Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Democrats and the War Machine

Paul Street on how the Democrats have abetted Trump’s aggression against Iran and Venezuela, TJ Coles on how war fuels modern slavery and Dan Glazebrook on the dismal state of Libya seven years after HRC and Obama’s coup. The Great Disappearance: John Davis on the extinction crisis. Mark Taylor on the death penalty and the mentally ill. Laura Carlsen on the political forces driving the war on drugs. Chris Floyd on impeachment. Pete Dolack on capitalism’s addiction to growth. Jeffrey St. Clair on grizzlies. Jennifer Matsui on mass surveillance and the Olympics. Elizabeth Lennard on the Venice Biennale. And much more…

The U.S.-Iran Imbroglio: Dangerous Lessons To Be Learned

The bizarre decisions and events over a 48-hour period between the United States and Iran outlined the dangerous times that we are confronting and point to Donald Trump as the most dangerous aspect of all.  Iran is a problem for U.S. interests, but not a genuine threat.  The same cannot be said for Trump whose More

Reflections and Correspondence at the Abyss

Along with the promotion of a leadership personality cult (the “Great God Trump” as the greatest U.S. president since George Washington), hostility to the (purported) rule of law (“look no further than the United States Supreme Court and our court system nationwide” to see the plot to “destroy our country”), and so much more, scaremongering about the supposed menace of a big radical Left and conflating centrist bourgeois parties like the Democrats with “the [radical] Left” are hallmark characteristics of fascist-style politics. More

Instigators of a Persian Gulf Crisis

Recent weeks have seen tensions between the United States and Iran soar, initially after a May 2019 incident in which four commercial vessels were struck in the Gulf of Oman (two Saudi oil tankers, one Norwegian and an Emirati ship), ebb thereafter and escalate yet again when a similar attack took place a month later on the Japanese Kokuka Courageous and Norwegian Front Altair tankers, also in the Gulf of Oman. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • GUEST: Mike Fox
    • TOPICS: Brazil’s latest political earthquakes

Where Do the Politics of Reparations Go From Here?
