Flyby News Home -Flyby News Archives -Cassini NoFlyby - Bart Jordan

NASA's Cassini space probe executed an Earth-flyby maneuver in August, 1999. It traveled at record speeds, around 10 miles per second, while carrying 72.3 pounds of highly radioactive plutonium on board. An inadvertent re-entry into Earth's atmosphere could have resulted in untold suffering for generations. Flyby News came out of this campaign to expose the military takeover of NASA to help reverse the arms race and sustain life on Earth.


Youtube - 0:28:00 - Jonathan Mark

About Flyby News

19 June, 2019 - Youtube - 0:28:00 - Jonathan Mark
Has Man Been to the Moon, 50 Years Ago?

08 October, 2015 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark

Litmus Tests for Truth & Transformation

2019 – FN Facebook Events - Gfld Library (MA)
What's Up With The Moon Trips?

Monthly films and discussions up until 20 July 2019
and the 50th anniversary of the big leap for mankind?
American Moon is now available on Vimeo On Demand
01 October, 2018 – Youtube - 0:30:00 - Flyby News
American Moon's Massimo Mazzucco Interview


WINTER 2018-2019 – Youtube 30:00 - Jonathan Mark
Life Rhythms and Flyby News
Music and Poetry + Overview for Truth & Peace in Space.

Life Rhythms poetry & quote blog


Flyby News video productions are available for broadcast

over Community Television Stations. Check them out at

"Flyby News" Youtube channel and Peg Media!




New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order


JFK Assassination 1963 Coup D'etat


Evidence of fraud, US 1969-1972 lunar missions


Energy Pollution's Impact On Our Environment


FlybyNews Health & Spiritual Blog


Credible Witnesses - UFO Disclosure Documentation


Resources for reclaiming a lost USA Republic



The BIG Surprise
out of the
Cassini-Earth flyby

Reports on Bart Jordan and evidence
of advanced pre-ice-age civilizations.

Plus learn more to help:

Free Leonard Peltier


 Space for Peace & September 11

Connecting dots to democracy or genocide

19 September, 2017 - Youtube - 1:26:00 - Flyby News
September 11 - New Pearl Harbor
film summary and discussion


31 October, 2012 - Youtube 43:27 - AlienScientist
9/11 Conspiracy Solved: 
Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!


26 May, 2017 - Youtube - 16:27 - Jonathan Mark
Denial, Cognitive Dissonance, September 11
Flyby News June 2017 Update @ GCTV



30 October, 2018 – Flyby News - Jonathan Mark


 The events of September 11, 2001 is a modern day "Big Lie." According to Wikipedia this phrase coined by Adolph Hitler is a propaganda technique for a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." Hitler exclaimed that the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I.' Yet the bigger lie follows the money trail leading to those financing both sides of world wars, those developing atomic bomb and other weapons of mass destruction, star wars, intelligence infiltration, coup d'etat assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The deceptions go deep and are too outrageous for most to consider. But the proof exists: Gulf of Tonkin, nuclear arming of Israel, evidence of fraud-US 1969-1972 lunar missions, Federal Reserve, Cointelpro, and other areas highlighting the essence of President Eisenhower's farewell address:  


"In the councils of government, we must guard against
the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether 
sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.."


"We must all learn to live together
as brothers or we will all perish together as fools.
We are tied together in the single garment of destiny,
caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. And
whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly."


- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Speech in Memphis, April 3, 1968,
on the day before he was assassinated.
For article by Jonathan Mark on day after

FREE AT LAST- Day after Martin Luther King, Jr. died 



Dark Legacy - JFK & 9-11 is a 2012 Flyby News film compilation that uses an array of films to take the viewer down the rabbit hole in showing elements of four key conspiracies: JFK and 9-11, fraud with the Apollo 1969 to 1972 moon shot, and the globalization and greed controlling our economies leading to horrific harm to all life. The film and the spectrum of foreign affairs is meant to help awaken ourselves before it is too late and reality becomes a dead end during times of universal deceit.


Dark Legacy - JFK & 9-11


Part 1 - running time - 0:59:00
   (Sept. 11, Star Trek, Lyn Margulis, Wellstone)

Part 2 - running time - 1:28:00
   (JFK, Fed. Reserve, Lunar Lunacy, Democracy)


Condensed Version - 58 minutes - Online Film

(Order of subjects of parts 1 and 2 reversed)

[Over 28,000 views]

Youtube - 0:06:22
Dark Legacy Trailer music-video

The short-condensed version is recommended for first viewing. The film tackles 9-11 within the context that such an event and cover-up could never have taken place unless other coup d’etat and cover-ups happened first. Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy is a film by John Hankey that exposes the Dallas-1963 perpetrators, and why that matters today.

