McDonalds Workers Resistance

UK McStrike leaflet, 2002

Text of a UK leaflet building for an international strike of McDonalds employees on 16 October 2002, by McDonalds Workers Resistance.

International McStrike leaflet, 2002

International leaflet produced for the attempt at a strike at McDonalds, 16 October 2002.

The international McStrike, 2002

McStrike in Germany, 2002

A collection of writings and reports of an attempted international strike of McDonalds workers called by McDonalds Workers Resistance on 16 October 2002.

What's it like to work at McDonalds?

McDonalds Workers Resistance on what it's like to be a McDonalds employee.

McDonalds Workers Resistance aims and principles

The mission statement of UK group MWR.

McDonalds Workers Resistance monthly reports

Three scattered "monthly" reports from MWR from 2001-2

MWR solidarity statement for public meeting in Houston, 2002

Statement of solidarity from McDonalds Workers Resistance sent to a public meeting dated 16 March 2002 with speaker Dave Morris from the McLibel trial.

McDonalds Workers Resistance Launch statement

Before October 12th 2000, we had worked away organising in a couple of stores in Glasgow (Scotland) and had then started communicating with a few other McWorkers and persuaded them to come along with us... This was the statement with which we went public through the wonderful McSpotlight web siteand launched our global takeover type thing. You'll notice that we're using the same slogans to this day...

Minutes of a Glasgow McDonalds Workers Resistance meeting, 2002

Minutes of a meeting of the Glasgow group of McDonalds Workers Resistance in 2002, taken by Casper.

McHumour - McDonalds Workers Resistance

Self-proclaimed "funny" bits and pieces by the rebel McWorkers.