militant path.

Women and the Asian Youth Movements

Demonstration of the Anwar Ditta Defence Campaign.

Anandi Ramamurthy analyses the involvement of women within the Asian Youth Movements and how the groups engaged (or didn't) with issues of gender, sexism and women's liberation both within the organisation as well as in their activism.

Trade Unionism and the Asian Youth Movements

Asian Youth Movement poster in solidarity with the 1984-85 miners' strike.

A look at the engagement of Asian Youth Movement activists with workers' struggles and the British trade union movement.

Dockers Against Racism: an interview with Micky Fenn

Micky Fenn, docker, socialist and anti-fascist.

Interview with Micky Fenn, a socialist and trade unionist on the London Docks, discussing how he and other dock workers confronted racism among their workmates, particularly after the notorious dockers' strike in support of Enoch Powell and his racist, anti-migrant politics.

Asian workers' associations in Britain, 1956-1980s

Indian Workers' Association, Southall.

Ron Ramdin on the history and development of autonomous Asian working-class organisation in postwar Britain, their activities and their relationship with both the broader black liberation and working-class movements.