
100 Inmates in Shakopee, Minnesota, Wear Blue to Support Demands Made by LGBTQ Prisoners

Inside Shakopee Prison on Saturday 25th June, prisoners wore blue - the only color they can wear without getting in trouble - to protest in favor of changes demanded by LGBTQ prisoners. This story was first published by the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee.

Climate grief, climate anger

Climate strike, Nottingham, Market Square, 2019.

Climate grief can turn to climate anger, which can be a powerful force for change

A Response to Police Repression Following Hamilton, ON, Pride

The following statement from the anarchist community center The Tower responds to the recent repression against those targeted by police after clashes erupted between those defending Hamilton Pride and the far-Right.

Sudan: Behind the Massacre in Khartoum

A text on the violence used by the Sudanese state against the revolutionary movement, showing the connections between Sudan and other states including the EU's border policy. Translated and adapted by Crimethinc from the original at the Sudanese-French project Sudfa. Content note for extreme violence including rape and murder.

Marseille dockers refuse to load arms headed to Saudi Arabia

In Marseilles, dockers refuse to load French weapons heading to Saudi Arabia.

tiny housing...BIG PROBLEM

As rents become unaffordable and property ownership becomes a luxury, tiny houses are being advocated as a way of addressing the housing crisis both here in Aotearoa and elsewhere.

SOS CEPI Sudoeste - School Community Struggles Against Oppression in Goiás

Strikes and victories for outsourced workers across London

UVW members in the foyer of the Hilton.

Workers organised with the United Voices of the World union have been busy in London recently, fighting back against outsourcing and poverty pay everywhere from Chanel and the Hilton to the Trocadero and University of Greenwich.

Wildcat strike at Teesside power plant continues despite police repression

Workers go on strike due to unsafe working conditions. The State responds with a heavy police presence finally sending in the riot cops. This article is compiled from reports first published by the Anarchist Communist Group and Freedom News.