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Black Quebecois 17-03-2011

the Montreal Police are trained by the Quebec government who is renowned for their anti-immigration right wing nationalism mentality that they are so proud of . I'm so sorry that Freddy had to pay with his life to bring this situation to the public eye . In the eyes of the Quebec government which is represented by the police , who is deeply racist like the bill 101 , who openly target people for there language , The Patriots ( the heroes of the Partie Quebecois ) who were fighting to keep their right to enslave human beings , like the Droit de veto which they used to close their borders to immigration and finally the anti-gang law who openly target black and Latino youth by stipulating that if you know somebody with a criminal record , you are illegible to 4 years in jail . . All those laws contradict the Universal Chart of Human rights , and , if you are a visible minority living in Quebec , you know your rights will be violating by the police on a weekly basis . Why do you think this all neighborhood exploded in rage ? Because they are tired and feel trap in this hypocrisy . They have been many Freddy Villanueva in the past and there is no sign of it slowing down . On the contrary , the police in general feel justify to use their guns to kill any visible minority because they are protected by the rest of the Quebec society . 70% of the immigrants are living this place , I was born there , but I couldn't stay . Being Canadian is about respecting the human rights , being a Quebecois means to be anti-civilization , anti-human rights , anti-immigration , anti-Canadians , anti-Freddy-Villanueva , anti-justice , anti-God himself , I had to get out of there , Freddy didn't ran fast enough , they shot him in the back . Growing up there we had to learn to fight against the police who were constantly harassing us . Between the police , the mafia , the bikers , the street gangs , the skinheads there was no difference they all worked hands in hands to abuse us and kill us . This is even worst today . Instead of creating jobs in the hood , they injected more millions for more guns in the hood , the Montreal police are like cowboys and there budget is never going down , on the contrary . Youths are getting more vexed because they are seeing a system that is put in place to kill them , so they become killers , trying to escape the reality . I was 14 years old when I witness a group of grown policeman beat a 14 years old Haitian kid , they made a circle around him and kicked him until he couldn't move no more . This is the true face of Quebec that I know , that's the same face that Freddy and his friends knew , and of course , the policeman who killed the youth will have a promotion like all the other ones who killed innocent , unarmed youth from visible minorities , because that's the way the law likes it . I love justice , but we wont see none in this case until the all province burn , or , Canada decides to step in and reinforce the humans rights in this province . With much love and respect to the families of the multiple victims of this trigger-happy pig

Anonymous 30-07-2010

Mes condoléance à la famille! Je crois qu'il faut prendre ceci avec un grain de sel! C'est facile de blamer la police et c'est facile de blâmes le jeune. Dans le fond qu'auriez vous fait en étant le policier?? Moi je ne sais pas... je pense que j'aurais agit! Je n'aurais pas laisser kk1 étrangler! Tuer kk1 c'est p-ê un peu excessif mais il ne faut pas non plus dire qu'ils étaient sagement assis à écouter le policier! Pour ce qui est des gens qui disent que les policiers sont racistes... premièrement il y a beaucoup de policier noir, chinois etc. et il y en a de plus en plus! De plus, vous ne connaissez même pas ces deux individus alors dans l'ignorance, plutot que de porter des jugement désobligeant et stupide, veuillez reconsidérer vos opinions qui sont elles racistes!! (Vous dites que les policiers blanc sont racistes! Ça c'est raciste!!!). Et pour votre information, non je ne suis pas blanc!

f u c k 14-03-2010

c'est ridicule, that's Ridiculous eso es ridiculo, bravo sudacas

f u c k 14-03-2010

c'est ridicule, that's Ridiculous eso es ridiculo, bravo sudacas

tocarefor 03-02-2010

This has become such a circus! To the parents, brother and sister and friends my most sincere condoleances! To the cops! My most sincere condoleances! For all I know, I don't think any of the cops that night went there to kill a child no matter how old he was. Definitely not the best neighborhood ... definitely power trips involved...who's right and who's wrong? Lifes have been broken forever because of a mistake because the only truth is ...it was all a mistake, Freddy was not suppose to die ...and yet he no longer breathes. No matter how angry we are, we can't change anything. MaryK , wow!!! Get anger management or a life...stop judging and make a difference. DO SOMETHING!!! maybe you could become a cop and see how easy it is to be a cop right? You are quick to judge but I have seen nothing positive nor productive in anything you wrote. By the way, if you look in at the cops background and name and start doing homeworks on who they are and were they come from!!! Maybe you leave the stupid racism CRAP!!! in the garbagge where it belongs. I am not saying the cops did right cause obviously they did not...they killed someone !!! and it's not their job to kill... Mais tu sais d'être une ''bone qébécoise ostie'' wow!!! Bravo la cultivée, tu épates réellement!!! Vivre le Québec!!! C'est plaisant de se faire comparer à ça!!! Je crois qu'à partir de maintenant je suis Canadienne Française parce que je ne voudrais jamais être comparée à toi!!! Miss la cultivée

Oscar A. 09-12-2009

Freddy Villanueva était un petit voyou. Des comme lui, j'en ai vu à la tonne quand j'étais moniteur-surveillant dans un parc à Laval. Ces jeunes se pensent tough et au-dessus des lois. À force de jouer au gangster, on finit par attirer le trouble. Ah oui, en passant, je suis moi-même Latino et je ne crois PAS une seconde que les agents de police impliqués ont agit par racisme.

