Who We Are

              Voices in the Wilderness was created with the goal of completely de-funding Planned Parenthood.  I hope to accomplish this by helping people to make informed choices about where they spend and invest their money.   

              Watching powerful interest groups fight back and forth had left me feeling helpless, unable to shift events in any significant way.  I finally realized I don’t have to wait for our government to take action, I have control!  I have control over where I spend my money and with what businesses I will associate.  You do too! 


   Legal abortion is an evil that has been tolerated and endured in this country for too long.  As I watched the battle and felt helpless, I realized that I’m not alone. There are others just like me who are willing and able to take the fight into enemy territory.  With each person that takes up the call we get stronger.  As we get stronger we realize we don’t have to stand idly by helplessly waiting for our government to define good and evil. 

     We already know!