Low-income people and their allies mobilizing for justice

All around us, low-income people struggle to put food on the table, pay rent and meet other basic needs.  Yet we rarely hear from these “invisible people,” or learn about their lives. Meanwhile recent provincial government policies have made their lives even tougher, and unless enough Ontarians speak out, things could get worse in the months and years ahead.

VOICES FROM THE MARGINS is a community mobilization effort taking place in the spring and fall of 2019 across Ontario that can help turn this situation around.  Low-income people in 10 to 20 communities will share stories of their lives—their issues, goals, and ideas—speaking to a team of local rapporteurs. The working poor, seniors and people on social assistance will be invited to take part. Privacy will be respected.  The VOICES project is sponsored by Ontario’s major interfaith anti-poverty organization, the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC), working with community partners.

CLICK HERE to view the full project overview.

CLICK HERE For more information on organizing a Voices From The Margins hearing in your community.


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ISARC Statement on Social Assistance

ISARC Urges Ontario Government to Reverse Cuts to Social Assistance

ISARC, the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition, is calling on the Ontario provincial government to reconsider and reverse its cuts to social assistance.

We are adding our voice to the growing momentum to urge the provincial government to reverse its decision to cut social assistance by 1.5%. The $150 million dollar savings is money that was directed to the most vulnerable in our province to provide basic necessities for themselves and their families. It will further destitute those already struggling to survive on incomes well below the poverty line.

Other planned regulation changes which are now being cut were designed to create more fairness in the system, more income for those with part-time employment, and better supports for those with special needs. These cuts will hurt the most vulnerable families and individuals in Ontario.

“We are also dismayed by the decision to summarily end the basic income pilot program,” Susan Eagle said. “The human toll brought about by the sudden and harsh termination of the pilot program devastates families and individuals who signed on to the program in good faith, voluntarily leaving OW and ODSP to participate.”

Click on the link below for the full statement.


Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC)

ISARC is a provincial network of faith groups working together for greater  social justice over the past 30 years.
Our coalition is sustained by the commitment of faith groups working for new public policies that ensure justice and dignity for Ontarians marginalized by poverty.
Our advocacy efforts are focused on two working groups:

Housing and Basic Income

The Housing and Basic Income Committee works to bring about effective provincial policies that positively affect the most vulnerable in our society especially with regard to an affordable place to live and a level of social assistance to cover basic bills.

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The Employment Policy Working Group develops policy positions on workplace justice issues​ that impact members of our faith communities as well as society at large.

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Learn more about the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition (ISARC)


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