Dark Legacy
George Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy
"Provocative to say the least. Using materials familiar to researchers,
Dark Legacy makes a series of tantalizing connections between the rich
and powerful to suggest that Kennedy was brought down by a vast web of
powerful conservatives and that George H.W.Bush was close to all of them.
Hankey invites viewers not only to draw their own conclusions but also
to check out his sources." -- Kevin Thomas Los Angeles Times
You can now watch Dark Legacy
George Bush and the Murder of
John F. Kennedy on Youtube!
"If the United States ever experiences an attempted coup
to overthrow the government it will come from the CIA.
The Agency represents tremendous power and total
unaccountability to anyone."

Kennedy knew a coup was coming
11 November, 2013 – Youtube – 0:02:00
JFK – Commemoration Events – PSA


22 November, 2013 - GCTV - Youtube - FlybyNews
JFK 50th Anniversary-Commemoration
A community event ~ 2:28:00 

Skyhorse Publishing - Peter Janney
Mary's Mosaic
The C.I.A. Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy,
Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace

16 June, 2013 - - Youtube
Mary's Mosaic: Book Trailer


11 April, 2013 - Youtube - Jonathan Mark

Peter Janney and Mary's Mosaic - Interview
29-minute running time


11 April, 2013 - Youtube - NCTV
Peter Janney and Mary's Mosaic -- Presentation
58-minute running time


08 August, 2018 - Flyby News - L. Wolfe
Suppressed History: The Morgan Fascist
Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It


25 December, 2014 - Youtube - Woody Harrelson - HD
'Ethos' Epic Documentary!
Time to Unslave Humanity


 21 January, 2014 - AwazTV - Daily Motion
Russia Today News Declares 9/11
An Inside Job False Flag Attack!

September 11
The New Pearl Harbor

A film by Massimo Mazzucco


19 January, 2018 - Youtube - 4:10 - Animation Kurt Swinghammer
Buffy Sainte-Marie - War Racket


1935 - - Major General Smedley Butler
War Is A Racket


9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke
Incontrovertible 9-11 Evidence
INCONTROVERTIBLE is a feature length documentary,
which portrays the frank and candid views of Police Officers,
Firefighters and Soldiers as they express their grave concerns
about the official explanation for the events of 9/11. The
film is intended to act as a practical aid in combating
the mainstream media's propaganda and outright lies
concerning the attacks on September 11th 2001.

25 August, 2016 - Colorado Public TV - Youtube

Demolition of Truth– Psychologists Examine 9/11
Also available to stream or download
The Demolition of Truth
1 hour 47 minutes great film by Charles Ewing Smith 


23 November, 2013 - Frances T. Shure
Why Do Good People Become
Silent or Worse about 9/11?

22 December, 2008 - Youtube - 0:05:00 - Resistance Video
The Art of Corporate Mind Control
10 January 2004 - ICH - Michael Hasty
Paranoid Shift
Updated - Flyby News - Wordpress
Apocalypse and lifting of veil
JFK & 9-11

18 August, 2014 - Flyby News - Wordpress
15 years and the Cassini-Earth flyby

15 December, 2015 - Youtube - 1:58:00
Calling Apollo: What happened on the Moon?
Films and discussion with Jonathan Mark
Updated - FN Wordpress - Resource
Moon landing Hoax

A John Hankey Documentary
Is Trump for Real?
08 October, 2018 – Youtube- 0:04:25 - Trailer

You can currently rent the 66-minute 
video for $1 on Amazon and Vimeo
29 May, 2018 – IrishEcho - James J. Kelleher
A promise broken on JFK files release


Without truth there is no justice,

and without justice, there will be no peace.


"Marcus Cicero, over 2000 years ago, defined freedom
as participation in power. If you don't participate in power,
you are not free. Whoever has the power owns you. If you
want to be free you have to participate in power.."