Oh quit all the bitching and blaming the cops. It sucks that someone died then again what kind of education did the parents give to their kids to jump at cops? I mean come on! People grow up and quit yelling racism everytime you get caught doing something you shouldn't be doing. If you're too stupid to understand that you DON'T jump at someone's neck and even less a cop, then you get what you deserve. I'm sick of people continously yelling racism and injustice, parents know obligations and keep your retarded kids off the streets.

ujbj 06-09-2009

if this was my family these two montreal spcum 'twits' would be dead! Thank god these clowns are still breathing... ;)

Pauvre petit jeune homme candide! Il attaque la police dans le but de protéger son frère criminel récidiviste et il se fait descendre. La police aurait jamais dû se défendre, ils auraient dû a toutes vitesse construire un terrain de basketball ou un studio d'enregistrement de musique rap...

JoJo 08-08-2009

I have no doubt that this was a race motivated "crime". I have witnessed on a few occasions the way police act towards minority. I am Quebecois born & raised. The Montreal Police corps is seriously flawed (no surprise), they are in effect above the law & no one not even the deontologie can do anything to these gun toting (dis)-organised crime thugs. They are a shortcut ot intelligence in our society, maybe the reason they are so frustrated is that they only make 50K a year for life. Bande de voyous avec de fusils, ce sont vos policiers de la SPCUM. Ceci semble loin d'etre finit....

Claude 27-05-2009

My condoleances to Freddy's family. Please little gangsters stop blaming the police and the government for everything. Think smart and the next time you see your hands wrapped around a police officer's neck stop and reconsider before the bullet hits you...cause the bullet will hit you. That's the way things are. Do not expect a police or anyone to just die without a fight. This is Canada, if you don't like what the police is doing go with the program and fill up a complaint after. In Mexico the cartels execute the police officers. Welcome to my country, we don't do that here. Saying you hate the police don't make you a Nobel prize winner. If we do abolish the police who's going to take the job? you? That's gonna be so much better...

fabiola ruiz madrid 01-09-2008

je deteste les policiers avec ce qui vien darriver je les deteste encore pluss pourkoi koi avoir tuer mon cousin par le do il on pas le droit et sourtou sans raison freddy etait un gars drole qui ne chercher pas de probleme apart si tu le chercher!!!! je v jamais doublier tu restera mon cousin adorer siempre en mi corazonnn

Josef Ftrizl 16-08-2008

Trained police officers don't just shoot people for no good reason. You must be pretty provocative to get an officer to pull their gun on you, let alone shoot. If they fire on you, they're not doing it for fun, they're doing it because they feel threatened and need to defend themselves. Rumor has it this young man was attempting to choke a police officer. I suggest the friends and family cease using racism or trigger-happy cops as a an excuse and accept responsibility for the delinguency of their son. The riots that have taken place over this are laughable. Of course everyone will say he's innocent; parents never know what their child is up to. Just because you were unaware of criminal actiivty doesn't mean he hadn't been engaging in it. Allahu Ackbar

Anon EFG 16-08-2008

I had made a video in your memory. I hope it conveys to the public the way you really had lived your life as an individual. www.rokitboomz.com

Diana 15-08-2008

i knew Freddy and the rest of them because i whent to school with him..in fact he was in my english class...me accuerdo de como me jodias...bueno mas te jodia yo por tu acento immigrante...aun tengo sus lettras ke me escribia en classe cuando se aburia...son lindos recuerdos ke siempre quedaran en mi mente y corazon...y se ke desde las alturas tus nos mirras y nos quidas...aunke te ayas ido u will always live in my heart...never will i forget you...i know ur always watching over us...descanza en paz Freddy...siempre pensare en ti...always && forever...miss you...

Jessica, laval 15-08-2008

Me da tanta tristesa, solo al saber que hay malditos que se atreven a quitarle la vida a otra persona.. Dios te da la vida, solamente el te la puede quitar, pero no cualquiera que se le de la gana. Espero que el peso de la justicia de Dios se venga sobre ese, que le kito la vida a este muchacho. No puedes kitar lo que tu no has dado... Quien te creees que eres para pasar por encima de la creacion de Dios.. No tienen derecho... Freddy ten por seguro que donde estes veras justicia en esta tierra y que tu muerte no se quedara inpune.. !!! Pedimos que se haga Justicia.. JUSTICIA...

Savannah 15-08-2008

I knew Freddy and his family, back in da days when we lived in the same building, and well the entire family was really good people... I wish had all the answers as to why such a young life had to be taken, and in such a way that makes me cringe to think about it.... I tell myself that god must of needed one more angel, even though that still hurts like hell, for the family I offer my depest condolences and hope that they all can find peace, and that justice will be rendered.... My heart goes out to you all.... I cannot imagine anything worse that losing a son, or a brother.... May god keep you safe, you are in a much better place now... let this be a lesson to all of us... NO GOOD CAN COME FROM HATRED!!!!! RIP, Your ex neighbor... apt 101

erika 15-08-2008

mis pensamientos y mis plegarias estan contigo y tu familia Freddy..... Descansa en paz y porfa, pidele a Diosito ya que estas con el que le de fuerzas a tu familia para seguir adelante.... J'espere que le peuple Quebecois n'oublira pas de te faire justice....apres tout, tu etais deja Quebecois...... from Ontario...

Il ne faut pas laisser la police et les politiciens glisser cette affaire sous le tapis, il faut que la lumiere soit fait sur ce qui s'est passé et que les policiers soit severement punis, au criminel, pour avoir tuer un jeune non armé. Il faut une enquete publique. Y'as des policiers qui mentent comme ils respirent, selon un temoin, il n'y avait pas 20 personnes, et il n'ont pas agressé les policiers. RIP freddy

Nelly 12-08-2008

Nelly 11-08-2008