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Tiffany Cabán Just Made History

The 31-year-old, queer Latina public defender has dealt another shocking blow to the Queens Democratic machine.

Ross Barkan

Middle East

The Seasons After the Arab Spring

Recent uprisings in Sudan and Algeria have avoided mistakes of 2011.

Gilbert Achcar

Masai Ujiri and ‘the Police Version of Events’

The Toronto Raptors team president had some form of confrontation with an Alameda Country sheriff after the NBA championship. The police story, however, has changed. 

Dave Zirin
Gender and Sexuality

The Gentrification of Queerness

Christopher Street was once a haven for queer people of color. Its transformation into an outpost of white, upper-middle class respectability tells a larger story of exclusion.

Darnell L. Moore
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For Joe Biden, Friendship Is Magic

His praise of white supremacists is not a blunder but a key to his clubby worldview.

Jeet Heer

Bernie Sanders Is Exactly Right About Trump’s Saber Rattling on Iran

In a remarkable exchange, the senator rejects the notion that a “limited strike” on Iran is anything less than “an act of warfare” that could lead to catastrophe.

John Nichols

Tiffany Cabán Just Might Pull This Off

On June 25, Queens residents could elect one of the most progressive DAs in history.

Ross Barkan

Reclaiming Stonewall

In 1969, I Had No Idea a Social-Justice Movement Could Center a Kid Like Me

Then, miles away from my small Illinois town, Stonewall happened.

Sue Hyde

A Socialism of the Skin

Our suffering teaches us solidarity; or it should.

Tony Kushner

The LGBTQ Struggle Has Always Been Intertwined With the Fight for Voting Rights

Now, as the right wing intensifies its attacks on voting rights, LGBTQ allies are needed more than ever.

Rashad Robinson


America’s Confrontation With Iran Goes Deeper Than Trump

The real goal is domination of the Middle East—and that’s been a bipartisan US strategy for decades.

Trita Parsi

The European Olympics’ Bad Romance

Holding the European Olympics in Minsk makes a mockery of the Olympic Charter.

Dave Zirin and Jules Boykoff

How the US Shapes Queer Activism in Liberia

Outsiders have both helped and harmed Liberia’s LGBT community.

Robbie Corey-Boulet

Watch and Listen

Listen: Elizabeth Warren Is Winning the Ideas Primary

Katrina vanden Heuvel on the Democrats, John Nichols on Bernie and Socialism, and Sasha Abramsky on Florida voting rights.

June 20, 2019

Listen: From the NBA Finals to the Women’s World Cup

Burn it All Down Podcast co-host Shireen Ahmed joins the show to talk Raptors and World Cup.

June 18, 2019

View: PHOTOS: ‘I Haven’t Met Anybody in the Area Who Actually Wants to Take the Walls Down’

Belfast’s so-called “peace lines” were supposed to come down over a decade ago. Why are they still there?

June 5, 2019

From the Magazine


Adam Gopnik and the Cul-de-sac of 21st-Century Liberalism

In his new book, the New Yorker writer sets out to defend liberalism from its critics, but only ends up revealing its current limitations.

David A. Bell

Gretchen Bender’s Video Art Predicted the Bleak Future of Mass Media

A retrospective of her art looks at the Pandora's box television unleashed and how we continue to reckon with the effects of an unrelenting, 24/7 visual culture.

Hannah Stamler

‘The Farm’ Looks at a Future Where Pregnancy Is Outsourced to the Poor

In Joanne Ramos’s debut novel about a venture-capitalist funded surrogacy clinic, class war begins in the womb.

Noah Flora

Take action

Take Action Now: Stop the Tide of Gun Violence

Get involved with the grassroots movement for gun control, plus show your support for holding Big Tech accountable.

Take action now >

opp-art: Dispatches from the resistance

Solidarity Road

Street intervention. Location: outside the ICE detention center in Tornillo, Texas, at the US border with Mexico, December 25, 2018.

Laurie Arbeiter / We Will Not Be Silent

History Lessons

Threading the truth.

Hooked Hands

Flower Power Weapons

Give peace a chance.

India Tresselt