Working Class History podcast

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Archive of the Working Class History podcast. History isn't made by kings and politicians, it's made by all of us. This podcast is about how we, together, have fought for a better world.

This archive is updated periodically. For all up-to-date episodes see the WCH website:

Get exclusive early access to episodes, as well as other benefits by supporting WCH on patreon:

You can also listen to the podcast on soundcloud here, or you can find it on most podcast apps like iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Podbean etc. The RSS feed is here.

If you enjoy the podcast, please give us a review on iTunes.


Apr 16 2018 18:19

This is a great initiative. Have you had much feed back?

Working Class H...
Apr 17 2018 00:16
rat wrote:
This is a great initiative. Have you had much feed back?

thanks. We haven't really had a big push to advertise it yet, we were going to do that after having a few more episodes recorded and online. So feedback has been relatively limited so far, but it's been good. What do you think so far?

Apr 19 2018 19:38

I think the podcasts are absolutely cracking! It's great to listen to a WCH podcast on my way to work.
I really like the into music — that works excellently.
One thing I would say is that it would be good to have some more 'imagery' in each podcast. For instance you played examples of relevant contemporary music in the Anti-Nazi youth movements program. I think you should edit in other snippets of archival sound such as speeches, crowds at demos, broadcast news announcements from TV and radio etc. Adding these sorts of details would involve more work for you and maybe difficult to source but it would also give more colour and impact.

Working Class H...
Apr 19 2018 13:51
rat wrote:
I think the podcasts are absolutely cracking! It's great to listen to a WCH podcast on my way to work.
I really like the into music — that works excellently.
One thing I would say is that it would be good to have some more 'imagery' in each podcast. For instance you played examples of relevant contemporary music in the Anti-Nazi youth movements program. I think you should other snippets of archival sound such as speeches, crowds at demos, broadcast news announcements from TV and radio etc. Adding these sorts of details would involve more work for you and maybe difficult to source but it would also give more colour and impact.

yeah, we would like to do that, but time is a bit of an issue, but copyright permission is more of a problem. That said we will try to do this, and see what we can use on a "fair use" basis.

And of course if anyone wanted to help us out, specifically to research things like that which we could use in episodes it would be much appreciated, drop us an email to

Thanks very much for the feedback and kind words though, if you gave us a review on iTunes it would be much appreciated, as good reviews there means the algorithm will show it to more people

Apr 19 2018 19:39

This maybe a bit rash of me to promise, but I might have a look around for sources for historical sound that are outside of copyright.

Also, how do we give a review on iTunes?

Working Class H...
Apr 19 2018 20:26
rat wrote:
This maybe a bit rash of me to promise, but I might have a look around for sources for historical sound that are outside of copyright.

Also, how do we give a review on iTunes?

awesome. If you want we could give you a heads up about upcoming episodes we have so you could see what you can find?

To review on iTunes follow the link above to the iTunes page and click the Review bit. You need to have an iTunes account to do that BTW

May 8 2018 11:15

Thanks. Really enjoying these.

May 9 2018 20:44

I still intend to look into possible archival sound sources — I've just been a bit too busy.

For some reason, I can't see the Workmates podcast to download.

Jun 2 2018 19:58

I've been listening to this from the beginning, on EP4. Enjoying it so far, look forward to more.

Nov 7 2018 22:09

i've really really been enjoying this podcast and I think it's one of the exactly two good leftist podcasts. i was wondering though, where do you get that recording you have of bella ciao with the woman vocalist and the guitar? i can't find it anywhere

thanks in advance!


R Totale
Nov 7 2018 22:49

What's the other one?

Nov 8 2018 00:22
differengenera wrote:
i've really really been enjoying this podcast and I think it's one of the exactly two good leftist podcasts. i was wondering though, where do you get that recording you have of bella ciao with the woman vocalist and the guitar? i can't find it anywhere

thanks in advance!


It's in the acknowledgements of the episodes. I was curious at one point too 'cause it is a nice version they use. Haven't been able to find a free version of it on YouTube, but this is also a nice version

Dec 21 2018 00:18

Seems like this needs to be updated

Working Class H...
Feb 17 2019 16:45
differengenera wrote:
i've really really been enjoying this podcast and I think it's one of the exactly two good leftist podcasts. i was wondering though, where do you get that recording you have of bella ciao with the woman vocalist and the guitar? i can't find it anywhere

thanks in advance!


Thanks so much for the feedback! as someone commented, we link to the music in the show notes, but here they are again:
Our theme tune is Bella Ciao, thanks for permission to use it from Dischi del Sole. You can purchase it here: Or stream it here: