Peace Magazine: Welcome

Peace Magazine

Vol.35, No.2: Apr-Jun 2019

The Soviet Union deployed hundreds of mobile, SS-20 intermediate force missile launchers in the 1980s—with three nuclear warheads on each missile and reloads for each launcher. The illustration is from Soviet Military Power 1985, a publication of the US Defense Intelligence Agency.

After the INF Treaty?

Peace editor Metta Spencer talks nuclear disarmament with Sergey Rogov, academic director of the USA-Canada Institute in Moscow; Theodore A. Postol, emeritus professor of science and technology at MIT; and Douglas Roche, former Canadian senator and ambassador for disarmament. Read more here or watch it on video here. COMMENT

Also in this issue

North Korea: Isolation or Engagement?
Dialogue is better than confrontation. The Hon. Lois Wilson recommends that Canada step up to the plate and work on normalizing relations with North Korea. COMMENT

Canada’s Main Peace Man: The Hon. Douglas Roche O.C.
A profile of Douglas Roche, who is about to be awarded the Sean MacBride Peace Prize, by Edmonton writer Sheila Pratt. COMMENT

Peace Magazine archives

Every year on New Year’s Day, we mark the occasion by uploading all remaining articles from the issues published during the preceding calendar year. See the archive page here for more than 2600 individual articles from March 1985 to October 2018.

Video series

Talk about Saving the World
Project Save the World and Peace Magazine release a new one-hour video on Monday evening each week. These are broadcast on both Facebook and YouTube. You can watch on our Facebook page, or watch all recent shows right here. (On the screen below, click the small icon on the upper left to browse through a full list of videos).

Talk back: Commenting on articles

You can submit comments on selected articles during the current issue’s date-span (eg Apr-Jun 2019). We are using a slightly different article template for these articles; follow the links in the paragraphs above, or see this issue’s table of contents page to pass your judgment on current articles. Comments are moderated, so will not display immediately on the page.

If you want to discuss an earlier article with us, or if you would like to submit a letter to the editor for publication, you can write the editor directly.

The Peace Crossword

We have an archive of past and current Peace Crosswords on this site. Puzzles open in the free Litsoft program, which is an attractive and easy to use interface for solving puzzles. The puzzle homepage includes download links for the software: you can access it here.

If you’re a subscriber and prefer solving the puzzle on paper, you may want to use the software program to check your answers—no need for waiting until the next issue arrives in the mail!

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Cover Gallery

Our cover gallery can be found at Below each cover thumbnail is a link to the article index for that issue.

Updated 11 June 2019

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Cover of Apr-Jun 2019 issue

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