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Status of the Treaty on the Prohibition of nuclear weapons 5 things you can do to support the nuclear ban

Campaign News


The Swedish TPNW inquiry: Secret reference groups and deleted e-mail accounts

June 19th 2019

In January this year, former Swedish diplomat Lars-Erik Lundin published his inquiry into Sweden and the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). He concluded that Sweden should not join the TPNW “in its present form”. New information raises major questions around the methods and transparency of the inquiry. The inquiry has been criticised for lacking transparency. Professor Max Tegmark at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has said that “if Lundin’s inquiry was

Putin - nuclear armed - be alarmed

INF Treaty Suspension: What does the vote in Russian Duma mean?

June 18th 2019

On 18 June 2019, lawmakers in Russia’s State Duma voted to support a decree by President Vladimir Putin to suspend the country’s participation in the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. This is what that vote means for the INF Treaty and the new nuclear arms race kicking off between the US and Russia

Nevada Test Site

The Story of a Nuclear Test Veteran

May 29th 2019

In an interview with ICAN, US nuclear test veteran George Coleman speaks up about the nuclear trials carried out by the U.S. military and his life and health after the nuclear weapons testing conducted in Nevada

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  • aiweiwei

    “Let’s act up! Ban nuclear weapons completely and unconditionally.”

    Ai Weiwei Artist and activist

  • sheen

    “If Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr were alive today, they would be part of ICAN.”

    Martin Sheen Actor and activist

  • bankimoon

    “I salute ICAN for working with such commitment and creativity.”

    Ban Ki-moon Former UN chief

  • yokoono

    “We can do it together. With your help, our voice will be made still stronger. Imagine peace.”

    Yoko Ono Artist

  • jodywilliams

    “Governments say a nuclear weapons ban is unlikely. Don’t believe it. They said the same about a mine ban treaty.”

    Jody Williams Nobel laureate

  • desmondtutu

    “With your support, we can take ICAN its full distance – all the way to zero nuclear weapons.”

    Desmond Tutu Nobel laureate

  • herbiehancock

    “Because I cannot tolerate these appalling weapons, I whole-heartedly support ICAN.”

    Herbie Hancock Jazz musician

  • dalailama

    “I can imagine a world without nuclear weapons, and I support ICAN.”

    Dalai Lama Nobel laureate