- U.S. Senator Mike Gravel

National Citizen's Initiative for Democracy


15 March, 2015 - Youtube - 0:37:30 + 20:30
Beyond Moss Brook
No Fracking Way!
Bart Jordan Timesinger

More info on Wordpress 

Sequence 02.Still005

04 October, 2012 - Youtube - RealEconTV

The Shale Gas Shell Game
Short sighted, short lived wells

04 September, 2016 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
VIDEO: Dakota Access Pipeline Company
Attacks Native American Protesters
with Dogs and Pepper Spray
FN's updated resource page:

Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment 



“There are only two mistakes

one can make along the road to truth:

Not going all the way, and not starting.”


– The Buddha


For more quotations and poetry:    
Life Rhythms poetry blog


   Past Issues:


18 June, 2019 – CommonDreams - Jake Johnson
'If This Is True, They Are Even Bigger Lunatics
Than We Realized': UN Officials Reportedly Believe
Trump Planning 'Massive' Bombing Campaign in Iran

13 May, 2019 – MPM News - Whitney Webb
With the US-Iran War Ball Now Rolling, Could
an “Accident” or “False Flag” Serve as Pretext?

25 May, 2019 – Rolling Stone - Peter Wade
Bypassing Congress, Trump Sells Weapons to
Saudi Arabia, Orders Troops to Middle East

03 June, 2019 – Democracy Now! - Waitman Wade Beorn
Iraq Combat Veteran: Pardon of War Criminals
Sends Disturbing Message to U.S. Military, World

07 June, 2019 – Democracy Now! - Ava DuVernay
"They Are Not the Central Park 5": Ava DuVernay's
Series Restores Humanity of Wrongly Convicted Boys

24 May, 2019 – Grove Atlantic - Albert Woodfox
Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary
Confinement. My Story of Transformation and Hope

24 May, 2019 – DemocracyNow! - Jeremy Scahill
New Indictment of Assange Is Part of a
Broader War on Journalism & Whistleblowers

11 April, 2019 – Youtube - 0:02:51 - Tulsi Gabbard
Wikileaks/Assange. Be quiet or else.

18 April, 2019 – DemocracyNow! - War and Peace
Chomsky: By Focusing on Russia,
Democrats Handed Trump a "Huge
Gift" & Possibly the 2020 Election

17 September, 2018 – CMC - Youtube - 0:55:52
The Italian undercover CIA-Mossad
station and the assassination of JFK

June, 2018 – Skyhorse Publishing - Major Ganis
The Skorzeny Papers
Evidence for the Plot to Kill JFK

03 March, 2019 – TruthDig - Chris Hedges
Giving the Bomb to Saudi Arabia's Dr. Strangelove

19 February, 2019 – NYTimes - Theodore Postol
Are Trump and Putin Opening Pandora's Box?

06 April, 2018 – Global Research - Craig McKee
The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King:
Survived Shooting, Was Murdered in Hospital
Review of William Pepper's Book

29 May, 2018 – IrishEcho - James J. Kelleher
Promise broken on JFK files release

06 February, 2019 – Youtube - 0:28:35
Sen. Bernie Sanders Responds to the State of the Union

01 May, 2019 – Democracy Now!- War and Peace
Ilhan Omar Speaks Out Against U.S. Sanctions &
Bipartisan Support for Regime Change in Venezuela

30 January, 2019 – Democracy Now!- Allan Nairn
A War for Oil? Bolton Pushes Privatization of
Venezuela’s Oil as U.S. Ratchets Up Pressure on Maduro

More from this Interview
Part 1: As U.S. Moves to Oust Maduro, Is Invading Venezuela Next?
Allan Nairn on Trump’s Attempted Coup

Part 2: Allan Nairn: Trump’s Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams
Is a War Criminal Who Has Abetted Genocide

24 January, 2019 – Common Dreams - Jake Johnson
So-Called 'Trump Resistance' Mostly Silent as US
President Openly Foments Coup d'Etat in Venezuela

A John Hankey Documentary
Is Trump for Real?
08 October, 2018 – Youtube- 0:04:25 - Trailer

You can currently rent the 66-minute
video for $1 on Amazon and Vimeo

30 October, 2018 – Flyby News - Jonathan Mark

19 June, 2019 - Youtube - 0:28:00 - Flyby News
Has Man Really Been to the Moon, 50 Years Ago?

Flyby News - Youtube - 0:04:18 - PSA
What's Up with the Moon Trips?

2019 – FN FB Events - Gfld Library (MA)
What's Up With The Moon Trips?

Monthly films and discussions up until 20 July 2019
and the 50th anniversary of the big leap for mankind?

