Civil rights activist Dorothy Cotton teaches a student in one of her Citizenship Education Program classes. Bob Fitch Photography Archive, Department of Special Collections, © Stanford University Libraries

The civil rights activist so close to Martin Luther King Jr. she was thought of as his ‘other wife’

Dorothy Cotton never publicly spoke about her intimate relationship with King. But no woman – not even King's wife – was closer to the civil rights icon during the last years of his life.
Unemployment and a loss of health insurance are two problems not necessarily captured in official poverty measures. tuaindeed/

US poverty statistics ignore millions of struggling Americans

In the US, poverty is measured by income level. But that measure misses many other aspects of poverty – like unemployment, poor health and a lack of health insurance.
Relationships can be tough. Reuters/Carlos Barria

Why Federal Reserve independence matters

President Trump has discussed firing Fed Chair Jerome Powell over the central bank's interest rate policies. Research shows this kind of political meddling is usually bad for the economy.
The size of a child’s vocabulary during the early years helps shape language skills later in life. Monkey Business Images/

7 ways to build your child’s vocabulary

The earliest years of children's lives represent some of the best opportunities to expand their vocabulary and language skills.
This term ‘jihad’ can include various forms of nonviolent struggles: for instance, the struggle to become a better person. AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

So, what really is jihad?

Violent radicals are often described as jihadists. A scholar explains what the word means and why those using the word to justify terrorism are often misrepresenting their sources.
The Wheelabrator Waste to Energy Plant in Saugus, Massachusetts, has been burning trash to generate electricity since 1975. Fletcher6/Wikimedia

Is burning trash a good way to handle it? Waste incineration in 5 charts

Every year the US burns more than 34 million tons of garbage in incinerators. These plants are major pollution sources, and most are clustered in disadvantaged communities.


Quote of the Day

Presidents trying to get the Fed to do their bidding is hardly a new thing. The most famous case is Richard Nixon’s successful effort to get the Fed chairman at the time to cut a key interest rate to stimulate the economy ahead of his reelection bid in 1972. Michael Klein Tufts University

Marijuana legalization

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  1. What does the dust in your home mean for your health?
  2. Supplements for brain health show no benefit – a neurologist explains a new study
  3. Fathers need to care for themselves as well as their kids – but often don’t
  4. Driverless cars are going to disrupt the airline industry
  5. Israel could strike first as tensions with Iran flare

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