
The century of revolution, 1603-1714

Revelry at an inn

Christopher Hill's grassroots history of 17th-century England, as the modern state began to take shape.

The painful transition: bourgeois democracy in India

Indian parliament, postindependence

A Marxist account of the development of capitalist democracy in India, by Achin Vanaik.

A history of trade unionism in the Philippines

Workers demonstrate in the Philippines

A detailed account of the history of the workers' movement in the Philippines, by the International Communist Current. We disagree with the articles references to decadence theory, however reproduce it for its detailed historical information.

A people's history of England

England countryside, illustration by Clifford Harper

This classic 1938 work by AL Morton lays out the main outlines and most important turning points of British history - from the point of view of the ordinary people - in a clear and jargon-free style.

The Iranian coup, 1953

Roosevelt with the Shah of Iran

A detailed account of the overthrow of nationalist Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh by the CIA at the behest of the British and American governments, written by Stephen Kinzer.

The US-orchestrated overthrow of the Nicaraguan government, 1910

US troops in Nicaragua, 1926

An account of the ousting of modernising President Zelaya of Nicaragua by the United States in 1910, written by Stephen Kinzer.

US imperialism in Cuba, 1898-1901

US troops land in Cuba

An account of how the United States effectively took over Cuba following the Spanish-American war, by Stephen Kinzer.

The US conquest of the Philippines, 1898-1902

Filipino casualties on the first day of the war

An account of the American takeover of the Philippines, beginning with the US defeating Spain, and ending with it brutally suppressing Filipino resistance, written by Stephen Kinzer.

The US annexation of Hawaii, 1893

Troops from U.S.S. Boston occupying Arlington Hotel grounds

An account of the overthrowing of the Kingdom of Hawaii and its annexation orchestrated by an American diplomat, written by Stephen Kinzer.

Capital and the state in contemporary Turkey - Turgut Taylan

Detailed article tracing the origins of the 1980 military coup in Turkey, discussing the political-economic history of the country, the struggles of its working class and the need of the ruling class to form a 'united front'.