07 April, 2019 – FN Wordpress - Blog
What's Up With The Moon Trips?

01 October, 2018 – Youtube - 0:30:00 - Flyby News
American Moon's Massimo Mazzucco Interview

Massimo Mazzucco Films
American Moon

Amazon DVD (3.5 hours) to purchase for the U.S.A.

For other Countries get it from Massimo Mazzucco's site.

American Moon is now available on Vimeo On Demand

Aulis Film and TV Productions
What Really Happened on the Moon?

2001 Film by Bart Sibrel
A Funny Thing Happened
On The Way To The Moon

23 June, 2019 - Youtube 54:38 - VeritasRadio
Bart Sibrel on Veritas Radio

02 July, 2008 - Youtube 4:14 - frankmat
Thomas Baron and astronauts killed to keep Apollo program

28 March, 2018 - Youtube 8:54 - TheVedicObserver

Moon Truth - Updated Resource
NASA staff admits never leaving low Earth orbit yet

02 October 2018 - Youtube 0:45:29 - I-Rabbi- T
Moon landing doc proving it was a HOAX!

Moon Truth - BitChute - HDRCFX Cornwall
The Moon Landing, "How Does It
Bring Him Back?"
, The Hoax Code

16 March, 2014 – Youtube - 0:56:40
Landing Safely on the Moon is Scientifically Impossible

April, 2019 – Aulis - Emanuel E. Garcia
Massimo Mazzucco’s American Moon – a Review

11 March, 2019 – The System Is Down - Video
How to Fake American Moon Landing w. Massimo Mazzucco

Resource – Wordpress
Phony Apollo Moon Landings!
In Search of Factual History...

21 May, 2019 – Youtube - 0:09:57 - Bart Sibrel
Fake Wikileaks Hoax's Moon Hoax

27 May, 2019 – MSN - Rachel Weiner, Christian Davenport
He wanted to fly around the moon.
He ended up in court instead.

06 March, 2019 – Neil Peel - 2:13:57 - Part 3
Apollo Detectives with Bart Sibrel & Jarrah White.

2016 - Dave McGowan - Alissa
Center for an Informed America
Dave McGowan
Wagging the Moondoggie
A fan-made audio version:
Wagging the Moondoggie

WINTER 2018-2019 – Youtube 0:30:00 - Jonathan Mark
Life Rhythms and Flyby News
Music and Poetry + Overview for Truth & Peace in Space.

Updated - Flyby News Resource
1969-1972 - Evidence of Fraud - Lunar Missions

"Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate
the day when this planet may no longer be habitable.
Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear
sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of
threads, capable of being cut at any moment
by accident or miscalculation or madness."

– President John F. Kennedy

February, 2011 - Youtube - Flyby News
Excerpt from speeches to UN and Media

09 May, 2019 – Democracy Now - War & Peace
Shocking UN Report Warns up to a Million Species
are at Risk of Extinction Due to Human Activity

14 May, 2019 – Time - Ciara Nugent
CO2 Concentration in the Earth's Atmosphere
Has Hit Levels Unseen for 3 Million Years

08 April, 2019 – CommonDreams - Jon Queally
Researchers Warn Arctic Has Entered 'Unprecedented
State' That Threatens Global Climate Stability

14 March, 2019 – GlobalResearch - Michael Snyder
Planetary Collapse Threatens Our Survival:
New Study Says that More than 1,200 Species
“Will Almost Certainly Face Extinction”

12 February, 2019 – Democracy Now
The End of Ice: Dahr Jamail
on Climate Disruption from the
Melting Himalayas to Insect Extinction

15 December, 2018 – - Zoë Schlanger
15-year-old Greta Thunberg spoke for her generation
at the COP24 climate talks in Poland

Flyby News Resource:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Our Environment

19 September, 2018 – UFOTV Youtube - 1:33:57
UFOs and Nukes
Official Press Conference Washington, DC

08 December, 2000 - UPI - Flyby News
1964 U.S. atomic bomb blast in the Van Allen belts

01 July, 2010 - NPR - Robert Krulwich
Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space

10 September, 2018 – Youtube 0:10:00 - Kabloooee Theater
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

20 January, 2019 – Youtube - 1:23:25 - PBS
American Masters: Decoding Watson

01 August, 2018 – Science - Beryl Lieff Benderly
Rosalind Franklin and the damage of gender harassment

24 November, 2018 – Refinery29 - Nick Levine
The Campaign To Honour An Unsung Female
Scientist On The New £50 Note

21 February, 2019 – Phobos Media - Youtube - 11:23
Ancient Monument or Optical Illusion

22 February, 2019 – Universe Inside You - Youtube - 19:58
Mars was Inhabited
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt

