The Attack on Two Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman

On the morning of June 13, two oil tankers were attacked in the Gulf of Oman. One was the Front Altair, owned by the Norwegian company Frontline, but flying the flag of the Marshall Islands. It was carrying a cargo of ethanol from Qatar to Taiwan. The second was the Kokuka Courageous of the Japanese company, Kokuka Sangyo, flying the Panamanian flag which was carrying methanol from Saudi Arabia to Singapore.

LA Teachers Strike Over the Emptying Out of the City's Classroom

Following the six-day teachers' strike in Los Angeles, January 14-22, 2019, a look at union demands, contract results, and a union with a history of following the commands of the capitalist Democratic Party.

Caravan Migrants Trapped on the Frontiers of Capitalism

Increasing militarism and hostility to migrants are interconnected aspects of the crisis of capitalism.

Class relations in the US - A background text

We wrote this text last year, as a reading suggestion for our debate on current class struggle in the US. We thought it might still be of interest. It focusses on the 'internal dynamics' rather than US foreign (military) policy...

Brief comments on the Libertarian Socialist Caucus’ 2018 platform

Democratic Socialists of America-Libertarian Caucus banner

Some brief, preliminary comments on the new platform released by the Democratic Socialists of America-Libertarian Socialist Caucus. A good sign, but should there be more?

Cuba: Fading Star in the Caribbean (1986)

A 1986 left-wing critique of Cuba as state capitalist, dependent & dominated by Russian imperialism, and still burdened by racism, sexism, and homophobia. A special supplement focuses on the anti-gay policies of the Castro regime.

New US Prison Strike Takes us to the Dark Heart of Capitalism

Prison labour is a billion-dollar industry, and the corporate beneficiaries of this slave labour include some of the largest corporations and most widely known brands. There are literally hundreds of corporations and firms that exploit prison labour.