16 January, 2018 – Flyby News – Youtube 1:52:25
Bart Jordan and Mars Viking 1

17 August, 2018 – FN Youtube - 58:00 – Bart Jordan
Manhattan Project NASA Whistleblower
09 August 2018 Interview with Jonathan Mark

14 March, 2019 - Wordpress – Flyby News
Bart Jordan and Flyby News Update

Updated - Flyby News - Wordpress
Bart Jordan & Evidence of Advanced Ancient Civilizations

President George Washington's Farewell Address

(19th September, 1796 - United States)

17 April, 20198 – AE911Truth - Youtube - 6:01
Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People
Did Something on 9/11

23 August, 2018 – 9/11 Truth Action - Staff
Federal Grand Jury Petition Filed
for New 9/11 Investigation

23 August, 2018 – 9/11 Truth Action - Staff
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District
Will Act On Lawyers' Committee Petition

19 September, 2017 - Youtube - 1:26:00 - Flyby News
September 11 - New Pearl Harbor
film summary and discussion

Perspective -- Resources -- Archives
New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order

07 April, 2019 – CBS 60 Minutes - Bill Whitaker
Ray Dalio says wealth inequality is a national emergency

Bill Whitaker: While your fellow billionaires, Bezos, Branson, Elon Musk,
they're all going into outer space. They're headed towards Mars
and the moon. You choose to go down. Why is that?
Ray Dalio: Well, I-- as I say, I find-- ocean exploration a lot more exciting,
a lot more important than space exploration, right? And then
you think about it affects our lives so much more.

21 May, 2018 – Youtube 0:28:46 - Ray Dalio
Principles For Success by Ray Dalio

29 March, 2019 – Democracy Now - Albert Woodfox
43 Years: Meet the Man Held in Solitary Confinement
Longer Than Any Prisoner in U.S. History

05 May, 2019 – FlybyNews - Jonathan Mark
Lyme Disease solutions that work for me

06 March, 2019 – Democracy Now - Rep. Pramila Jayapal
Medicare for All Will Lower Costs &
Expand Healthcare Coverage to Everyone

08 March, 2019 – WantToKnow - Fred Burks
Chemtrails, Geoengineering
Documentary, Media Articles Question Chemtrails, Geoengineering

21 November, 2018 – Youtube - 0:22:23 - Garth Davis, MD
VEGAN DIET: Dispelling The Biggest Myths

20 November, 2017 – Youtube - 1:17:03 - New Harbinger
Interview: Michael A. Singer on The Untethered Soul

Flyby News Health and Spiritual Blog

Fair Use Notice

Flyby News film-TV-video productions and website contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Flyby Background

Karl Grossman gave a slide presentation at UMASS in Amherst, MA, about a month before the launching of NASA's Cassini in 1997. This presentation and the educational tools provided by the author of the WRONG STUFF: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to our Planet, and the writer and narrator of the video documentary, "Nukes In Space," inspired the launching of the Action Site to Stop Cassini Earth Flyby. After Cassini dangerously whizzed past Earth in August 1999, Jonathan Mark continued reporting news fit to transmit in the post Cassini flyby era.

Flyby Support

Any financial support to Flyby News will help cover expenses. FN is not for profit, and not a tax deductible organization. Special thanks to Mik Muller helping Flyby News get started on the web, and thanks too for the artistic support of Liz Nicholas and Lahri Bond for logo designs and more. Also Chris Pratt for his help with video programs, as well as the staff and the facilities at Greenfield Community Television. Look for Flyby News programs in the playlist. And thanks for all those contributors, readers and those sharing FN information. Our efforts together empower us to help preserve what is real in life, integrity, and freedom from fear that connects us with love to all our relations - Mitakuye Oyasin.

If you want to support Flyby News
Email [noflyby AT]

Thanks for reading and any support for independent news!

Send a friend request for updates, videos, comments

And for interviews, documentaries+
FN's Youtube Channel

Also you can follow us
@Flyby_News on Twitter

The views expressed herein are writers’ own and not necessarily of Flyby News.
Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
To subscribe or to comment, you can write to: noflyby (at}

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA’s Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era